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Hey, Everyone!!! It's Sprinkles again. So, this is my first fanfiction. Ever. In other words, don't judge me too harshly, and I will do my best not to give you a reason to. I would like to think that I'm gonna have some followers right off the bat, but I know that that's not how it works. Anyways, a shout out to Becky, my other half, who has graciously agreed to help me edit this story (and hopefully write a little of it)! And before I forget, i know that I have to put a disclaimer, so neither Becky nor myself own Naruto. Without any further ado (unless Becky wants to say something XD), I give you Akuma's Rise!

You know I always have to say something lol. As you should know, I'm Becky, and I have a lot of writing experience (at least compared to my lovely Sprinkles) so that's why I'm here to help! Well that and I adore making things with my most favoritest person ever!

So like he said, as a disclaimer we do not own Naruto, any characters already in the show, or the events that took place in the original storyline. We do, however own our original characters and and their storylines as well as any event we make that is not apart of the original Naruto. Seeing as though you all have to read this alllll the time, I'm going to stop this here.

I hope you all enjoy the story!

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