Cheaters and Steelers

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Tris' POV
Last night when I walked in the door I was instantly confronted by my mom and dad saying that I should've been home a while ago. Even though I tried to explain that the movie went on longer than we expected, I was still grounded for a week. Luckily I got to keep my phone.
After school on Monday I had to go straight home and do my homework since I'm grounded, even though four and Christina wanted to go out and do something.
After I got done with my homework I texted four and told him sorry for being grounded and he totally understood.
The rest of the week was pretty much just like that.
Its finally the weekend again and I'm ungrounded.
Its Saturday and I'm going to the beach with Christina, four, and surprisingly, Caleb. For some reason he wanted to get out and do something. Will was on some trip for school so he couldn't come.

When Christina arrives in her awesome car Caleb and I tell mom bye(dads at work again).
I hop in the back knowing four will be there and of course he is.
Caleb gets in the passenger seat with Christina.
"Hi." I tell four and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey. How are you?"
"I'm good. Ready for the beach Mr. Sixpack?" I ask looking at his abs.
"Oh yah. Its gonna be great."
I have my beach towel around me, over my zebra print bikini.
He puts his arm around me and I lean into him.
I feel like I've known this guy forever. I've never felt this way about a guy EVER. Its just crazy.
"No PDA back there love birds." Christina says to us.
I laugh and sit up. "Sorry mom."
"Please no PDA. Please." Caleb says.
Even though Caleb isn't outside much, somehow he has a pretty good tan and then there's me. I'm outside all the time and barely have any kind of tan. As we're driving I see Caleb and Christina glance at eachother...
When we get to the beach we all hop out and Christina and I lay our beach towels out and start tanning.
Christina is naturally tan. She is so lucky.
Four and Caleb jump in the water.
After a few minutes of tanning, I'm burning up so Christina and I go jump in the water too.
I jump on fours back and he starts running around in the water and then dives in, making me go under too. I scream as the cold water hits me and come up quickly.
I see four right next to me staring at something. I look over and to my horror, Christina is making out with my brother on the beach!
"What is she doing?" I say to four.
"Well it looks like she's making out with Caleb."
"How could she do this to will?"
"I don't know. Lets go talk to them."
So four and I start swimming up to the beach.
When we get to the beach and start walking towards them they stop making out.
"What are you doing?!?" I yell.
"I'm sorry, tris, but Caleb is so much sweeter and passionate than Will. We were going to tell you in the car, but we couldn't find the right time."
"I don't think you should be apologizing to me. You should be apologizing to Will. And when did you guys even figure this out?"
"We've been texting all week." Caleb tells me.
"Have you told Will about this whole thing,"
"Not yet..." Christina says looking down.
"When then?"
"I was planning on doing it when he got back from his trip."
"That's a real slap in the face." Four mutters.
"Wow. Okay well I'm going to head home now." I say because I am beyond mad.
I start walking and four grabs my arm. "What are you doing?"
"I'm walking home."
"Let me come with you."
"No that's okay."
"I insist on it."
Even though I'm mad I smile at how nice he is.
"Ok fine." We start walking and I take one last look at Christina and Caleb and they are already making out again.
"I can not believe Christina could do this to Will."
"Its pretty crazy."
"No kidding."

Soon we arrive to my house and four and I both have beat red sunburns.
"I'm sorry I made you get a sunburn." I say.
"Eh, I'm used to sunburns."
I smile. "See you tomorrow?"
He leans in and kisses me passionately on the lips.
"Bye." I say and we part ways.

As soon as I enter my house I see my Mom sitting on the couch crying.
I run up to her. "Mom are you alright?"
She looks at me and through sniffles she says. "Your dad has been cheeting on me. All of those extra hours have been lies."
I hug her. I cannot believe my dad would do this to us and soon I'm crying too.
"Does this mean.."
"Divorce. Yes honey we are getting a divorce. I am so sorry you have to go through this."
I hug her again, but suddenly have a seering pain on my face and shoulders.
"Are you okay?" Mom asks me.
"Yah just have a bad sunburn."
She starts wiping her eyes. "You'll have to put some aloe gel on that. Where's your brother?"
"Still at he beach with Christina." I say rolling my eyes. "Apparently they're together now."
"Guess we'll have to tell him the news later."
I do not want to talk about my girlfriend stealing dumb brother or cheating christina right now. To be honest I do not want to be talking about my dad right now either. I mean really? Cheating on my mom? What a low- life. But I still have a few more questions to ask about it so I guess you could say I'm obligated to talk about him.
"Anyways, where's dad at right now?"
She scoffs then. "With her."
"I just can't believe dad would do something like this to us."
"I never saw it coming either, hun." She says and kisses my forhead. Even though it burns I let her do it anyway.
I am no longer sad about my dad cheating. I am angry about it. My mom doesn't deserve this.

Sorry I haven't updated this in so long, but I think I did a good job on this chapter.
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I hope your day is amazing!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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