Studying and More

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Tris' POV
Today Tobias is coming over to help me with my Trig.
I decide to text Christina.
Me- Four is coming over today!
Christina- Ooooo! Y? So you can officially start dating?
Me-No! I need help with my trig.
"Tris your friends here!" My mom calls.
Me-I gotta go he's here.
Christina-I want all the details when he leaves.

I walk down stairs and see Four with a pencil on his ear and nerdy glasses on and a notebook in his hand.
"I'll let you two study at the table. We won't bother you."
I smile at my Mom and lead Four towards the table.

"So what's with this new look?" I ask as we sit down.
He takes the glasses off and smiles at them.
"Just thought I would try something new. You know since I'm smart."
"Its looks kinda cool." I say.
"Yah. It makes you not look so intimidating."
"In that case I think I'll loose the glasses." He smiles.
I laugh. "So where do you want to start?"

After we study lessons one and two for three hours we are both exhausted.
"Sorry for wasting a lot of your day on this." I say.
"It was no waste." He says looking me right in the eyes.
I feel heat rise in my cheeks.
"Do you want to go out sometime?" He asks me.
"Really?" I say.
"Okay. Yes. That sounds good. Really good actually."
He laughs. I silently scold myself. Whenever I'm nervous I talk a lot.
"Cool so how about tonight at 8:00?"
"Well its 5:00 now so that sounds good. Where do you wanna go?"
"They are showing neighbors two at the theater. Do you want to go see that?"
"Are you kidding?! Of course I want to see that. The first one was hilarious." I start laughing. My inner fangirl suddenly took over for a second. Four starts smiling at me.
"Great I'll see you at 8 then?"
"Yep. I'll walk you to the door."

"See yah at 8." I say as we get to the door.
I lean up and kiss him on the cheek. He looks pleasantly surprised and smiles.

When I tell my mom I'm going out with him tonight she is not happy.
"Its a school night."
"I'll be home by 10."
"Still don't you have homework?"
"No finished all of that with four."
"That's his nickname."
Suddenly Caleb comes walking in and sits down on the couch.
"I wouldn't let her go mom." He says.
"Were you eavesdropping?" I ask.
"Maybe maybe not." He says and turns on the tv.
"Mom can I please go?"
She sighs. "Fine but you better be home by ten or your grounded."
"Thank you!" I yell. "I better start getting ready."
I put on some back skinny jeans and a batman t-shirt.
I add some eyeliner and mascara to my eyes and let my hair down out of my ponytail.
I look in my mirror. I think I look pretty good.
Me-its 7:45. ALMOST TIME!
Christina-I knew you two would eventually go out!
Me-yah you were right
Christina-as always
I laugh and start walking downstairs.
I sit on the couch and after a few minutes there's a knock on the door.
I run to open it and there is four, sporting a black shirt and dark jeans.
"Hey." He says. "Ready to go?"
"Yes." I smile.

When we get in his truck and start driving he looks over at me.
"What?" I say.
"I was just thinking that you look pretty intimidating right now."
I smile. "Is it the make up or the dark clothes?"
"All of it I think."

Soon we reach the movie theater and walk in.
"Do you want any popcorn?" He asks me.
"You don't need to buy anything four."
"Well I insist on it."
"Ok fine I will have a popcorn."
"I'll get a large so we can share."
After he gets the popcorn we walk into our movie and choose seats close to the front, but not too close.
Soon the movie starts and I laugh so much during it. Four and I eat all the popcorn in the first 30 minutes and sometime he puts his arm around my shoulders.
I smile to myself savoring the moment.
When the movies over we start driving home. Its already past 10 so I know I'm going to be grounded, but its worth it.
"That was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen!" I say smiling.
He smiles back at me. "I know. My stomach hurts from laughing so much."
I laugh.
Soon we reach my house.
"I had a really good time tonight." I tell him.
"Me too." He says. "I hope we can do it again sometime."
I smile. "Sure we can! Ill see you tomorrow." And before I even relize what I'm doing I lean in and kiss him on the lips.
I pull away a minute later leaving four looking dazed. "See you." I say and get out of the car.
Walking up to my door I feel butterflies flying wildly in my stomach.

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Have an amazing day!! :)

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