Chapter 11: Untold Secrets

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Yay another chapter for you all! I accidentally hit publish yesterday, so sorry about that. Also, this story is closing in on 2K reads and I wanted to thank everyone for reading! Please enjoy this chapter!!!!

The group walked towards the crowd gathering at the centre of town. "There's the founder!" A person said and pointed to the entrance of the palace. A women in a yellow robe and black hair walked out of the palace and stared at the crowd, almost like she was looking for someone. Behind her, three people were walking up next to her, two of them stayed behind her, the other stood next to her. Jesse noticed who they were immediately. "Petra..." Jesse growled. Steve looked at Jesse with a sad face. "Jesse sees the person who's caused him so much pain and yet, he's able to keep it inside him. I probably would've lost it by now." Steve complimented Jesse in his head. "What are they doing?" Ivor questioned.

"People of Sky City, I'm sorry to have to pull you from your duties, but something urgent has come to my attention. A crime has been committed." The founder announced loudly so everyone could hear. "A crime?" "What kind of crime?" The citizens asked. "Everyone please calm down. Earlier today, outsiders built a bridge into our fair city." The founder called on the guards to open the gate, which showed the bridge and Ivor's sculpture, causing Petra to giggle.

"Whether these outsiders know it or not, this is a violation of Sky City's most sacred law: No unauthorized building!" The founder's voice boomed over all of Sky City. "Wait, was that you? Are you the bridge builders?" Milo asked Jesse. "I didn't know it was illegal!" Jesse replied, and that caused Milo to grin. Petra whispered something to the founder and she nodded. "Jesse, wherever you are, step forward now. I've already been informed of your identity but I warn you; Sky City is small, and if you try to hide, I will find you." The founder said coldly.

A light bulb appeared above Ivor's face and he tapped Jesse on the shoulder. "We must get to the Eversource at whatever cost, this is clearly our fastest way into the castle!" Ivor explained. "By turning ourselves in?" Steve assured. "Don't be fooled by the founder's lies. I can get you into the castle." Milo told them. However, Ivor didn't listen to him. "Here I am! I built the bridge!" He shouted. Guards started running up and grabbed his arms. "Hey leave him alone! He did nothing wrong!" Jesse said angrily. "I knew you'd see if my way, Jesse." Ivor thanked him. "Hey hands off the robes!" "The builders!" A citizen yelled out as Jesse and Steve stepped forward. "Guards, bring them all forward!" The founder ordered. Steve looked back at Darryl and Milo. Darryl nodded and ran off with Milo.

Guards dragged Steve and Ivor up to the front while Reginald lead Jesse. "When I was talking to you earlier, you didn't seem like a criminal." Reginald whispered. "That's because I'm not!" Jesse whispered back. "Nice try, but I'm not falling for it." Reginald snapped. Jesse, Steve and Ivor were dragged at the front where they faced the founder along with Jesse's former friends. Jesse looked at the founder, and then at Petra, who was clutching her sides and laughing quietly. "She's enjoying this." Jesse thought to himself. "I admire your honesty in stepping forward. This should be most interesting." The founder said and walked into the palace. Reginald told Jesse to follow him, which he did.

The guards opened the doors to the founder's throne room. "For your services to Sky City, I grant you these gifts." Just as the founder said that, a passage opened and three minecarts came out and stopped in front of Petra, Olivia, and Axel. "You see that passageway that opened up? It must lead to the Eversource!" Ivor whisper-shouted to Jesse. "I completely forgot about the Eversource. I've been more focused on those three." Steve pointed to Petra, Olivia, and Axel. "Look at Petra making friends with the founder. That's not good." Steve stated. Jesse heard him, but was more focused on what Ivor said. "Ivor's right. That must lead to the Eversource." "Ha! Nailed it!" Ivor fist pumped the air.

"Take your gifts and enjoy the bounty of Sky City's generosity." They each took a minecart and grabbed the item inside. They all looked disappointed, especially Olivia. "A carrot. Incredible." Olivia said sarcastically. "Yes it is! Thank you founder!" Petra exclaimed, glaring at Olivia. "Now go, I have criminals to deal with." The founder told them. Axel and Olivia both passed Jesse, glaring at him hatefully. Petra stopped at Jesse and smiled. "Good luck in prison, Jesse. Hopefully, they'll have gas chambers." Petra smirked at him, causing Jesse's anger to boil up. "This isn't over, Petra. I'm going to stop you." Jesse warned her, holding his anger back. "We'll see about that." Petra stated and walked away. "Get out of my way, Regal." Petra pushed Reginald to the side and exited the throne room. "It's Reginald!"

The founder spoke with Jesse to find out if he really was a criminal. While she wasn't convinced, since they still built a bridge, they were sent to prison. Jesse, Steve, and Ivor all shared a cell. Jesse turned to Steve who was fiddling with his necklace. "You haven't taken off that necklace since I met you." Jesse pointed out. "I guess it just means a lot to me." Steve shrugged. The necklace had a picture, which showed Darryl standing next to a woman with orange hair and a green shirt. "Who's the woman in the picture?" Jesse asked. Steve's body shook. "Why do you care, Jesse? It's just a stupid necklace!" Steve shot at him. Jesse, who was shocked at Steve's outburst, decided not to question him further and looked over at Reginald, who was sorting out the prisoner's chests which had their stuff.

"I guess I was destined to be locked up after all." Ivor sighed. "Wow. What is this?" Reginald pulled sand out of the chest. "It's almost like dirt, but not." Reginald asked them. "It's called sand. You've never seen sand before?" Jesse said in disbelief. "Sand. What's it do?" Reginald asked. "Are you serious? We are not explaining sand to the guy locking us behind bars! I refuse!" Ivor fumed. "I don't have to take this's kind of crap! I'm in charge here! You're criminals! Petra told everyone about how horrible you are!" Reginald yelled. "She said that you burn animals to death, just for fun, and that you tame wolves, just to make them chase innocent people!" Reginald explained.

"You can't believe all that, can you? There's no evidence!" Steve told him. "It does sound a bit farfetched." Reginald admitted, and then quickly shook his head. "I'm sorry, but this is the way it has to be. Now if you excuse me, I have to go help the Order of the Stone beef up security." Reginald stated and began to walk out. "I can't believe I'm taking orders from those snivelling little-" Reginald mumbled to himself quietly, but loud enough for Jesse to hear quietly. "Stay here and don't cause any trouble." Reginald instructed. "I'm sure you'll find it quite comfortable, even though you've got another prisoner in the cell next to yours." Reginald said and pointed to another cell next to theirs. In the cell, was a sleeping Aiden.

ANOTHER Aiden cliffhanger. Yup. Petra, Olivia, and Axel have pretty much replaced the Blaze Rods in this story. Aiden's in prison, and Lukas is nowhere to be seen. And what secrets is Steve hiding? As always, tune in for the next chapter! See you then!!!!

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