Chapter 14: A City to Save

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It's about time I put this chapter out! I stopped writing for about a week but I'm back at it! In my absence, I reached 3k reads and I thank you all so much and please enjoy this chapter!

Jesse and the founder continued to fall into the bottomless pit. In other words, the void. Both of them were screaming until they realized that screaming was pointless since nobody would hear them. The founder looked at Jesse and glared at him. "This is all your fault! Now thanks to you, we'll finally know what happens when you fall of the island!" Jesse rolled his eyes, knowing now was not the time to argue. "Have you seen Lukas? Maybe if he's down-" "Oh yes, the first thing I did when I was knocked off was look for your friend!" The founder interrupted. "Hmm, I can't decide whether I want our death to be painless for my sake, or excruciating for yours." The founder said to Jesse.

Jesse fell past the clouds and noticed something he never expected to. "Land!" Jesse screamed happily, thinking his life was saved. The founder however, was very bewildered. "Impossible. That's impossible." Jesse remembered how the founder thought that there was nothing below the city. "There!" Jesse said, pointing at the large pool of water. "Can we get to it in time?" The founder asked. "It's gonna be close!" Jesse replied as they continued to fall at a rapid speed until they fell into the water, making a loud splash. Jesse and the founder swam to the land and found Lukas. "Jesse! You're down here too?" Lukas said while holding his arm. "Lukas, you're okay!" Jesse exclaimed. "Yeah. Only slightly worse for wear. Petra was stronger than I remember." Lukas said, still holding his injured arm.

"It was good of you to try and save the founder. Speaking of whom, is she okay? She's just staring." Lukas told him. Jesse noticed that she was looking around, speechless and decided to ask if she was okay. "This has been down here the whole time." The founder said while petting a cow. "I never sent anyone to find this, it would be too dangerous." "Hey just take a deep breath, you've been trapped up there for so long, you don't want this to get to you." Jesse comforted. "Getting back up to Sky City might be a little exhausting." Lukas said. "Getting back up, you're right. I haven't even thought that far ahead yet." The founder replied. "Don't worry founder, we'll help." Jesse said. "Thanks. But please, call me Isa."

In Sky City
Petra looked down where she pushed off Jesse and smiled. Axel and Olivia cheered her on. "You finally did it, Petra!" Olivia said while clapping. "Yup. I totally did." Petra smirked and put her hands on her hips. Axel was just as happy as Olivia, but also a bit disappointed. "I wanted to be the one to do it though." Axel groaned. "Well, too bad then." Petra replied. "In the meantime, you two grab some monster eggs. It's time we begin our takeover of Sky City." Petra declared, and they nodded. Axel glanced behind him and noticed that Ivor, Steve, Milo, and the dog were gone. "Where did they go?" Axel asked in frustration. "That's the second time you let that happen today." Olivia teased. "Stop!" Axel yelled, which caused Olivia to giggle.

Ivor, Steve, Darryl, and Milo snuck through a house and stopped to catch their breath. Steve felt tears come out of his eyes as he gripped his necklace. Darryl gave him a sad look while Ivor and Milo just looked at him. "What's wrong?" Milo asked. "I just can't believe that Jesse's gone. He was the first real friend I've had in years." Steve explained. Before he could say anything else, a loud scream came from outside. They all rushed outside and saw blazes flying around the city, attacking the citizens. "Oh no!" Milo cried. "Didn't Lukas mention that there were blaze eggs missing?" Ivor asked the group. They then heard a loud shout coming from inside the palace. "IV'E SUFFERED SO MUCH! IT'S TIME EVERYONE ELSE FELT THE PAIN IV'E HAD TO ENDURE!!!!!!" The voice boomed. "It's Aiden!" Steve said.

Petra, Olivia, and Axel were heading into the palace, when they heard Aiden's loud screech. "We should stop him." Petra said. "Why do you care about stopping him?" Olivia asked. "If we do, then everyone will think that we are the heroes." Petra stated. "I like that idea." Axel said. They noticed a women who ran out of her house and sprinted toward them. "You're the Order of the Stone that the founder mentioned! Please help us!" The woman pleaded. "Sure." Petra said before she took out her sword and stabbed the women in the chest, killing her instantly. Petra smiled as she yanked the sword out of her dead body. The three continued toward the palace and stopped at the front and observed their surroundings. "You two guard the entrance and make sure nobody gets in. I'll deal with Aiden." Petra told them and she left the two and entered the throne room.

