Chapter 10

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I seriously have a problem. I must stop writing. This story has no plan. Well, had none when I started writing it. I have no clue how long it is going to be, but I have it planned all the way up to the sequel. Yes there is going to be a sequel. Deal with it. It is going to be the 3rd or 4th Team Crafted adoption story that gets finished, but the first being BajanCanadian (This may seem like a Team Crafted fan fiction, but Mitch is the person most connected with Eevee). Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

~Eevee's POV~

(This is the next morning) I was being shaken awake by Ashely.

"Hey girl, gotta' get up, it's 9!" She said softly. I rolled of the bed and headed for my suitcase. I finished my morning routine at 9:30, just enough time for a quick breakfast. We headed over to Mitch, Jerome, Ian, and Quentin's room. 

"Are you sure you want to go today Eevee?" Quentin asked me with the same look Adam had yesterday.

"Totally, I'm sure that girl isn't there , and they aren't going to let her in anyways." I assured them.

"Ok, well we should probably head out now, or else we will be late." We went to Ty, Adam, and Jason's room, and to our surprise they were ready. We got into the taxis and drove to the convention center.

"They (they being the Minecon 'directors') decided that the question panel was going to be today, due to 'Mitch and Eevee's absence'" Jerome quotes the directors words.

"So, same schedule?"


We sit at the same booth, two new sharpies at our disposal. We go through another few hours of signing, smiling, and taking pictures with fans. This time I make sure to grab my backpack when we leave. Mitch is walking right next to me all the way to the food court, sometimes grabbing my hand when the crowd thickens. 

~Time Skip, I'm not sure what else to put there~

We now have some free time, so we start to try to find their friends that I haven't met yet, like AntVenom. CavemanFlims, and CaptainSparklez. When we met up with them, we mostly talked about things such as the update, parodies, etc. I was always introduced, and was polite and everything. Nothing to eventful. We all ended up hanging out for a while, my snack stash getting diminished. When 5 o'clock rolled around, it was time for hour question and answer panel. We waved good bye.

We took hour seats, sitting in the same arrangement as we were at the signing booth. The auditorium slowly filled up, some waving at us. When it was time to begin, the announcer described how it was going to go down. 

"Alright, there is two microphones, one at the end of each isle, please form a line, please no running, we wouldn't want anyone to get hurt. Don't worry, you will have plenty of time to ask your question."

At first no one moved in the crowd, no one wanted to be the first person up there, it is a lot of pressure, there were a few hundred people here. The first person asked their question.

"Uh, Sky, how did your obsession with butter and your hatred of squids come to be?" (I actually do not know the answer of this question, I think the squid thing came from a mod showcase, but I'm not sure).

"That is a good question. Um.. I have no clue why butter is so majestic." Adam answered.

A few more questions went by until, one of them caught us a but off guard.

"Eevee and Mitch, why did you guys have to leave early yesterday?"

Mitch glanced at me to see if I was prepared to answer, which to my surprise, I was.

"Erm, there was an emergency yesterday, which made us ill-prepared, I guess you could say, to do anything. I might do a vlog on it, but not right now, sorry." 

A few more questions were asked such as, "Are any of you guys other than Adam, Mitch, or Jason going to do a song?" We went down the line, which were all nos, or I thought about it, but don't count on it. 

I, on the other hand said something else. "Actually, yes, it sounds like fun. I am a terrible song writer, but if I had a song, I could sing it and someone could animate it if they wanted to, like Adam's song. I think it would be awesome!" (Ok, this is what is going to happen, she is going to sing the Let's Have Some Fun in Minecraft parody, and I know Adam sang it, but I really can't write a song, so yeah.) 

Everyone at the table looked at me. "What, I think it would be cool!"

"But, you sing?" Jason asked, surprised.

"Yeah, kind of."

"Well SING!" Adam prompted.

"Er, no. I've never sang in front of a single person, let alone a crowd."

"Aw, c'mon please?"


 "Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with chocolate on top?"

"No, no and that is final." Then I looked at the crowd, "And I'm the youngest one here!" Everyone laughed. I just smiled. Yeah, I'm glad I came today.

~Author's Note~

Alright, don't hate me for using Lets Have Some Fun in Minecraft, I know Adam sang it, and Einshine directed it, and Freddi animated it, but you don't want to see a song that I wrote. I tried. Ok, so are we good? Good. And now it is 12:11 a.m. on a school night. I DON'T CARE YOU CAN'T TAME ME! Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed that installment of Adopted by BajanCanadian, take care.

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