Stupid stairs and the Mortician

Start from the beginning

When Lindsey called me a psycho my vision went red.

I don't remember much of the fight after that but I do remember how It ended.

I had scratched Lindsey's face with my nails making her bleed. At the time I felt like I had to do anything and everything to hurt her. Lindsey grabbed my shirt and spun me around - she was stronger than she looked - and before I realised what she was doing I was falling towards down our front steps.

We didn't have wooden stairs like most of the other houses these days.

No, since we lived in an old victorian home which had been made 150 years ago, we had a stone house and stone staircases. And we didn't have three or four stairs. No, since our house was on a hill we had twenty-five stone stairs which I fell down.

I also don't remember much of the fall because I zoned out the third time my head hit the stairs. But about two minutes later I saw the footpath coming up to meet my face - like we were lovers about to kiss and the last thing I thought was "Hey, how did the footpath get there."


I appeared - like literally appeared - in a tunnel which looked really old and was made of cobblestone. It was really long but really short at the same time. It was like being in a movie, where the scene seems to stretch out the longer you look at it.

Everything about the tunnel seemed strange. It seemed like there was a non-existent wind, pushing around the fog that had settled to the bottom of the tunnel. I began to feel an indescribable pull to go to the end of the tunnel. I knew what it meant, and I'd always thought that if I ended up in the tunnel I would put up a fight...strangely enough, I didnt seem to mind the idea of the tunnel so much, anymore. As I walked towards the light my feet kicked up the fog, making it rise and form strange shapes. I couldnt feel anything in that tunnel except for a strange weightlessness. Like I had no more duties, responsibilities, morals, ethics or regrets I had to live by. I felt free.

In the corner of my mind, I realised that the strange shapes that were twisting around were actually people. Or, fog in the shape of people. I saw my brothers crouching over me -or what was me, yelling at me to wake up. Neighbours running in to help. My body, lying still on the couch.

As I watched the scene unfold I expected to feel sadness or guilt or panic. But strangely enough...

"It's so different, yet its so familiar" I said to seemingly no one, surprising myself by speaking. I hadnt turned around but I knew someone was there.

There was no sound for an unknown timelength and then I heard a voice reply. "What is it like? Coming back to conciousness?".

The voice seemed wistful and curious, calm but dangerous, soothing yet it scared you. I couldnt tell if it was male or female.

I studied the scene unfolding. "Its enlightening. Like, right now, Im watching this scene, but instead of feeling partial feelings to my brothers, I seem to love everyone in the world equally. Familial ties dont seem to matter anymore, and the play that is life seems so dramatic" I said laughing at the scene in front of me. We watched as George and Dante rode in the back of an ambulance, but even as it was happening, I already knew everything that would unfold. It all seemed a bit silly to me.

We continued watching, and even though I didnt see who I was talking to, I seemed to already know. Death had a frightening appearance, but a wonderful personality, I would say if I were asked to describe death. Death scared you in the beginning, because you were about to go off with this strange looking creature, to a place you didnt know. But when you arrived at that place, all your prejudices faded away. Vanity, Greed, Distrust, all the sins faded away. You came to love everything.

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