Chapter 7 (I think it's chapter 7)

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Hello there fellow fangirls (and possibly boys, but they aren't very fan-girly), and welcome to the 7th chapter of Adopted by BajanCanadian. I really have nothing to say here, but I wanted to put something anyways. I hope you enjoy :)

~Eevee's POV~

I wake up at about 7 a.m. the next day, Day 1 of Minecon! I look over and see that Ashely is still asleep. I take a shower, get dressed and brushed my teeth (if you want to now what her outfit looks like, I suggest you do nothing, because it doesn't matter). I come back at bout 7:45, and she is still sleeping. I was thinking about pranking her, but she gets really mad if she gets woken up badly. So I decided it was a bad idea. 

I played around on my iPod until she woke up. Ashely looked around the room and then at me.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"Um...," I look at my clock. "8:24. Minecon doesn't start until 10." I answered. She slowly got out of bed and wandered to her bag. She went through the same routine and met me on the couch. it was 9.

"Should we go see if the boys are up?" I wondered aloud.

"We should, and prank them if they aren't up." She replied with an evil grin. I laughed. We sneaked over to Adam, Jason, and Ty's room and saw if they were still asleep (I know, the door was locked, but lets pretend that they had a key. Ok? Good.). They were. We checked Ian, Jerome, Mitch, and Quentin's room and when we walked in quietly they were laughing. 

"Hah, you were going to try to prank us weren't you." Jerome taunted jokingly.

"Pfft.. no? We were going to see if you would help us prank Adam, Jason and Ty; they are still asleep." Ashely replied.

"Really? Well we are leaving in 30 minutes so we better get them up. And pranking them will be the best way." Mitch said with an equally as evil smile as Ashely's.

"Wait! Let me go get my video camera!" I suggested. They all nodded laughing and talking about what they were going to do. I left the room and retrieved my camera. When I came back they told me their plan. It was brilliant. 

We sneaked into their room and Mitch put his iPhone on their bedside table, all the way turned up to the Harlem Shake. When it started Jerome was in the middle of the room dancing, and then the beat dropped and we all jumped up and started dancing as well. Adam woke up and screamed.

"WHAT THE FUFDHSIUFKSUUFSLFS" Jason woke up,  looked around the room, and face-palmed. Ty just rolled over and said, "Turn it off!" When the music ended we were all laughing, mainly at Adam.

"Are you seriously recording this!" He hollered at me, who was laughing. I nodded, unable to speak through my fits of giggles. "I am so going to get you!" Oh snap. I stopped laughing and ran out of the room. He chased me and just before I got to the elevator he tackled me. I mean I was fine, I just wasn't expecting it.

"Ah!" I shrieked, I was still laughing. Adam was laughing to and we got up. Everyone ran out after they heard me yell, but they saw me smiling, so they stopped worrying. I put my camera in my backpack, which still had quite a bit of food in it. We walked to the elevator chatting excitedly about Minecon. 

~Time Skip! Nothing really happened at breakfast or the car ride there~

Because we were YouTubers we got to go in early, cutting the line. Thank goodness, because the line was horrendously long. We got inside, and we got a schedule, apparently they have one for each YouTuber. We had the exact same ones, us being a group. First we were signing, they allotted 3 hours for us to do so. Then we had a few hours of free time, and then they would have a questions panel for us. 

While we were walking, I was snacking on some Oreos from my backpack. When everyone else saw what I was eating, they wanted one, too. Gosh dang it. 

"Guys, I only have 3 left." There were eight of them. 

"So? You obviously going to give one to me right?" Mitch poked me in the side. 

"Ha, your funny. No, no one can have one. It has to be fair, I have some more in my suitcase at the hotel, you can have some when we get back." I poked Mitch back. 

"Aw, but I want one now." He imitated my voice from when we were leaving the house yesterday.

"Too bad."

We found where we were going to sign, at just a random booth with a table. We all sat down, I was next the Mitch and Ashely. There were 2 sharpies for each of us, and just as we got settled in, me with my backpack (looped around my legs (you never know who could be a thief, it may be a fan). 

The first fan I met was a girl about 16, and I got to sign her blue lapiz (I know it is spelled lapis lazuli, but this is just my abbreviation.) sword (and I know that this isn't a real thing, but deal with it), and take a picture with her. She seemed really happy and excited to see me, and I was just amazed that I could make someone so happy, with me being stuck in that orphanage for so long, I hadn't felt like I was worth anything, just a servant. Mitch was right, it was exhilarating.

After a few hours, our sharpies ran out of ink, and the line had thinned out quite a bit. We all had sore hands and cheeks from smiling and writing, but we were still grinning. 

"so, Eevee, what'd you think?" Ashely interrogated me.

"That was amazing, I didn't know how many people watched our videos, or how much they enjoyed them. I mean, some said that my, or our, videos made their day, and that is the best feeling. This is AWESOME!" I was grinning from ear to ear.

"I think we all felt the same way." Mitch answered for all of them. They nodded their heads in agreement. 

"Welp, I am hungry, and it's 1 o'clock, can we get some food?" I asked.

"YES, I am going to starve to death if I don't eat soon!" Mitch half-shouted.

We started walking to the food court when I realized something. 

"Oops, I left my backpack over there I'll catch up in a second!"

I turned around, and when I got to the table, I felt a hand over my mouth, and hands pinning my arms behind my back.

~Author's Note~

Muahahahah. I love writing cliff hangers. I hate reading them though, so I am going to update as soon as I finish writing the next chapter! So I hope you guys enjoyed this installment of Adopted be BajanCanadian, take care.

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