Chapter 13: The Void

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Woohoo finally got this chapter out!!! Sorry for the longer wait, I had to tweak a lot of things and change a few things around but I hope you enjoy this chapter!

"You didn't tell me Aiden escaped too." Petra said calmly. "He was sleeping when I was last here. There's no way he'd have enough time to wake up, get materials and bust outta there." Axel said. "It looks like he did." Olivia sneered. "I'll go get the founder! You two round up the guards!" Petra ordered and took off to find the founder. Axel and Olivia nodded and went in the other direction.

Petra hurried to the founder's house that was next to her palace. She knocked on the door, hoping she was awake. The founder opened the door. "Oh, hello, Petra. How may I help you?" The founder asked kindly. "Bad news, founder. Very bad." Petra said angrily. "What's wrong? Spiders in your house?" The founder asked. "No, worse. Jesse and his friends escaped prison." Petra told her. "I thought Reginald was watching them!" The founder said. "He must've let them go." Petra assumed. "That man's losing his job." The founder snapped. "Round up the guards! I put the emergency warning on!" The founder said. "Olivia and Axel are on it already." Petra replied as they both stormed out of the house.

"AHHHH!" Jesse screamed as the minecarts were going down underground, making crazy turns and came to a dead stop on a fence post. They all got out of their minecarts and looked around the room. They were in a room full of chests that were labeled with a mob. "Wow look at all these chests." Jesse said while he was examining the chests. "Creeper, zombie, sheep, pigman, curious." Milo started to read all the chest labels when Ivor stopped him. "But, what does it mean?" Jesse walked up to the chest that had the sheep label and opened it, finding a strangely coloured egg. "Eggs? The sign says sheep, not eggs." Lukas stated. "Well, let's find out." Jesse said and threw the egg at a wall.

Normally, a baby chicken would come out of an egg, but instead, a sheep came out.  "Is that a monster? That's not so bad. It is fluffy." Milo said while smiling. "You make it sound like you've never seen a sheep before." Steve told him. Lukas looked inside all the chests and for some reason, one was completely empty. "Uh, guys? I think someone is in here with us." Lukas said, shaking a bit. "That's not creepy." Steve joked. "I'm serious. The blaze chest is empty! Someone stole all the blaze eggs!" Lukas yelled. "Maybe it was already empty." Jesse assumed. "I don't know, Jesse. Something seems off." Lukas said. "We're so close to the Eversource, I can feel it! I can't wait!" Ivor exclaimed and ran ahead, out of sight.

Jesse noticed something move from the corner of his eye and decided to move closer to it. When he stepped forward, a chicken came out and wobbled in front of him. That's when it hit Jesse. "You guys, meet the Eversource." Jesse said. "You're joking, right?" Steve questioned. "Hold on, THAT'S the Eversource?" Lukas confirmed. "Let's throw it in the minecart and get out of here! We're still taking it right?" Ivor asked. "The chicken that the entire city depends on? Are you sure that's a good idea?" Lukas asked Ivor. "We need to bring it to the people! With it, we'll finally be free of the founder!" Milo interjected. Jesse was caught between three choices. Lukas wants to leave it here, Milo wants to bring it to the people, and Ivor wants to take it home. After thinking long and hard, Jesse made his decision.

"I'm with you, Milo, the people need it more than we do." Jesse said picking up the Eversource. "What? I thought that was the whole point of this adventure!" Ivor yelled at Jesse. All of a sudden, Ivor was thrown to the wall by something, along with Steve and Milo. The founder stood in front of Jesse, with Petra standing next to her, and Axel and Olivia cornering the three that were tossed against the wall. "I knew it. I knew you were here to steal from me!" The founder scowled at Jesse. "We're trying to give this to your people." Jesse said, glancing at Milo. "See founder? Jesse's here to steal the Eversource!" Petra told her. "I was warned that you were a pack of thieves, and here you are, prepared to make off with the one thing our City depends on to survive!" The founder said.

"I almost feel bad for doing this." Petra said with a smirk. The founder gave Petra a confused look. "Yup. We're taking the chicken." Olivia said, glaring at the founder. "It's all ours now." Axel added. "What?" The founder said, looking at the three of them. Axel took out an egg from the creeper chest. "Don't do this!" The founder warned. "FLYING EGGS!!!!" Axel roared and threw the egg at the founder and a creeper came out. The creeper exploded and the founder was knocked back on the edge, hanging for her life.

"I've got Petra! Save the founder!" Lukas told Jesse as he stared down Petra. "Hey Lukas, how's it going?" Petra asked in the tone of voice he was used to. Lukas just glared at her. "What's wrong, Lukas? I thought we were friends." Petra said in a faked hurt voice. "Not anymore, Petra. Not after what you did to Jesse." Lukas scowled at her. "Jesse's a loser and he deserved everything that happened to him." Petra said coldly. "How can you say that?" Lukas asked her. "Look, how about we team up and kill Jesse right now?" Petra asked him while smiling menacingly. "Never!" Lukas yelled back. "I was hoping I could convince you to join us, but I guess not." Petra sighed and took out her golden sword.

Jesse grabbed the founder and pulled her up to safety. "Thank you." She said. Jesse smiled at her but his expression quickly changed when he heard screaming, and saw Lukas fall over the edge. "LUKAS!!!!" Jesse screamed. Jesse was thinking about not wanting to lose another friend when he felt a foot behind his back, which shoved him into the founder, knocking them both over. Jesse turned around in midair, and saw it was Petra who pushed him over. The fall sped up and he was not able to see her anymore. Jesse looked down and saw nothing, when he remembered what the founder said to him when she was talking with him. "Nothing exists below us, only the void. When something falls, it is gone forever." At that point, it was over for Jesse.

Reginald was walking around the inside of the throne room when he heard an explosion. He also noticed that the door to the basement was open. "Oh, no! The founder!" Reginald was about to head down when he heard someone call his name. He turned around to see a man sitting on the throne, holding blaze eggs in his hands.

"You're early to the party, Reggie."

Wow that was a very dark ending. And yes, I know, more Aiden cliffhangers. You are probably expecting an Aiden ending in the next chapter too, but who knows. As always, stay tuned for chapter 14!

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