Chapter Four: Date Night.

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Jae had never been to a carnival. At least not this type of carnival and she was starting to think this might be a bad idea. Children flocked on every ride, some guided by their parents or siblings who were kids themselves, or teenagers forced to babysit. Not too many young adults were here, and the ones that were, were just college kids in their little groups but what Jae envied the most was the couples that sat mollycoddling each other. PDA wasn't a problem to Jae when she was the one expressing it, watching other couples stick their tongues down each other's throats made her cringe.
"Aida please come thru." It was a few minutes passed eight, Jae had been patiently sitting on the park bench silently praying for Aida to come. As of now, Jae was beginning to doubt Aida was going to show but she knew that there was possibility that she wouldn't. Aida didn't owe Jae anything, besides, she had wanted Jae out of the way from the get-go and if she didn't show, Jae would leave. As much as Jae loved the perks of the job, she couldn't stay and work with Aida knowing her boss hates her. The only reason Jae invited Aida to this carnival, was because she didn't want a formal environment. Sure, Jae has never been the kind of person who was spontaneous with dates, she doesn't really date, just a quick fuck-and-go, and she wasn't sure about the setting either, but she hoped Aida wouldn't mind, hopefully she'd be able to tolerate it, maybe even like it...? Jae only had one shot with Aida and she didn't want to fuck it up. Something about this woman...this sexy, independent, hot headed woman that struck Jae. She had met many women like Aida, strong, liberated and beautiful but none had struck a chord with Jae that held her interest longer than a quick fuck. None had hit a nerve the way Aida has...and now, Jae was hell bent on finding out why.
"Can you please help me mr?"
"Um...I'm actually waiting for someone." Jae's ears perked in interest recognizing the familiar voice. Aida...Aida is here! Jae took a deep breath as she composed herself. Why did she feel so nervous? Jumping to her feet, Jae traced Aida's voice, coming to an abrupt stop at one of the many games, the claw game. Aida couldn't see Jae who stalked in the shadow of a bush nearby. In front of the game was a little Caucasian boy, probably six years old, with dark coffee hair, his big blue eyes shining pleadingly at Aida as he pointed to the game.
"Pwease?" He whined, yanking Aida towards the game.
"That game is rigged. It's supposed to make you lose." Aida frowned. Okay, that's a bit harsh, he's just a kid after all.
"Pwease! My mommy said she won't buy me anymore tokens and I spent them here!" He begged. Aida sighed.
"You shouldn't have wasted your money kid." She said. Aida pulled out a small bag of tokens and put one in, letting the boy have a go. Aw, that's kind of her, Jae smiled. The boy tried three times and failed. Hanging his head in shame, he turned around with a cast fallen look on his face.
"T-Thank y-you mr." He forced a smile up at Aida as he tried not to choke on his sobs. The boy began to walk away wiping his tears as he did so. Aida's gaze softened as she watched the little boy walk passed her.
"Not so fast little guy." Aida placed her hand on his shoulder and he turned around, wiping his tears hurriedly, bashful that he had been caught crying. "Come with me." Aida placed a token in and once the game started up again, she aimed the claw at the stuffed Pikachu doll that the boy had tried to reach time and time again, gabbed it and dropped it in the box.
"You got it?!" He cheered. Aida smiled, retrieving the doll for him, she handed it to him. The boy squealed and ran to her, hugging her legs.
"Okay, okay, okay...that's enough." Aida looked uncomfortable but what she did was undeniably sweet of her! Considering Jae was used to seeing her much more distant, it's good to see she has a heart...for kids at least. Even though she seemed a little bit irritated at first, Aida's smile was genuine as she petted the little boy's head.
"Aron?!" Jae looked up to see a chubby blonde lady, her blue eyes matched the little boy's, but they were gaping in horror. This must be the boy's mother.
"Mommy!" Aron let go of Aida and ran into her open arms.
"What are you doing?! We've been looking everywhere for you!" She panicked, stroking Aron's hair.
"I was playing a game. I ran out of tokens and I wanted to get something for Hannah." Aron said.
"You tell me where you are going next time. You don't just run off. I was so worried about you!" She suffocated the child with hugs and kisses, until he pulled away.
