Harley? Bat!

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*At this point Joker and Tess are going to a club.👌🏻 kinda like the strip club scene with Harley and The Joker in the movie*

~Tessa's POV~
Mistah J and I had just gotten to the club. "Here we are My queen." He smirked and we both exited the car, J locked arms with me
As we walked to the door. The Security guard didn't even ask our names he just let us in. I looked around and saw many drink men and Women. J lead me up to the V.I.P area and sat in one of the chairs while talking to his "friends" or Henchman. I wrapped my arms around him and sat on his lap. His friends were staring at me.

"What? You jealous that you don't have this?" I rolled my eyes and smiled at J. He smirked and he put one hand on my lap with the other on my back.

"Yeah actually, J you really scored on this hottie" J's friend smirked. I could see the anger in J's eyes as he pulled out his gun and shot him. "Mis-Take" I giggled and adjusted myself so that my legs were around J, while doing so I heard J growl lowly. I smirked and continued to move on his lap.

"Tess, Stop" J groaned. I giggled and did as he said, I didn't need another punishment. "I'm gonna go get us some drinks!" I got off of his lap and started walking down the stairs.

"Be careful Baby" Mistah J smirked and turned back to his friends. As I walked down the stairs and saw the one person that I thought I wouldn't see again.

"Harley!!" I gasped and hugged her tightly. He stood there stiffly as I hugged her. "T-Tessa?" He looked into my eyes. "Yeah... Harls it's me!" She almost started crying.

"What happened to you?! You and the Joker disappear for months and everyone thought the Joker killed you after you helped him escape! I thought you were dead..." She broke down into tears.

"No... Actually... Mistah J and I are together... I made myself like him." I smiled brightly and laughed. Her eyes widened.

"What?! Tessa how? Why? Why didn't you call me?!" She screamed. I covered her mouth. "Shh! You're gonna get me caught!" I growled.

"Good! Tessa I love you so much but you need help! HELP! SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE!" Harley shouted. I took out my gun and whipped her over the head with it. "PUDDIN ITS TIME TO GO!" I shouted and saw J run down the stairs.

"What? Why?-" just as I was about to drag him out, my 'Favorite person In the world' showed up.

"Bat" I growled and backed up into J. "I'm taking you two back to Arkham asylum." He growled and tried to throw me over his shoulder, I kicked him in the face. I kissed Mistah J.

"J I got this please just go! I'm not gonna argue please leave!" J looked conflicted but he smiled worriedly and kissed me one more time before getting back to the car.

"Come at me Bitch!" I shouted at B-man. He growled and threw a punch to my face, I smirked and pulled out my gun, firing it at him. He quickly dodged it, snatched the gun from me and hit me over the head with it causing me to pass out. He threw me over his shoulder taking me to the batmoblie.

~Joker's POV~
I waited for Tessa to come running outside, I called her phone about 15 times, I growled and started driving back home. I walked in the door and started trashing the place, throwing papers, plates, lamps anything I could find. "BATMAN I WILL GET HER BACK IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!" I screamed and started going to our room and planning on how to get her back.

"I'm coming Tessa"

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