A mistake!!

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Oh my gosh....i just realized that i forgot to edit this books description after i had changed the cover to the one it's at now!!

A while ago this books cover used to be a picture of my kawaii fox girl drawing...so in the books description i wrote "i drew the cover"

But this current one was done by a really good cover maker on wattpad! (She put her signature in the bottom left corner of the cover if you want to see)

But when i switched the cover i forgot to take out the "i drew the cover" in the description!! I feel so bad! It sat there like that for months...

I-i really hope people didn't think i drew this particular cover...

Darn me and my forgetfulness!

If you're still on wattpad I'm sorry covermaker! DX i swear i wasn't trying to steal any credit and your cover making skills are fantastic! :3

*hangs head in shame*

W-well...I changed it... O▪O

Sorry again...

*runs away and hides* X(

.....that meme though. X"D

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