"Mommy, that man helped me. He got Pikachu!" Aron pointed over at Aida.
"Good evening ma'am." She waved. The lady smiled broadly.
"Aron...that's a woman." She laughed. Aron looked a little confused but shrugged, he didn't linger on the topic too long before someone else caught his attention.
"Hannah! I got you something!" He screamed. Jae watched as the little boy sprinted over to an older blonde teenage girl, she resembled a slender version of her mother, with her hair braided back, struggling to meet Aron on crutches. That must be Hannah.
"Aw, thank you sweetie." Hannah cooed, straining slightly as she bent to hug her brother. This was such a Kodak moment! Absolutely adorable!
"I hope he didn't bother you too much." Aron's mother laughed.
"It was no trouble." Aida shrugged. "Sweet kid." Aida smiled.
"He can be a handful sometimes." She chuckled. "Thank you very much Miss...?"
"Aida. Call me Aida." Aida smiled. "And you are...?"
"Mrs Svak." She shook Aida's hand. "Thank you."
"No problem, Mrs. Svak." Aida smiled.
"Is there anything I can get you for your troubles?"
"I'm actually waiting for someone. Besides, it's no big deal." Aida shrugged. Shit! Aida was waiting for Jae! Jae checked her watch and it was now eight thirty!
"Oh, alright. You have a good evening Miss Aida." Mrs Svak waved.
"You too, Mrs Svak. Get well soon Hannah. See you around Aron." Aida waved.
"Bye miss Aida!" Aron waved enthusiastically. Aida waved. Jae's heart melted. Aida has a heart of gold! What she did for that kid was really sweet! Who knew Aida had a soft spot for kids? Jae would've guessed that maybe Aida would've had some experience with kids but she doubted it, she seemed quite awkward around Aron, even if she was being nice to him, she was quite harsh at first, but she handled the situation quite well.
"Wow." Jae stepped out of the bushes clapping her hands slowly. Aida spun a one eighty, nearly hitting Jae, but Jae dodged the punch, which was good too, Aida threw a swing hard enough to make her stumble, and she would've fallen if Jae didn't catch her.
"Easy." Aida stopped fighting against Jae's grip, panting, clearly alarmed.
"Wewe mjinga mtoto shenzi! (You stupid uncouth child!)" Aida snapped. Whaaaat? Jae had no idea what language that was but Jae was pretty sure Aida wasn't complimenting her.
"Good evening to you too." Jae knew she couldn't get mad, not tonight, even if she really wanted to curse at Aida for being rude, she knew better.
"Let me go!" Aida pulled away from Jae's arms, smoothing down her jacket. It was weird to see Aida in casual clothes, the closest Jae had ever seen Aida in casual dressing was in the hospital gown. Aida had a simple washed denim jacket with a grey hood, white shirt, black joggers and black grunge boots, with her dreads tied back. Damn! Girl can clean up very nice! Maybe Jae should skip the formalities and take her back to her pl-
"-Do you know I've been waiting for...thirty minutes?!" Aida finished glancing at her watch.
"Really? I didn't see you pull up. I've been here since seven." Jae said. Aida's brows rose in shock.
"Seriously? Seven? Why? Didn't you say eight?" Jae resisted the urge to smile, Aida was now worried she was on the wrong for yelling at Jae yet she had been here an hour prior.
"I did. You were on time. I was early." Jae shrugged. "Got these." Jae handed the bouquet of flowers to Aida who stared between the flowers and Jae, shaking her head.
"I dunno what you think this is...but it's not a date." Aida said. Jae felt her chest pull. expected. Jae never found it easy to break any stud, Aida seemed relentless on her stand, just as every stud Jae has ever been with.
"It's just yellow flowers. Don't flatter yourself." Jae shrugged. Aida took the flowers, silently inhaling them, Jae turned around to hide the grin the was threatening to form on her lips. Aida accepted the flowers...that's a good start.
"You know, it's popular belief that yellow flowers represent happiness and new beginnings." Aida said.
"I'm feeling optimistic." Jae smiled. After all, it is a new beginning for them, as colleges and...hopefully, more than that.
"I said it was popular belief, that doesn't make it true." Aida stated. Okaaaay...guess Aida isn't a hopeless romantic.
