Chapter Seventeen

Începe de la început

Niall let out a major gulp. It seemed like Louis hadn’t actually been joking when he said that’s probably what happened. He actually believed it. And now the two boys weren’t friends anymore, and it was all Niall’s fault. He instantly felt guilty. He couldn’t believe he had done this to two best friends.

“Itmightveprobablybeenmyfaultandimterriblysorry,” Niall rushed together in a huge blur.

Zayn looked at him, bewildered. “What did you say? And this time, could you please slow it down?”

“It might’ve probably been my fault, and I’m terribly sorry,” Niall said, much slower.

“How’s it your fault?”

Niall explained the situation quickly, while leaving out the part where Louis hit him. He wasn’t sure why, but he thought that was confidential, and it just didn’t feel right to tell Zayn about it.

“Oh,” Zayn said, sounding at lost for words. “Well, I don’t think it’s really your fault. Lou shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”

Niall just nodded once, and smiled. At least it seemed as though Zayn didn’t blame him. Maybe they could still be friends.

Zayn then got up, and stretched. “Well, Niall, that’s all I needed to talk to you about. I have to get going. Oh, wait. There’s one more thing: Liam wants you to come over.”

“Why?” Niall asked, honestly curious.

“Something about you offering him to help clean up his room. I don’t know. Actually, I’m pretty sure it was because he needs help cleaning up his room. That thing is a mess. You should be a pro at cleaning it, just look around at this room.”

Niall smiled weakly. He then nodded in agreement. “Yeah, it is. And sure, I’ll go and help him with it. I just have to call Lou first, and let him know I’ll be there, in case he wanted me for something.”

Zayn nodded. “I’ll wait here then. I can give you a ride to Li’s house.”

Niall thought it was adorable that Zayn called Liam, Li. He wished that Louis would come up with a cute nickname like that, instead of calling him things like ‘babe’ and ‘honey’ all the time. It was downgrading, and sometimes made him feel like a girl, which he was so obviously not.

Niall quickly rung up Lou’s number, who answered on the first ring.

“Hey, Niall,” Lou said, chirpily. “Whatcha calling about?” This was one of Lou’s rare good moods. At least, since lately. For the past few weeks, he’d been all gloomy and moody most of the time.

“I’m just letting you know that I’m gonna be going over to Liam’s house to help him clean his room.”

“Oh,” Louis replied, sounding bitter now. Great, Niall thought bitterly. He’s back in the mood.

“I’ll call you when I get done, okay?” Niall asked.

“Okay,” Lou whispered. “Just hurry up. I wanted to be able to spend time with you again.”

Niall smiled at that. His boyfriend only wanted to spend time with him. They hadn’t seen each other since yesterday at school, after all, it was Saturday. Liam had told him that there was no CPR classes, because Dr. Jonas had a major surgery to perform. And now, Niall would still be able to spend time with the boy he considered his best friend at the moment.

“Okay,” he said, after he and Lou finished their conversation, and he’d shut the door. “I’m ready.” Zayn nodded once, and then walked to the door leading outside into the great big world.

 Niall then turned to his mum. “Mum, I’m gonna go hang out with Liam, okay?” His mum nodded once, and then told him to be back before his curfew at midnight. Niall promised he would, and then followed Zayn outside, where he saw a sleek, fancy, silver car. Niall let out a quick whistle. It was so much nicer than his old pickup truck.

“Come on,” Zayn said, hopping into his car. Niall tentatively opened the passenger door, and climbed inside. Zayn smiled at him, and Niall couldn’t help but smile back. After all, Zayn was his friend. Crap, he had way too many friends. Maybe excepting Harry back as a friend wouldn’t be a good idea. After all, then he would have three friends, plus Louis, who was his boyfriend. It was bad enough to have two, but three? That would be crazy, and totally not something Niall would be ready for.

When they arrived at Liam and Harry’s house (man was it weird to consider it Harry’s house), Zayn turned to Niall. “Okay, so Liam’s inside, and he’ll be waiting for you in his room. Okay? Just knock on the door.”

Niall nodded once. Why wouldn’t he knock on Liam’s door though? Wouldn’t it be rude to just walk right in? That’s what he thought anyways. He would never just walk into a person’s house.

He got out of Zayn’s fancy car, and walked up to the door. He looked behind him, to see Zayn making a gesture for Niall to just knock, and then he drove away.

Niall quickly knocked on the door, and who should answer but Harry Styles. And he had nothing but boxers on.

“Hello?” Niall said, apprehensively. “Is Liam here? I’m supposed to come over, and help him with cleaning his room.”

“What?” Harry asked, bewildered. “No. Liam left fifteen minutes ago to go do something with Zayn. I’m not even sure what. He won’t be back until later on tonight though.”

Now Niall was just confused.

Heehee :) There. Niall, you’ve just been tricked. Okay, what did you guys think of the chapter? What do you think Liam and Zayn are plotting? Are they for Nouis or Narry? Hmmm? If you guys can get this, then I shall dedicate the next chapter to you. Oh, and the next chapter, you guys should TOTALLY love. Heehee. I have it all planned out, what’s gonna happen at this little encounter. Hey, I made the chapter longer again. At least, I think it’s longer. But, yeah. Oh, and I hope you guys loved this chapter. I MADE SOME GOOD THINGS HAPPEN. It wasn’t so sad, unlike the last chapter :). Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Perfectionist (Narry AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum