Chapter Two: Friend

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I just stood there, paralyzed by shock and betrayal. I hadn't even noticed Kaname's presence until he touched my arm.

"Aka--" I flipped out on him.

"Don't touch me!" I screeched. "Don't you ever touch me again!"

I ran to my bedroom to grab a few things, enough had been enough. Tears bulged from my eyes but I didn't care. I grabbed a blanket and some clothes, that is all I really needed.

I heard slight knocking at my door. I knew who it was, I was not going to answer it.

I just quickened my pace.

"Akane, open up, please!" Kaname pleaded.

Like I'd listen to you ever again, liar. I thought.

When everything fit snug in my backpack I opened my balcony window. I looked down at the ground, I'm two stories up. But the snow will break my fall, right?

I heard my doorknob rattle. I nearly forgot that I gave Kaname a key, you can bet I regret it now.

Goodbye, Kurans. I thought.

I leaped out of the window. The wind russled against my face the way down, it felt pleasing.

The cold snow hit my bare knees suddenly and I sighed, I can't believe I'd actually done it. I'm free, no one would ever hurt me nor make me feel down again.

The wind was rustling very fast, making snow fly in my face. But I continued straight, to the forest, to freedom from this corrupt life.

I heard Kaname scream my name, it sounded like a faint echo. I wasn't going to respond, nor look back. Kaname, Juuri, and Haruka are all in the past now.

Did I ever love them? I did love Kaname before he had betrayed me, but Juuri and Haruka? Maybe deep down I did, but now that small feeling I might've had for them is really gone.

The wind slows and I could now see where I was going. I was surrounded by nothing but trees covered in pure white, I had no idea where I was. Brief panic overcame me, what was going to happen to me? Was I going to die out here alone?

"My, my, you look lost Akane." A stern male voice boomed behind me.

I whipped around in shock as the man grabbed my wrist. With wide eyes I looked directly at his face, one red eye and one blue eye, long brown hair, tall and slim composure...

"Rido..." I whispered under my breath, getting my arm out of his grasp.

I begun to shake uncontrollably. I was told my uncle was a monster, evil, and completely ravenous.

But wait I was also called those things.

"No need to worry, I won't hurt you." Rido purred holding his hand out.

I begun to reach my hand out to him. He said he wouldn't hurt me, no one had ever told me that before. Well, no one except Kaname. But we all saw how that turned out.

I then pulled it back.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I asked snarling.

"You've been betrayed by your family, all because they remind you of me. Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Rido did have a point. My parents betrayed me because I reminded them of him. Would Rido really be nice to me just because of that?

Of course he wouldn't.

"But your also part of the Kuran lineage. Your siblings are the ones who abandoned me!" I exclaimed. Tears started to form in my eyes.

Rido pulled me in close and ran his fingers down my long brown locks. A shiver ran down my spine. To be honest I was a little scared of him, but why would I be? He's just talking to me. It's not as though he's physically hurting me.

"But I'm not Juuri, nor Haruka." He purred, though I can hear the hate in his voice.

"But--" I ran out of excuses. "You actually love me?"

"Of course I do Akane."

I looked into his red and blue eyes. They were so soft and concerned for me. I smiled at him.

"Ok." I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Come with me." At last I took Rido's hand and followed him even deeper into the forest.

Because for some unknown reason I felt like I could trust him.


Before I knew it I was in front of a large mansion. Rido reassured me that I was going to be safe here, but I was still nervous. Could I really trust him, after all the terrible things Juuri and Haruka said about him?

But all of that might've been a lie.

We walked up to the door and it flew open before my eyes. I jumped back a little in surprise.

Rido led me to the living area and I sat down on a large black sofa. He told me he had to go do something but he'd be back within a few minutes. I said okay and once Rido was out of sight I started looking at my surroundings.

Above me was a large crystallized chandelier which shined brightly. That was the only thing which shined in this room. Dark oak wood plastered the floor and the walls were simply painted pitch black. Paintings of landscapes crowded the walls along with a few paintings of vampires. In front of the sofa was a coffee table with a bouquet of roses in the center. Blood-red roses, the best kind.

I heard the sound of footsteps behind me and I whipped around. Coming down the stairs was a young boy with maroon colored hair and ice blue eyes. He looked to be in a rush. He hadn't even noticed my presence. He ran past me and exited the same door Rido left in.

I then heard a few murmurs, but I couldn't make out a word. Seconds later the boy emerged from the doorway with Rido looming over him.

Rido stayed in place as the boy rushed over and sat down next to me. He looked straight into my eyes, somehow transfixed with me. I let out a nervous smile.

"Hello, what's your name?" I asked.

The boy tilted his head before responding.

"My name is Senri Shiki," he purred, pulling out a package from his pocket. "Want some Pocky?"

I nodded my head and took a stick. I put it in my mouth and smiled, Senri smiled back.

Who knew I'd ever have a friend that I finally felt like I could trust?

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