"Wanna play a game?" Jae offered. There were tons of games and rides here! Even though Jae is a gown up...she did want to try a few games. Aida gave Jae a look that said 'Are you serious?' But Jae ignored it heading for a random game, Aida tailing curiously after her. They stood in front of a stand where there were three boards. Jae paid for them both. Jae thanked the man behind the desk as he handed Jae two bows and six arrows to Jae. Aida pulled out her wallet to pay unaware that Jae had already taken care of it.
"Don't." Jae shook her head, noticing Aida battling with herself on whether or not she should let it slide, and handed her the archers gear.
"Are you ready to loose?" Jae joked.
"I never loose." Aida said.
"Okay, looser pays for the next game." Aida grinned.
"Aight." Jae went first, firing all her arrows and even Aida had to admit, they were impressive shots, two within the blue circle and one within the yellow.
"Think you can beat that?" Jae teased. Aida chuckled and positioned herself, taking a deep breath, she shot the first arrow...a direct hit! It landed right in the middle of the red bullseye! "That was just a lucky-" Aida fired the second arrow, and it made another direct hit! Just millimeters away from the first arrow. The man behind the desk looked very impressed. "...well..." Jae was cut off again as Aida positioned herself, firing the third arrow, and it landed a few millimeters next to the first arrow, together, the arrows were pinned in a perfect triangle right on the bullseye. Jae gapped, that was very very impressive! How was Aida able to hit the target so squarely? That looked like the work of some samurai or something!
"Just lucky huh?" Aida turned around with smug look on her face. "Don't worry, you can cuddle ali tonight." Aida teased, handing Jae the stuffed alligator doll that she had won.
"Wait!" Jae caught up to Aida. "Where'd you learn to do that? What I just witnessed was sum Assassin Creed typa shit!" Jae gasped. Aida chuckled.
"You learned that from school?!" Jae gasped. What kind of rich kid school did she go to where they had archery as a damn class?!
"No." Aida laughed. "My dad had me signed for classes when I was younger." She paused as if remembering something sad but shook her head. "Anyway, I was interested in weapons so, he made some calls, got me a few classes." Aida shrugged.
"How old were you?"
"Nineteen. I didn't really get good until I was...twenty two...?" She recalled. Aida likes weapons, Jae was no stranger to people who did, but most of the people who used them, only ever did out of self difference, not interest. What Aida was basically saying is, she likes weapons and she took classes to learn how to use them.
"Ah, so you like heavy artillery huh?" Jae smirked, Aida shook her head smiling because the way Jae posed the question made it sound inappropriate. "So, if we were in a fight, what would be your weapon of choice?"
" AK47." Aida said. "But I also learned how to use quite a few like a PKM, M1911, and AR15." Aida said. A girl who is handy with guns...? Jae was really beginning to like Aida. "What about you? When did you start using guns?" Aida asked.
"Thirteen." Jae shrugged. Aida stopped walking gapping at Jae. What?
"Thirteen?!" Aida repeated in complete disbelief.
"How?! Weren't you too young to own one? Is it even legal to own one at that age?" Aida asked, catching up to Jae.
"Nope." Jae shook her head. "But rules like that don't apply when you grow up in the Projects." Jae said. Aida's eyes softened, Jae looked away, that sympathy that Aida was showing, she couldn't stand it, she hated people feeling sorry for her!
"What about your parents? Did they know you had-?"
"-They didn't know. They didn't care. They only adopted me because of the money." Why was she talking so much?! Jae has never talked like this before, not to anyone. Why was she blabbing her childhood grievances to a complete stranger? Who also happens to be her boss.
"Oh, I'm s-"
"-Don't be. It did me good. I technically stole the gun from my foster father, then I got my own gun when I was sixteen." Jae shrugged. Aida kept silent, understanding that her empathy was not at all appreciated at the moment.
"This game?" Jae laughed at the sight of the baby monkey heads popping up and down. Aida grabbed the hammer on the side and grinned.
"Afraid you'll lose...again?"
"Ha! Try me!" Jae challenged. Ten games later, Jae was starting to feel a little tired, and peeped her watch; ten fifty. Not bad.
