Chapter 4

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Hey! Play the video! It's the song their listening to in this chapter. I'm not sure what it's called and who wrote it but it's a really good song. Hope you enjoy reading! Comment what you think :))


Brenton O'Keith

Of course she was on this plane. Of course she was in the washroom the exact same time I needed to pee. Madison Vaughn was everywhere. What was up with her smell, though? She smelled like wet dog mixed with elephant poop and vinegar.

I sighed, shook all thoughts of Madison out of my head, and focused on the music I was listening to. I was never a very good musician. I tried playing the guitar when I was 13 years old and I failed miserably. I tried the piano shortly after, but there was no success there either. And my singing was just plain awful. Despite my lack of musical talent, however, I never stopped loving music. No matter where I was, what I was doing or what I was going through, nothing seemed complete without a good song playing in the background.

In this case, the music that completed my sleepy mood was a playlist of slow, classical piano pieces. I closed my eyes, listening to the notes of the pianos and violins and cellos and flutes being strung together to make one extraordinarily beautiful piece. Suddenly, I was no longer on the plane. I was in the song.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we request your attention please," a flight attendant spoke through the speakers, pulling me out of my concentration. I took my earphones off and listened as she said, "There has been an emergency. Mrs. Welsh from the economy class is having severe abdominal pain due to pregnancy. The doctor onboard strongly suggests that she lies down in order to avoid any unnecessary discomfort. Due to the lack of volunteers from the first class, on behalf of British Airways, we assure you that if you are willing to sacrifice your seat in order to help Mrs. Welsh with her difficulties, you will be compensated for your much appreciated generosity. If you are interested in volunteering, please approach any flight attendant immediately."

Without hesitation, I stood up and walked towards the nearest flight attendant. "She can have my seat," I said.

The flight attendant, whose name tag read Barbara, instantly grinned. "Great! Thank you so much."

"No problem," I said, collecting my things. "So where do I go?"

"Follow me, sir."

She led me towards the back of the plane. I had never even seen the back of a plane before. I never knew the seats were that narrow.

"Mrs. Welsh?" Barbara said, lightly touching the pregnant woman on her shoulder, waking her up. "We found a volunteer from the business class. Your seat is ready for you." Mrs. Welsh sat up and glanced at the person who was fast asleep beside her, before turning her attention back to Barbara and nodding.

She smiled, looking at me. "Thanks," she weakly managed.

Helping her stand up, I beamed. "No need to thank me."

After helping Barbara out with Mrs. Welsh's things and putting mine in the overhead compartment, I quickly got settled in my new seat. 

That was when I smelled it. I smelled puke. I slowly turned my head to face the person sleeping beside me. Because it was dark and her hair was covering her face, I hadn't recognized her immediately. However, now that I had smelled her, I knew exactly who she was.

Madison Vaughn.

I began to panic. Why did it have to be her? There had to have been at least 300 other people on the freaking plane. How the hell did I end up beside Madison Vaughn of all people? I was seriously starting to think she was doing some kind of voodoo magic on me. Did she plan everything? Was I a potential victim of homicide due to unrequited love? She must have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to get near me so she could —

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