Chapter 19: A new Journey

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The minecarts came to a dead stop against a wall, causing Ivor's nose to smash against the netherrack. "Oww! Who forgot to brake it?" Ivor yelled as he covered his nose. "Oops." Lukas said. They all got out and saw the portal that led back to Gabriel's temple. "I could've swore one the witherstorm's tentacles destroyed the portal." Jesse said, putting a hand on his chin. "Gabriel must've rebuilt it. Let's go already." Lukas grumbled. Jesse raised an eyebrow at Lukas' anger, but decided not to question him and went through the portal.

Petra woke up with a yawn, having finally getting some good sleep in the last few days. "Morning Petra." Olivia greeted from her cell. "Morning." Petra stretched and rubbed her eyes. "Did you sleep good?" Olivia asked. "Yup. Totally did." Petra smiled at her. "Clearly, since it's noon already." Olivia stated. "Axel and I ate the bread that was given to us in the morning. We left one for you." Olivia handed her the bread. "Thanks, Olivia." Petra thanked her and ate. "So, what do we do when we get out of here?" Axel asked them. "What are you talking about?" Olivia asked him, taken aback by his question.

"He means we have to bust out of here." Petra told her. "We can't!" Olivia shot back. "Why not?" Axel asked. "It just seems wrong." Olivia said. Petra laughed at this. "Wrong? Everything seems wrong to you." Petra pointed a finger at Olivia and continued to laugh. "Olivia, I don't wanna be here for much longer. I wanna go out and adventure again." Axel said while looking out the small window. "And I wanna go out and destroy Jesse." Petra declared. "But we deserve to be here after what we did!" Olivia was practically yelling at this point. "What do you mean, Olivia? We didn't do anything that bad." Axel tried to explain. Petra sighed and looked down. For some reason, Jesse and Ivor came into her head. Petra clenched her fists in anger. "Damn you, Jesse." Petra thought.

"AHHHH!" Everyone yelled as they collided with the obsidian floor. "Note to self, tell Gabriel to get a softer floor." Steve told himself, holding his shoulder. Darryl whined in agreement. "Jesse? Ivor?" Someone asked. Jesse looked up to see who it was. "Ellegaard?" Jesse said in disbelief. "It's been a while." Ellegaard said. "Yeah." Lukas agreed. "Nice to see you, but what are you doing here?" Ivor asked. "After I heard from Lukas, I rushed here as fast as possible. I made sure to take care of Gabriel as best as I could." Ellegaard explained to the group. "You got here really quickly too." Lukas pointed out. "After what happened to Magnus, I wasn't going to let another one of us go." Ellegaard said while wiping a few tears.

"And I appreciate your assistance." Gabriel thanked as he limped his way into the room. "Gabriel, what are you doing out of bed?" Ellie scolded. "Don't you forget? I'm Gabriel the Warrior!" Gabriel said proudly, trying to stand up straight. "More like Gabriel the retired warrior." Ivor mused. "Hey! No pain, no-" Gabriel couldn't finish and fell face first on the floor, falling asleep instantly. "Gabriel, wake up!" Ellie called, but Gabriel began snoring loudly. "Gabriel when he's sleepy is even worse than Ivor when he's grumpy." Ellegaard said, chuckling at herself. Ivor's eyes began to twitch in anger. "So, now what do we do?" Jesse asked everyone. "What do you mean?" Steve raised an eyebrow. "Well, the whole world still sees us as the enemy, so we can't head back to town without getting booed." Jesse explained.

"I guess we'll make ourselves at home here." Jesse said to Gabriel, but all he got was snores. "I heard what happened to you Jesse. Why would they do that?" Ellegaard asked. "I have an idea why. Aiden told me, but he doesn't want Jesse to know." Lukas replied. "Um, okay." Jesse responded. If it was something they didn't want him to know, then he wasn't going to bother. "I'm disappointed in Olivia. She was my most determined protégé." Ellie said sadly. "Don't worry, I'm sure they're regretting what they've done." Steve assumed. "Doubt it." Lukas scoffed. It was then that Gabriel finally woke up. "Did I miss anything?" Gabriel asked, trying to stand up, which Ellegaard had to help him. "Can I stay at your place for a while?" Gabriel looked at him and nodded. "Of course. This place needs renovation anyways." Gabriel said, eyeing the walls.

