His statuesque features darkened, and a low groan left his lungs. "Why don't you let anybody see the inhuman side of you?"

Freya blinked a couple of times, his unexpected retort dazzling her. "Excuse me?"

"Do you always act like the bloody Virgin Mary? Are you that ingenuous or do you simply dissemble your darkness?"

"What is wrong with you?" She already felt the stinging burn of tears staining her curved lashes. "I did not force you to help me the other night. You did it voluntarily, and still you have the audacity to blame me for this? What kind of a monster are you?"

Julian simpered malevolently, his fingers grazing the light stubble on his jaw. "You should not add so many question marks in a retort, milady. Have you forgotten your grammar lessons?"

Breathe, Freya, breathe.

"You obnoxious devil!" More colourful words were on the verge of breaking the barriers of her mouth, but she ceased them cautiously. I should not waste my energy on such a heinous man. With those thoughts bearing in her mind, she left the living room and headed towards John's whereabouts.

Her reactions are profuse, and her ego is easily bruised. Not good for the Queen of Utter Poise, am I right? He inwardly asked, the corners of his mouth twitching perkily.

Meanwhile, Freya had already encountered John, who seemed in a good mood. Of course he is, I defended him unhesitantly. Nevertheless, she was proud of both her fortitude and John. He trusted and believed in her, and such a reaction could not have been interpreted differently. It was an utter belief in her abilities, her talent, and her courage. It was a heart-soothing feeling that Freya clung onto for dear life.

"Have you slept well?" She asked, picking a random strawberry from a basket in the kitchen.

John moved to her side, placing his hand over hers. His thankful scrutiny was all the proof she had needed. She was not keen on labelling people, but she thought of him as a good man, someone that she, herself, could trust. A man who would probably renounce his own life to express his gratitude for her aid. Maybe she could reach out to him every time Julian decided to be a full-on bloody idiot.

"Do you think that I could invite my pupils for a learning session?" She inquired. "Until the investigation finished, my courses are interrupted. I would feel extremely guilty if I deprived my kids like that."

John smiled tenderly, his face lighting up. "It amazes me how you can refer to your pupils as your own flesh and blood."

She returned his smile, her thoughts drifting away to Paul Johnson, the child whose mother informed her about the arson. He was indeed God's creation, for his mind was able to accumulate an astonishing amount of information. On top of that, he shared Freya's love for poetry. He was unable to write poems – yet – but he enjoyed listening to his teacher's soothing voice as she pronounced each and every word of art.

"I love them. Their presence enthrones me. Everything I learn is because of their raw curiosity, their appreciation for life's enigmas, their endless optimism." She noticed John's gaze shift to a more humble one, but she decided to continue. "I would not let your master take them away from me."

She heard a low chuckle echoing, and she instantly realized why John had adopted a feeble attitude. The monster was there. Dear God, preserve my patience! With a single movement, Julian motioned John to leave, and the butler surrendered silently.

"I will not allow any of your pupils to enter the Duchy. This is a highly-respected institution, not a kindergarten."

Freya rubbed her glaring eyes, unable to understand why he declined her every proposal. Was he really that misanthropist? She could not imagine the reason behind his callous attitude, but the persuasive feeling of being drawn to him incited her to no end. She had to unearth him.

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