Jesse looked around the area, thinking of ways to get back up to Sky City. "Hmm, that'll work." Jesse said when he spotted a hill. "I see what you're getting at." Lukas smiled at Jesse. "Well, would someone care to explain it to me, please?" The founder asked the two, annoyed. "Get ready to build the tallest thing you've ever built, because we're going to build a tower of dirt all the way up to Sky City." Jesse explained to Isa. They all agreed and dug out a huge hole in the ground. A few minutes later, they were finished. "Jesse, what is that?" Isa pointed to something inside the hole. "It's the other half of the portal that brought me here." Jesse told her. "Once we get the flint and steel back from Aiden, it should be a straight shot home now." Lukas said.

"Are you guys ready?" Jesse asked. "I think I'm going to sit this one out, Jesse." Lukas said, still holding his arm. "Yeah you don't look so good, you should rest up." Lukas thanked Jesse and sat against a tree. Jesse and Isa climbed up the hill and pulled out their dirt blocks. "We got a city to save. Are you ready?" Isa looked at Jesse and nodded. "I believe so, and I appreciate what you did up there. Trying to save me, I mean." Isa said. Jesse smiled at her and began building up. Building up and up, they finally reached Sky City. When they looked at it they both gasped. Blazes were flying around the city, shooting fireballs all over the place. They ran across the bridge and stopped at the entrance.

"What have they done?" Isa cried as she looked around at the terrified people of her city run away from the blazes and the other kind of monsters that were roaming the place. They noticed a guard struggling to fight off zombies. "Back you monsters! Help me!" The guard shouted. Jesse ran toward the hoard and sliced a zombie with his sword. "Haaaahhh!" The founder screeched and she flipped over a fence and sliced a zombie. She turned around and killed the other one. "What is going on here?" Isa questioned the guard. "The city is under attack by monsters, ma'am, everywhere! They seem to be coming from inside the palace itself!" The guard pointed toward the palace. Jesse noticed Axel and Olivia standing in front of the entrance, throwing monster eggs. "We need to stop the order!" Jesse declared. "I'm sorry, Jesse, but I have to save my people." Isa told Jesse. "I understand." Jesse replied.

Jesse took off in the direction of the palace. "Jesse you're alive!" Milo exclaimed. "Good to see you're okay, Milo. And you too, Darryl." Jesse said to Darryl, who was standing next to him. "Where's the others?" "We got separated while the monsters attacked us." Milo explained. "But in all seriousness, how are you alive? I saw you go over the edge!" "Remember how you guys thought there was nothing but void down there? There's actually land!" Milo's eyes opened wide. "You speak truthfully, my friend?" An explosion not too far away made them realize that now was not the time to talk. "Well, I can't wait to hear all about it later!" Milo said and took out his sword. Jesse nodded and continued his way to the palace.

Jesse noticed Steve and Ivor fighting off monsters. "Where are all these monsters coming from?" Steve yelled out. "Take this potion, you ugly beast!" Ivor shouted and threw a splash potion of harming at a creeper. Steve turned around and saw Jesse. "You're okay!" Steve exclaimed. However, three blazes appeared and shot fireballs at him. Luckily, Ivor dove in to save Jesse. "According to Reginald, Petra and Aiden are duking it out in palace, but with Olivia and Axel guarding the entrance, we can't get in!" Ivor shouted. "We've got to do something at least!" Ivor pulled out three potions. "Take one of these!" Ivor said, holding a potion of swiftness, invisibility and leaping.

Jesse took the potion of invisibility and disappeared. He zoomed past Olivia and Axel and reappeared in front of the entrance into the throne room. Before he could enter the room, Petra opened the door and sprinted out of the palace, laughing. Jesse glared at her, but turned around and entered the throne room, ready to confront Aiden.

Longest chapter yet. Thanks for waiting so long. I promise that the next chapter won't take as long to come out. Episode 7 came out today, but I won't play it until I'm finished with this story. As always, stay tuned for chapter 15!

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