"Passed you! I'm on level three!" They were now playing a basketball game, if they got enough baskets in before time, they would move to the next level, each harder than the next and in level three, the hoop moved back and forth quite fast. Jae was already beat by level two, which was sad considering she was a member of her college basketball team, one of the best actually, and now she couldn't even beat Aida, and Aida hadn't played basketball since junior high! If Jae learnt anything tonight is that Aida was competitive as fuck! Even when Jae won, Aida insisted on playing the game again until she got the hang of it or beat Jae in another round. Aida really is a sore loser. Aida had won Jae at six different games (that is, if you don't count the rematches), and Jae couldn't even be mad about it, she earned it, besides, she seems to be having fun, right now that was all that mattered. Aida's determination to win was actually quite appealing to Jae, it just goes to show that Aida is a woman who isn't afraid to go after what she wants and that is very attractive.
"Hungry?" Jae asked.
"Um...where will we be going?"
"Imma take that as a yes. Mackey Dee's?" Jae offered.
"Damnit!" Aida groaned, finally loosing at level five. Wow, she got there fast! "I'm not hungry, but I can take you if you are." Aida offered. Wouldn't it be weird to take your date out to eat and you are the only one eating? Considering it's the early days, Jae wouldn't quite feel comfortable letting Aida watch her stuff her face with chicken nuggets, she'd buy some on the way home, but she needed to get at least something to drink to ease the hunger pangs.
"Actually, I know a place not too far from here." Jae said. "It's a coffee shop." Aida's face lit up. Hm, guess she likes coffee quite a bit. They walked about a block down from the park, placing their orders, they settled on a table not too far from the entrance. It was quite cosy, with few customers, playing old smooth jazz. Aida was smiling the whole time.
"You like it here?" Jae asked.
"I love coffee houses."  Aida smiled. "I rarely go out but when I do, I go to coffee houses or libraries. Usually ones that aren't so popular. I like it like that. It's the perfect setting for writing terrible clichés." Aida laughed. Aida actually has a very pretty smile.
"You write? What did you write?" Jae asked. Aida is an author? Hm...who knew?
"I used to. I loved writing novels and poetry. I don't so much anymore." Aida shrugged.
"Why?" Jae asked.
"It was a hobby I had to give up. I still have adult responsibilities, like my job." Aida said.
"Well that's gotta be boring as fuck." Jae blandly stated. "All work and no play? Nah. You gotta pick up that writing."
"Why? I like my job."
"Yeah, but you love your writing. I can tell. Keep writing ma'." Jae encouraged.
"I appreciate the encouragement but Jae, I swear if you call me that name again, I'll fire you." Aida threatened. "Speaking of which, I only agreed to see you this evening so that you can explain yourself how that whole mess began." Aida said.
"Black coffee, and an Uncle Joey." The blonde green eyed lady smiled as she set the drinks down. "Anything else?" The blonde was clearly interested in Aida from the way she smiled, twirling her hair and Aida was completely oblivious, offering a small smile before turning to her coffee. Nu-uh, step off bitch.
"We good." Jae frowned. The blonde lady scoffed at Jae and walked away.
"What was that about?" Aida frowned.
"Shawty gotta thing fo you." Jae said. Aida looked genuinely surprised, "Ion like nobody flirting with my dates." Jae said, sipping her drink.
"This isn't a date-"
"-Well, what would you call this?" Jae quizzed. Aida blushed. Damn, she's adorable as hell!
"Uh...well, psht-uh...a business dinner...?" Aida finished, but it came out as more of a question than a statement. Jae laughed.
"You cute as hell when you blush."
"Aight, stop that gay shit nigga-"
"-I am gay nigga." Jae laughed. Aida broke her stern expression, joining Jae in laughter.
"Anyway...when I was younger... I..." Jae shook her head. This is harder than she thought, Jae had never really told anyone her backstory, nobody ever asked, nobody really cares, besides, she was trying to walk away from it. Problem is, Jae can't start her whole new life without a job, no job means no money and that'll force her back in a game she started when she was younger, and was lucky enough to escape alive. In order to keep the job, she's gotta come clean to her boss, a complete stranger, and a potential smash.
"What?" Aida pressed.
"I won't lie, I don't have a clean slate, I've gotten into a bit of trouble with the law."
"How much?" Aida asked.