Ellegaard carried Gabriel back to his bed and laid him down. "Well, if you guys are staying, then I can return to Redstonia." Ellegaard stated. Steve and Darryl turned and headed for the door. "Before you do that, I need to bring some stuff from my house." "I'll help." Jesse joined Steve and Darryl, and the three left for Steve's house. In order to get there, they had to pass through a thick jungle. "Steve, I need to ask you something." Steve looked at Jesse and motioned for him to ask him. "Have you noticed something different about Lukas?" Jesse asked. "Well, he does seem a bit frustrated. But I'm sure there's nothing seriously wrong." Steve reassured. "Yeah, you're probably right." Jesse agreed.

Jesse and Steve made it to Steve's house. Jesse walked in and Steve was about to as well but Darryl's barking made him stop. "There's something in the mail." Steve said, taking it out. Steve read it and his eyes nearly popped out. Darryl turned his head and Steve showed him, and Darryl did the same thing. "What's it say?" Jesse asked. "No!" Steve covered it. "Geez, is it that bad?" Steve sighed and showed Jesse the note. "No way." Jesse gasped. "We'll discuss this later. Let's get all my stuff out of here first." Steve and Jesse finished gathering everything Steve needed; food, bed, etc. They returned a hour later. Ellegaard had left and everyone else was asleep. "Guess we should get some sleep too." Steve said. "Night, Steve." Jesse said to him, before closing the door to his room. Steve and Darryl went in their room and Steve opened the note again and sat on his bed.

Nave finished eating and turned to Cupid, his horse, and fed him too. "You won't believe who I bumped into when I was visiting the nether, Cupid. Steve and Darryl!" Nave announced. Cupid looked at him gave a horse smile. "And he was also with Jesse and the order." Nave said with much less enthusiasm. Cupid's smile quickly changed to a frown. "Jesse's actually a nicer guy than I thought. But he's very dangerous. I could tell." Nave told Cupid. "But Steve told me to trust him. And Steve doesn't tell random people about his past. Maybe I should trust Jesse too." Nave thought.

Steve opened the note and breathed in before reading it again in his head.
"Hey Steve, at least I hope it's you whose reading this. It's me, Alex. I know you think I'm gone, but I survived. I'm sorry for not letting you know earlier, but now I'm trapped. Not in this world, but another dimension. It's really creepy here. I try talking to people, but none of them talk back. It seems like everyone here is like that. Steve, I know that you'll try and find me, but I can't really give you any directions. The only thing I can give you is: look for the hall of portals."
Steve set down the note and looked at Darryl with tears in his eyes. "She's out there, Darryl. Let's settle in for a few weeks, and then we go on our journey. Wherever she is, I promise to bring her back." Steve said and Darryl barked at him in agreement. Steve looked up at the ceiling and smiled. "I know you're out there, Alex. And I won't quit until I see you again."

8 hours later.....
Everyone was awake and met in the main room. "So what do we do today?" Jesse asked Gabriel. "Let's begin with putting wood planks over all of this obsidian to make the interior look nicer." Gabriel told everybody. "Are you serious?" Lukas shouted at Gabriel. "Calm down, Louie. It's not that hard." Ivor said. Lukas shot him a death glare. Jesse turned to Steve and whispered in his ear. "Should we tell them about the note?" Jesse whispered to Steve. "Not yet. I'm just starting to enjoy having company after so long." Steve said and smiled at Jesse, in which Jesse smiled back.

"It's Lukas!" Lukas yelled, throwing a plank at Ivor, which he dodged. "I'm just kidding, you know." Ivor replied. Ivor and Lukas stopped fighting and began placing the wood down. Jesse and Steve gathered some planks in their hands while Darryl grabbed them with his mouth. "Let's go and help them." Jesse said to Steve. "Yup." Steve responded. "That's what friends do."


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