C h a p t e r 1 3

Start from the beginning

With an exasperated huff on my part, we reached the exit of the alley, only to stop in our tracks.

More hunters had appeared, closing in on us from the other side as we backed back into the alleyway.


Glancing around, I was desperate to find anything that would help us escape, only to come up with nothing.

Vexed and very livid at being blocked on both sides with no escape in sight, I thrashed out and irrational hit the wall with one of my scythes, only to have splinters fly past my face as my hand sunk into the wooden back door of a shop I had just accidently destroyed.

Letting out a muffled cry of thanks, I took a step back before sprinting towards the door to break it down. I moment later I was on the ground surrounded by more splinters of wood as I quickly picked myself up from the floor.

The shop was dark and cluttered, with antique furniture everywhere, no doubt what this store sold.

I allowed a quick glance back to see Kenji barrel in through the opening before Cole knocked a dresser in front of the door to stall the hunters coming for us.

"Come on!" I shouted. "That won't hold them off for long!"

We tumbled through the shop, knocking things down in the process to make it harder for the hunters to come through.

Running towards the front door of the shop, we ran to escape only for hunters to come in that way too. With the shatter of glass, hunters came in through the entry, blocking our way momentarily.

With a swerve to the left, Cole led us to the other side of the shop, the hunters only a few paces behind. Cole jumped through one of the side windows, not bothering to be quiet since they had already found us.

I was starting to doubt our chances of escape as we ran down the dark street. With sweat drenching my body, I pumped my arms in effort to go faster, only slow when we caught sight of yet another group of hunters up ahead. Before they could see us, Cole, Kenji, and I slipped into another empty store.

Reaching the back of the space, we were about to run through the back door when the shadows of more hunters caught our sight just behind the glass. We stopped in our tracks and hid behind the stacks of boxes in storage before the searching hunters could spot us as they peered into the shop.

I held my breath as I willed them to go away, my mind exhausted and my legs burning.

I sunk to the ground when I heard them shuffle off, their careless soft whispers giving them away.

I looked over at Cole and Kenji to see that their eyes gleamed with relief as well. Kenji's brown fur was covered in soot and mud from the alley chase and Cole's silver fur was equally bad, with little pieces of glass added to the mix. I rubbed my ribs tenderly, already feeling the bruises forming and used the sleeve of my crimson cloak to wipe away the blood dripping from the gash on my forehead.

My head snapped up as we heard another group of hunters walked by, the clunking of their boots echoing off the walls as we stilled and listened to them as they brushed by.

Only when I was sure they were gone did I dare speak up.

"They'll find us like this," I croaked, searching my mind for any means on how to get out of this situation.

Cole bared his teeth, not liking this one bit either.

If they find us, Kenji and Cole are dead, which means I'm dead due to the stupid bond.

"The both of you need to leave. They're chasing me, not the two of you," I whispered to the both of them.

Kenji, who was deep in thought, snapped out of his concentrated gaze to give me a look I could only read as 'you really think he's going to leave?'

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