Chapter 2

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Hey ok so like lemme just explain something quick, I have shit memory and like a tendency to switch POV without any warning I could go from the first person to the third person randomly and not even realize so please tell me if I do so I can fix it. Thank you.


It was Saturday evening and (Name) Still hasn't found his tablets, Akatsuki refused to take him to get more candy till he found them since they are rather important. So that's how little (Name) ended up the following Zero while looking for the tablets---more like Zero looking for them and (Name) eating his precious candy much to Zero's displeasure and annoyance. They were searching for a while, no signs of the tablets as zero spoke "Why is it so important that we find this specific bottle of tablets? You guys have so much in fucking stock" with pure annoyance as the other replied calmly "They are special, they also have my medication mixed with them" with his mouth full of candy and for some reason that made Zero snap.

Swiftly turning around Zero slapped the candy out of the hands of the vampire; successfully spilling them all over the ground as he yelled "Can you stop eating all those fucking candies all the time and actually help!? You fucking vampires are so fucking prissy and think everyone should do things for you huh!? Find the god damn pills yourself, I'm not helping" Before storming out and actually making (Name) show a purely shocked and hurt facial feature since no one has ever yelled at him before and actually smacked his candies out of his hands.

He really needed those medications and wanted some company but it seems he did something wrong, again. The tablets worked as his anxiety medication as well and only the night class and Headmaster knew about his anxiety; how behind his calm and sleepy self is the fear of judgment. Falling to his knees he stared at the candy in shock and now just an empty expression not really sure what to do right now as millions of thoughts raced through his mind. Hours passed and it was nighttime and (Name) still sat there in thought and shell shock.

Yuki saw the teen and walked up to him confused as she knelt down to his level "(Name)? It's past curfew, you should be in the dorm" She said sweetly only to get no reply as she glanced at the candy and looked even more confused before standing up. 'Wonder what happened, did he drop them?' She thought as she quickly figured out that she wouldn't get an answer from the (HC) haired male as she quickly walked to the night dorm.

Knocking on the large dorm door it was quickly opened by the ever so happy Takuma "Oh hello Yuki~! What brings you here?" He asked smiling at her. "It's (Name), He's in the courtyard staring at a spilled bag of candy and doesn't look too happy" She quickly explained as the other stopped smiling and yelled inside the door "LORD KANAME, AIDO, AKATSUKI! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" As Aido and Akatsuki quickly ran to the door and Kaname calmly walked to the said destination as Aido spoke frantically "What happened?!" as Takuma explained what happened. "Someone must have knocked them out of his hand, he doesn't just drop candy," Akatsuki said in a monotone expression as the five began walking towards where (Name) was and Aido walked to him calmly and showing a persona that was strangely out of character for him.

Kneeling down the blonde spoke to the other "hey (Name), what happened? It's me Aido" he spoke soothingly as the small male slowly turned his gaze to the blue-eyed male and spoke in a whisper "Zero was helping me look for my tablets and yelled at me and smacked the candies from my hand, I messed up again didn't I?" He asked with a sad expression, something no one saw very often; it was a very rare sight to see.

"No (Name) you didn't do anything wrong, and it's alright Zero is just stupid and angry---He's not too fond of vampires. How about we go back to the dorm and get you something new alright?" Aido offered to which the other nodded, playing with the ends of his uniform as Akatsuki lifted him in his arms and began walking away. "Thank you Yuki, we were getting very worried about him and if you hadn't found him we don't know what could have happened," Kaname said as he gave her a faint smile to which she blushed a scarlet red.

Once the vampires returned to their dorm (Name) was fast asleep per usual as Aido spoke with pure malice "Zero is going to die" as he was simply enraged at the fact that the silver haired male hurt the precious vampires feelings but the idea got shot down by Kaname as he spoke "As much as we all want that, it's not the way to go about this; Zero is always rude and inconsiderate and (Name)'s a vampire so he's definitely no exception to his wrath" in his usual monotone voice giving a quick glance at the said male who was a part of the topic. "Let's let him rest for now, but he is not to leave the dorm till we find his medication, Takuma and Ruka you two will keep an eye on him" the pureblood spoke as said vampires nodded and walked the boy to his dorm since sleeping with his head bent forwards would strain it.

"Tomorrow I will get him more candy so he's distracted, Aido Akatsuki finds his tablets" Kaname ordered the two as they nodded and Senri and Rima were secretly thankful that they didn't have to do anything.


Soft footsteps could be heard wondering down the halls of the night dorm as (Name) waddled down to the kitchen area, getting a glass of water half awake not noticing Aido in the same room. "(Name)? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Aido asked shocked that the other even woke up since he could sleep for days if he could. The other just shrugged in a sleepy daze as he continued sipping his water before speaking softly "I can't sleep" and Aido was definitely confused at this point before asking "Do you want me to sleep with you then?" jokingly as the other nodded taking it seriously. (Name finished his water as the two made it back to Aido and Akatsuki's room and got comfy in the bed, (name) snuggled into the blonde's side as he drifted off.

Aido was awake, though, admiring the simply breathtaking boy as he gently caressed his cheek, his smell intoxicating as he kissed the crown of the others heads before joining him in a well-deserved sleep. 

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