Chapter 2

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~Eevee's POV~

I was lying on my back on the roof, my only safe place, when I heard a shout coming from the open window a floor down.

Miss Julia was calling all of the girls downstairs, apparently there was someone who wanted to adopt one of us. I rushed down the rusted fire escape to the window and slipped through it. I was wearing nothing special, just an old band T-shirt and blue jeans. I thought that was good enough.

I passed my Diana, Stephanie's best friend, who quipped ,"Aren't you going to change into... well, anything else?" She snickered, looking through her closet, probably looking for her nicest, favorite dress.

"Uh, no? Why should I? If they want to adopt me they are going to have to take what they see." 

"Ha, well then that's never going to happen!" She retorts.

'Ok then. We'll see about that Diana.' I thought to myself. I knew that one day there would be someone who wanted me for me. I sped down the stairs, feeling lucky today, and thought about who might be here. I got in line, unfortunately next to Stephanie, being the same age. She was about to say something to me, when Miss Julia started talking.

"Alright Sir, here are our 16-year girls." She sounded so pleasant when she talked to someone who wasn't me. I looked to who she was referring to as 'Sir'. It was a boy, looked to be about 22. with lightish brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He was wearing a flannel and jeans, looking casual.

Miss Julia walked down the row of girls, having each one introduce ourselves. I was dreading when he got to me not sure of what to say.

"Hi I am Evangeline, but you can call me Eevee. Uh, I um, I like to play video games, and I enjoy reading and listening to music...," I trailed off. I was sure no one was ever going to adopt me, so I didn't have high hopes.

"... Anyways, hi! I am Stephanie. It's okay if you think she's weird, so do we." She smiled sweetly like the most innocent thing in the world. I shrunk back against the wall. Of course he thought I was weird. "I like -"

"I'm gonna stop you right there. There was no reason for you to be rude to her," he retorted. I couldn't help but smile softly to myself. I stared at the floor, expecting him to move on.

"You good, kid?" I nodded and smiled at him. It had been awhile since someone asked me if I was okay. "Oh, wow, what happened to your hands?"

"Oh, that klutz, tripped down the stairs with a plate. She is okay now, right?" Julia glowered at me. I nodded, casting my eyes downward.

I smiled, and glanced over at Stephanie. She was glaring at me, angrier than I have ever seen her, and I've seen her angry.

"Okay then, where can I sign those papers?" He asked, whilst smiling at me. I smiled back. Miss Julia looked confused, surprised that someone wanted to adopt me.

"Are you sure? There are many other girls to choose from, and she is not from a family with a lot of money...," she said. I grimaced, knowing how that affected the other adopters. They were always in it for the tax refund.

"Um, you know, it's okay. I don't even mind it that much here. Sarah, she is seventeen, she is sweet. She deserves to get adopted anyways," I mumbled. There was no way that I would get anywhere now. Julia wouldn't allow it.

I had gotten my hopes up. I walked up the stairs until I got to my bedroom. Then, I ran all the way up to the roof. I sat on a large rock, the one I always sat on, and was looking away from the wall with the window. I just cried. Not chest-racking sobs, but silent tears streaking my face. I didn't hear someone come up, but when I discovered someone was up here, I was angry.

"Can't you just leave me alone already? I just want to die now." I almost yelled.

"Now why would you want that?" I heard Mitch walking up and sitting beside me; me head was in my hands.

"Because there is no way anyone would want me now. Miss Julia will make sure of that." I hugged my knees to my chest and started to breath in and out to stop crying. I couldn't stand being weak in front of anybody.

"I don't think so." He said. I looked up and he put his arm around my shoulders. "You should go pack up your stuff." Mitch said with a smile.

"Are you serious?" I looked up at him in disbelief.

He laughed, "Yup."

I ran down the stairs and got my old backpack and put my few pairs of clothes together. There wasn't much, and I didn't have anything but my book. But I didn't care. I ran down the stairs and ran into Stephanie. She pushed me over in a fit of rage.

"You made a fool out of me in front of me, right in front of my new brother!" She shrieked and kneed me in the gut. It knocked the wind out of me, but I was stronger.

"Stephanie, I didn't do anything. It was all you," I said calmly back. She was furious, but I was ready for it. She threw a well-aimed punch to my face, but I caught it and backhanded her, right in the cheekbone. She would have trouble covering that up.

I just walked down the stairs after that, hoping she wouldn't run and tell Miss Julia. If she did, I didn't even care. I was leaving.

"How dare you strike poor, poor Stephanie. What did she ever do to you?!" She cried. I didn't need this anymore.

"Well, she deserved it. And you do too, but I'm not going to say anything. Have fun with the few years you have left of your life, before you die of old age," I said. I didn't hint anything with the tone of my voice, but on the inside, I was cackling.

"I'm thirty seven!" She cried.

"Keep telling your friends that. Maybe you can keep a husband for more than week. Have a nice day." I confidently walked out of the way, and met the man that had adopted me on the front steps.

"What was that all about?" Mitch asked.

"Oh, nothing.

"So, I know that the cuts on your hands isn't from you falling down the stairs." He says as we get into the car, throwing my backpack into the back seat.

"Yeah, er, Stephanie tripped me as I was clearing the table, and I ended up dropping and smashing a plate, and my hands fell into it." I said casually.

"Did you get medical care of something, It looks like band aids aren't going the trick..." He was right, they were falling off, not really protecting the wounds.

"Uh, no, not really. That's not something that I get, it's pretty expensive." I could tell the man was fuming, but he didn't say anything.

~Author's Note~

Yeah. Comment?

Adopted by BajanCanadian (A BajanCanadian and Team Crafted Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora