Tales & Trials

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So the three sat down and discussed the worrisome task at hand. Jasper, though quick to offer advice and, when Nicholai told of his missing wife, consolation; told precious little-- nothing, actually-- about his own travels and objectives. Whatever they were, he had placed them behind himself: he pledged solidarity with his people and with Kya and Nicholai. What he had to do, he said, "could wait."

"I think we must go west. During my travels, both alone and with Lavin or others, there had never been signs of trouble except for in the western lands. Never, ever had there been so much trouble here, along the sea... And where else could it have come from? There was no evil rising in the woods between towns, no presence in the wastelands in the South or, save for the ice goblins perhaps, where we are now..." Nicholai said.

"I can think of no other place to look," said Jasper. "But I wonder how this can be... How could Gerzin persist? How could he have garnered enough strength to take the inhabitants of the island, desecrate and maim the Sacred Birch, and summon or encourage dark creatures into the 'calm' lands in the east? And all without detection by our sentinels...." (Kya had told Jasper of the empty log in the tower; how it stopped abruptly but gave no indication of things being amiss.)

"I don't know, and I wonder that none of the more western tribes-- who surely must detect more than us, so far away on the Island-- never held a quorum to alert us, to take arms, or to otherwise stop the spread of evil?"

"I don't believe that we have heard from them for quite a spell." Jasper's proclamation hit Kya hard. She had overlooked the lack of communication between the elves in the West-- often called sun elves-- over the years. A scene flashed within Kya's mind: the giant stone slabs covering the meeting hall and forming its floor, one for each solar year, stretching on and out to a garden behind of the building; on one, ten or more from the most recent, a mention of a meeting with the sun elves. After that tile, nothing.

"We haven't."

"I don't think we have time to seek out any more hidden elves," said Nicholai. "Lives are likely endangered, we must go straight to the den of hell. Surely one of you possess some ability-- some magic-- that will allow us to prevail against Gerzin."

"You speak great folly, Nicholai. If he could harm the source of security and power of not only the Island but of all the eastern lands, do you believe that one elf, one half-blood, and and a human could overcome him? And he is not alone. Think of the troll you encountered, or that sea monster that Kya succeeded in slaying. The goblins, here and elsewhere, are his allies. We cannot work alone."

"Cannot work alone? Ha! And what do you believe you have been doing, running around by yourself? Seems to me you place a great deal of faith in yourself--"

"Speak not of what I do! It has nothing to do with this problem-- and it does not involve the strongest sorcerer that the earth has known. Be quiet, lest your tongue spew forth more trash!"

Nicholai began to sulk, and both fought and accepted the impulse to leave his companions and, strength be damned, go save his wife alone. But he stayed, remembering the help that Kya had given (despite her relative lack of physical prowess) and recalling what Kya had said of Jasper being a seer. Seer... Wait. Did he try the stone yet?

Kya and Jasper continued talking: Kya, rather begrudgingly, for she felt poorly for Nicholai despite his rash words. Nicholai rose and stomped about, making a pretense to care for the horses; while he stepped, the coin he found in the water fell from his pocket. He had forgotten all about it.

"Hey," he yelled. "Is this thing your's?"

Jasper looked, nodded, and rose to walk over to him to retrieve it. He turned it over in his hand. 

Among the Birches *NaNoWriMo 2013*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang