Chapter 2

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Hey, awesome people who clicked on my book! I love you, honestly. The picture above is Blake Jenner and he's playing Brent! At first, I was gonna make Daniel Sharman (Isaac in Teen Wolf) play Brent, but I think Blake Jenner would match the role better. The song is  KSM's version of  "I Want You To Want Me" by Cheap Trick! Love this song <3

My first few chapters will be short but the next ones (when they're in the UK) will be a bit longer! I hope you enjoy reading :))

- Pia :)


Brenton O'Keith

"So you got everything ready?" my best friend, Tyler, asked, his eyes glued to the road.

"Yup," I replied. We were on our way to Macy's to buy luggages.

He kept one hand on the wheel, his left arm resting on the open window of his car. "You got your student visa? Your Cambridge University acceptance form? A framed picture of me?"

I laughed, "Why would I need a framed picture of you?"

He gave me a look that said 'duh' before answering, "Because you'll miss me, idiot."

"Nah, I didn't think that far."

He reached his hand to open the glove compartment. "Don't worry, I got it right here," he said, handing me a picture of us.

"You're crazy," I chuckled, taking the framed picture from him and snapping a picture of it on my phone so I could tweet it.

"No, but seriously, man," he said, getting all serious. "This is the first time we won't see each other. It's freaky, bro."

I pouted, trying not to laugh as I nudged his shoulder. "Awww, you'll live, Ty."

He was right, though. It was going to be crazy weird to be away from Tyler. It wasn't going to be months, it was going to be years. I couldn't remember a time when I had to leave Ty for that long. He was always a part of our family. He even came with us on out-of-the-country trips. He was my brother.

"You suck! I'm trying to be sentimental here. You're totally killing my mood, dude," he chuckled as he shoved me playfully.

"I'll be back before you know it, mom," I joked.

He gave me a pointed look. "You better think about me everyday, O'Keith."

I took out my phone and said, "Think about Tyler," pretending to add it to my schedule.

"Damn straight."

"Ty, of course I'll miss you, man. You're like the stink to my feet."

He cringed. "Gross, but I'll take it."

We were almost at Macy's when my phone rang. I checked to see who was calling, then answered.

"Hey, dad."

"Son, what time will you be home?" He asked.

I checked my watch. It was 5:34 pm. 

"I'll probably be home by 6. Why?"

"Your cousin's here."

I sat up straight. "Harry's here?" 

"Yes. His flight took a stopover and he decided to surprise us. He's staying for dinner. Come home soon."

"Yeah, sure."

With that, my father ended the call.

"Harry's here? As in Harry, your cool musician cousin who's traveling the world because he's awesome? That Harry?"

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