Chapter 14: Come forward

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Jin's POV:

"GUYS LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" A raspy voice woke me up. It was Chandlers. She had her phone in the air.

I shot up and shook Suga and Jimin. We all tiredly hopped off of the top of the train except for Suga who reached out his hand for help but we all walked away.

He has legs. He can use them.

I walked over to Chandler. "Hm?" I asked. She put her phone in front of me and the guys watched from behind.

A video. It was sent from Taehyung. Of us. Of us just a few hours ago. He labeled it as a documentary. He used old photos from July fourth and put them next to today's.

He is watching us. He must be. Is that not a clue itself? Watching the video brought tears to my eyes.

I love them all so much and equally. I always felt as if I had to protect them and do the unexplainable or the worst to keep them happy and safe.

At the end of the video, it said "dedicated to Jin". To me?

It made my heart flutter. Though I care for the boys, I always feel left out and like all of the fingers get pointed at me.

Like no one notices me. I realized that Taehyung actually paid attention to me. Paid attention to what I like.

I was touched because of that...and I appreciated it. I don't know how he was watching us, but I looked around and I smiled. Hopefully he saw it.

I wiped my tears as I nodded. "Its just a video of us. So what." Jimin said. And that's when I felt hurt again. It hurt even more when everyone agreed... Well, Jungkook and Chandler actually didn't say anything.

See? Things don't work out for me. I just continue on to be the "adorable" and "cute" momma Jin that everyone tells me that I am and push my feelings away.

Chandlers POV:

I put my phone away and turned around. There was something on Rap Monsters back. A sticky note.

I ran over to him and grabbed the sticky note. "He left a note on you!" I exclaimed.

Rap Monster had a look of disgust. "He touched me while I was sleeping?! Perv." He spoke. I rolled my eyes.


He grabbed the sticky note and read it.

"Tell me where I am now. Hint #4: Your parents and you almost died here."

He looked up in confusion and my heart started to pound. "What? Who and their parents?" J-Hope asked.

"Me and my parents." I said as I ran over to the trunk. I jumped in the back and Jin got in. After the rest of them got in, I hit the hood of the car.


Once we got there, we hoped out of the car as I ran to the building near the place we used to play at.

"MY LEGS STILL HURT GUYS!" Suga yelled. Ignoring what he said, I continued running.

I saw another sticky note. "We must be getting closer." I said. Jungkook grabbed the sticky note.

He stared at it in shock. His lips were slightly parted as he started shaking.

Jimin snatched it from him.

"I can see you. Here's your final hint. Only one of you will get this. The person who really killed that gang leader. I'm done being the puppet. I will not kiss up to a life that I don't deserve. So Hint #5, he put the gun in my hand and the location is nearby...but where?"

He read.

I saw Jin look down. Jungkook looked really scary. What's going on?

Jungkook's POV:

It was time. I knew what he was doing. It was my time to be put away in jail.

I owe it to him don't I? I just couldn't stop shaking. I couldn't even talk. I saw Jin looking a bit worrisome as well.

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