Bullied! Hikaru X Reader

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Your p.o.v

" Hey Four eyes." Your eyes opened wide and fear started to seep out. You stood in the school bath room after school ended. You were brushing your hair but now you were being thrown against the wall.

" oof!" The breath you had was knocked out of your chest as Ellie your Bully laughed in your face as her minions held you against the wall. You did nothing but stare out of fear she would hurt you more.

" How's my Favorite Four eyed Kick Stand." She laughed her minty breath hit your face. Your glasses fogged up your vision becoming cloudy. ( sorry if you don't wear glasses just pretend.)

" Ellie I did nothing to you. Let me go." You finally breathed out. Her black hair swished and her dark green eyes turned to slits as she rolled back onto her heels then made a fist and she punched you right in the face.

Pain erupted everywhere as you limply fell to the floor onto your knees. You looked up to her piercing glare. " Your right. You didn't do anything your just a gullible Rudy girl, that will do anything I tell you to do. And what you'll do is shut up and do a little favor for me." Your small frame shook as you felt warm liquid come out of your nose. You weren't short but you were shorter than Ellie. You were very petite and had glasses. But you were a push over and did what everyone told you to in fear of being hurt.

" No." You said in a small Voice, becoming sick of her torture. You got up and then wiped your bloody nose with your arm. The three girls in front of you scoffed and looked at you with hate. " What? Did our little Y/n become actually brave and say something? " Ellie asked a fake smile plastered across her face.

" I said no." You said with more strength. But as soon as you said that you regretted it.

Ellie's dark eyes began piercing blades. She breathed in looking like she was ready to kill someone. You then decided a quick decision, you ran. You rushed out of the bathroom sprinted down the empty hallways. Your long yellow dress swayed as you ran. You were a fast runner for a petite girl but you still heard three other pairs of feet chasing after you. You ran through the maize of the pink school until, you got to a dorr that lead to the school gardens.

You didn't waste a second as you ran into the small maze of rose bushes. You ran until, you couldn't breath any more. You collapsed onto the floor and breathed deeply and closed your eyes. You heard foot steps as you were on the ground. Not having the energy to get up your squished your eyes closed and waited for the pain. But instead of pain you heard a soft voice and heard some rustling.

You opened your eyes to see familiar honey Amber eyes. " Y/n?" You slightly gasped and a soft hand fixed your glasses then took your hand and helped you up.

" Karou-Sempi ?" You looked at the handsome make that helped you up." Think again darling." The carrot head said as he smirked.

" Sorry Hikaru-Sempi..." You wispered. B/f/n has taken you to the Host club a few times and requested the twins multiple times. During that time you've developed a small crush on the elder twin. And during that time you've become good friends with him and his twin. Hikaru lifted your chin and looked at you with a slightly worried expression. You slightly blushed as you looked up into eyes. " You fine?" He asked.

" I-I'm fine. I'm doing great....just fine." You said in a shaky voice. You weren't going to tell your friends about your bully problem let alone your crush. You shook your way of his grasp and started to walked away. You heard your name being called out by Hikaru then followed by three female voices. Your eyes widened in recondition and you stoped in your tracks.

" I asked you to stop. Just stop it already!" You yelled fed up and not wanting to get hurt in front of Hikaru-Sempi but instead of raging green eyes you saw Honey Amber.

" Don't you ever let anyone ever hurt you. " you looked behind Hikaru to see if Ellie and her jerky friends were there but they weren't." They're gone, I told them to get away." Hikaru took your chin and forced you to look at him. You felt heat rise to your cheeks.

" why? Why would you do that..." You asked slightly in a weak tone.
" Because a face as pretty as yours shouldn't be scratched up. Your too pretty." You looked up to him surprised." If anyone hurts you come strait to me and tell." He looked at you and you were sucked into his beautiful eyes.

" Why?" You slightly squeaked out.

" Because I don't like it when people touch my possessions." He deviously smiled then leaned down and planted his lips right onto yours. You saw a light blush spread across his face. Then you joined in and melted into it. The two of you broke apart to breath and he snaked his arms around your waist.

" I hope you know your not ugly and short. Your pretty and have an amazing personality." You felt his warm breath against your mouth. Your two foreheads learned against each other. You smiled and your unsureness left your body as a smile grew on your lips.

" I hope you know your a good kisser." You looked into his eyes. As he smiled along with you.

" You too Sweetheart. You too."

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