"I got booked for drugs." Jae said.
"What else?" Aida asked.
"Nun else." Jae said.
"Were you ever in a gang?" Aida asked. Jae couldn't help but feel offended. That was the type of question that Jae expected from some snooty blue collar white man, not Aida.
"What typa white ass question is that? No, I wasn't in no gang." Jae spat. Aida blinked in surprise, she knew she hit a nerve but it was an honest question. Aida didn't grow up in the states, the majority of what she knew about America was all the movies, which she knew weren't all that realistic, but she knew they reinforced stereotypes, both negative and positive. African Americans were always depicted in something funny or violent, and considering Jae barely flinched in a hostile situation, such as in the club, and even came armed, engraved a feeling in Aida that Jae might know more than she's letting on or done more than she's willing to share.
"-I had two friends who were but I never sold my soul any goddamn gang. I knew I'd be shot up on the block if I did. I was a solo dealer but that don't mean I didn't have sum trouble. That's how those nigga's at the club knew me. Tyrone, the man under the hood was ma closest friend and biggest customer, he sold his life to the streets." Jae didn't feel the need to scare Aida by letting her know that Tyrone was just a pawn for his boss who was out to get her. Aida would fire her for sure if she knew.
"Do you have any criminal charges out against you?" Aida asked. Jae shook her head.
"Look, I've never had a stable job. I'm tryna fix my life right now and I could really use this job. I won't take it if you ain't comfortable working with me." Jae said, she hated begging, it made her sound desperate. Aida stared at her coffee, brows furrowed thinking hard, stirring it slowly, taking a sip, she sighed, her expression softening.
"It's getting late." Aida said glancing at her Rolex. "We are gonna be late for work tomorrow if we don't start heading home." Jae raised her brow. Did she say 'we'? Was Aida okay with them working together?
"Is that a yes...?" Jae breathed a sigh of relief when Aida smiled nodding in affirmation. Yeeeeees!
"Let's go." Aida stood up, taking her half filled mug to the cashier. Aida pulled her wallet to pay, Jae stopped her.
"I got this." Jae said.
"Considering you paid for most of the rides, I'll pay for the coffee." Aida insisted.
"Considering I'm the one who asked to out tonight, I'll take care of it."
"Here you go." Jae paid hurriedly, while Aida was distracted by the coffee cups being handed to her. Aida turned to pay just as Jae grabbed the bill.
"Thanks." Jae smiled taking her cup from Aida who frowned. "Don't worry. I'll let you pay for me next time." Jae chuckled.
"Next time? There's not gonna be a next time." Aida grumbled. Ha! Suuuure.
"Can I ask you something?" Jae asked as she approached Aida's car.
"There's this Andy Car show on Thursday, thought you might like it." Jae said.
"Technically, that's not a question." Aida smiled. Smart mouth. "Why would you think I'd like it though?" Aida queried.
"Considering you own a 1953 Buick Skylark, I'd say vintage cars are your thing...? It's a vintage car showing." Jae smiled.
"Oh wow. You like vintage cars?" Aida grinned.
"I worked at a mechanics for a while. Seen and fixed all typa cars." Jae shrugged. "So...?"
"I'll think about it." Aida smiled. Jae opened her car door.
"Hey Aida?"
"I had a good time tonight." Jae smiled.
"Me too. It was a good date." Aida covered her mouth, her eyes wide when she realized what she said. Aida finally admitted that it was date!
"Yeah. A great date." Jae's grin was wide enough to hurt her cheeks. "See you tomorrow boss." Jae waved, watching Aida driving off. Jae hugged the stuffed doll Aida won.

Definitely one of the best dates Jae has ever had!

*. *. *.

> VOTE! COMMENT! FAN! Let me know what you think 😃
> Thank you so much for the votes, comments and adds so far! I really appreciate it 😁🙌
> I actually had fun writing this chapter 😃 I feel like a lot of books on Wattpad nowadays jump to the sexual content between the two characters, sometimes in an unrealistic way. I guess I just want my characters to have a realistic relationship and I think it's better building a relationship that is more than sexual between two characters.
> Got my results for finals which I aced so I'm stoked for that! 😁
> Hope my readers and writers have an awesome week! 😃🙌

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