Archer theif!

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Yet another drawing I've done for someone on deviantart. :D this one was done springtime of last year for a guy who wanted someone to draw a concept design for his books character. :3

The protagonist was a misunderstood archer girl that had to steal to survive. She had a very plucky sort of personality and was obviously very skilled with a bow and arrow. XD

The author gave me a description chart to go off of so I would know what types of features she had, the types of clothing she wore, what kind of bow and arrow she carried, etc.

If you look at the drawing you'll notice that there are no lines in this drawing! O_O
This was my first fully colored person that I'd ever done without using lines to guide was a little scary at first but its actually pretty cool trying it!

It really encourages you to pay attention to where shadows fall and where highlights are placed because it really makes a huge difference!

Even though the colors are decent I'm actually not a huge fan of this drawing...there's a lot I think I could have done much better on and I lot I wish I could change. :p

But I guess every drawing is a learning curve so I probably shouldn't be to hard on myself. Lol 😅

Well anyways, hope you like it! And thanks for viewing! :3

P.S to those of you who have asked for artwork please don't feel like I've forgotten! I haven't...I've just been busy with work...and art that pertains to work.
Part of my job is graphic designing so I have to draw logos and come up with ideas and bosses also asked me if I could paint a mural and my teacher wants one done as well...and I have to finish a painting for my eldest sisters wedding this month and make two other paintings for people who ordered them.


So yup! It's just been busy...
I'm pretty sure I've written everyone's requests down on a list so that everyone's gets done...but just in case I missed anybody feel free to give me a reminder in the comments!
I would actually appreciate it if you did because I don't want to miss anybody.

Thanks guys! Again, sorry for the's not because I'm being lazy! Promise! Lol XD

My drawings and artwork!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