"Harry, I love you," I say. I want that to alleviate any suspicion he has. "Don't worry, please? If there was anything I was doing that you should be worried about, I don't think I could deal with the sickness I'd have."

My heart pounds off beat. The thought of him not trusting me honestly scares me. He does not respond to what I said.

"Okay?" I beg.

"Alright." He starts the car.

Fuck. I have to tell him now.


Louis and Eleanor live together in a cute apartment. Harry knocks on the door with his right hand, not letting go of mine with his left hand. Music pounds throughout the house so I guess plenty of people are already here.

A few seconds pass, and Eleanor opens the door for us. She smiles at Harry. "Hey," she says, and he returns the greeting. Harry lets go of my hand to give her a hug.

When Eleanor looks at me, the first thing I see on her face is worry. It takes me a moment to register why that is true, but it quickly falls together. Eleanor was the one who told me not to worry about Zayn popping up in my life, and here he is texting me every other day. She was lying when she told me that, and I just realized it. But I do not care much. Zayn has not had that bad of an impact on my life, so I do not plan on holding a grudge against Eleanor.

So when I smile at her and her smile of relief is formed, I conclude that any tension that could have been between us has been wiped away. We greet and hug each other.

Louis comes to the door and wraps his arms around Eleanor. "Hey guys," he says to us. "Come on in."

Harry's hand takes hold of mine again and he leads me into the house. We pass a couple of guys I have not met that are running down the halls.

The house is sparsely scattered with people that I do not recognize. I tighten my grip on his hand. I really do not want Harry to leave me now. I know nobody that is here so far. We take a seat on the couch that is in the living room. Eleanor sits across from us, but Louis disappears. Harry is not his usual lively self, and it is pretty obvious. He does not try to start a conversation, so things are awkward until I cannot handle the silence any longer.

"So how-" I start to ask Eleanor, but the doorbell promptly rings. She excuses herself to go answer it.

As we hear the chatter from the doorway, Harry motions for us to get up in order to greet whoever has arrived. When Eleanor returns from the door, she brings back Zayn, Olivia, Charlotte and Parker.

I was the one who introduced Charlotte and her boyfriend to all of the friends that I got from Harry. They all seemed to like the two, so we just absorbed them into our group.

We go through the whole greeting process with them. Everyone that just arrived settles down in the living room with Harry and I. Zayn and Olivia sit with us on the couch: Harry, me, Zayn, and Olivia from left to right.

I notice that Harry still has not let go of my hand. It makes my stomach drop. He is trying so hard to trust me with the whole secret texting thing- he knows I hate it when he is too jealous or suspicious. I squeeze his hand. His lifeless eyes meet up with mine. He hits me with an empty smile- one that does not reach his eyes, and just barely one of his dimples- confirming to me his dispirited state.

Louis comes around and offers everyone drinks. Harry takes one, I do not. I never loved to drink. Louis takes this as an opportunity to make fun of me, but Harry has taught me to shrug off anything Louis says as a joke.

A conversation has started, putting Harry in a better state. Either that or the alcohol. The fact that Zayn is here and Louis is finally sitting down also helps calm Harry down. He has let go of my hand and is joking around with Zayn across me. It is a bit uncomfortable for me; he is literally leaning over me to talk to Zayn. Plus, Zayn is the one I am texting.

All is Fair: Zayn Malik FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now