Chapter 9: Jungle Adventure

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Hurray! Another chapters out! Hope you all enjoy and thanks for 1k reads!!!!!!

Jesse, Steve and Ivor continued walking through the jungle heading toward the temple. Luckily for Jesse, he already knew the way. Steve caught up to Jesse to ask him a question. "So, Jesse, what's with this Ivor guy? He's really excited and all, but is he always like this?" Jesse looked at Steve and smiled. "Don't worry. Ivor's a bit crazy, but he's a nice guy. Unlike...." Jesse trailed off at the thought of his old friends. "These trees are enormous! I love it so much!" Ivor exclaimed while throwing his arms in the air. "Just asking. He does seem like the eccentric type."

Without warning, the figure that Steve saw earlier jumped from behind the tree. This caused Jesse, Steve and Darryl to turn to the person and Ivor stopped dancing. "Lukas?" Jesse asked. Lukas didn't respond. "You sure scared me there!" Still no response. "Lukas, what's wrong?" Jesse asked. Ivor walked to Steve. "I've got a bad feeling about this." Ivor whispered to him. Steve just nodded, he didn't know what to expect. "I can't believe you, Jesse." Lukas spat out. Jesse knew that tone of voice, it wasn't anger, it was sadness. "You told Petra and the others to kill the blaze rods?" Lukas assured. "Woah, Lukas, you've got the story mixed up!"

Jesse told Lukas everything. After he left, Petra, Olivia and Axel turned their backs on him, and Petra threw Reuben's porkchop in lava. Lukas remembered how sad Jesse was when he last talked to him and he felt like he made it worse. "Jesse I'm really sorry for accusing you." Lukas said and hugged Jesse. "Why did they do this to me? I miss him, Lukas." Jesse teared up. "I know." Lukas replied and embraced the hug. He also rubbed Jesse's back. Steve was petting Darryl and was looking away. Ivor had a blank face. Although he wasn't a very emotional person, even he was noticing some tears about to fall. "This is really touching and all, but can you two cut it out? We don't want to water the grass with our tears now do we?" Ivor said bluntly. "Hey Ivor." Lukas greeted. "Nice to see you, Louie." Ivor said with a smile. "It's Lukas."

Lukas turned to Steve and raised an eyebrow. "And you are?" Lukas questioned. "Oh um, my name is Steve, and uh, this is my dog, Darryl, and I uh, used to live in a house in the forest before I got dragged into this crazy adventure." Steve said nervously. "Okay, that works." Lukas replied. Steve shook his head and sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm not used to being around people." "Antisocial?" Ivor asked sarcastically. "Shut up."

The 5 of them continued their trek through the jungle, finding things that weren't there when they first came through here. "Wow look, a well! Very basic design, but still so visually appealing!" Ivor exclaimed. "What's so fascinating about a well?" Lukas asked. "Simple! Think about how old it could be! Imagine if its been here since the beginning of time itself!!!" Ivor rambled.

Jesse wasn't paying attention to the conversation, his mind was circling around many other things. Luckily for him, nobody seemed to notice, except for Darryl. "I'm okay." Jesse told him, but on the inside, he was torn apart. "You know something, Darryl? You remind me a lot of Reuben." Darryl turned his head in confusion. "Yeah. You're always with Steve, helping him out, and always making him smile." Jesse finished. Darryl barked happily and turned away.

Jesse looked and saw something up ahead. "There it is!" Jesse pointed. This caused Ivor to sprint ahead and jump up and down. "Look at this architecture! So old, so exquisite! This is just how I dreamed it would be!" Ivor said while examining the building. "Ivor, it's nice to see you smiling." Jesse said jokingly. Ivor looked at Jesse and looked back. "I'm not smiling." Ivor said quickly, but he made it too obvious. "Are you sure?" Lukas teased. "Yes I'm sure, blond guy! What makes you-." Ivor was cut off by a loud scream coming from the temple. "Oh no." Lukas said. "Gabriel!" Ivor yelled and rushed into the temple.

When they got inside, Jesse looked around and realized how different the temple looked during the day. "Where is it coming from?" Ivor panicked and looked around but saw nothing. "Up there!" Jesse pointed to a hole in the ceiling with vines. The four climbed up the vines to the second floor and what they saw made them shocked. There was a blue lit portal and on the floor was an injured Gabriel.

"Oh no!" Jesse yelled and he and Ivor rushed to Gabriel side. He was coughing too much. "Gabriel, what happened?" Jesse asked worryingly. "Who cares what happened!" Ivor shot at Jesse. "Are you okay, Gabriel?" Ivor asked him. Gabriel looked at the both of them and smiled weakly. "No definitely not. It seems your friend Petra got here first and she was much stronger than I thought and she took me down. She also used the flint and steel to open that portal and-" Gabriel coughed. "Don't speak so much!" Ivor scolded. "You've got to go through that portal, Jesse!" Gabriel ordered. "What about you?" Jesse asked. "The closest place where I can get treated is my temple, and I don't think I can make it that far. I'm done." Gabriel said. "Don't say that!" Ivor shot back at him and was fighting tears.

"You guys go through the portal and stop Petra. I'll take Gabriel back to his temple." Lukas told them. "Are you sure?" Steve asked. "Yes." Lukas said and picked Gabriel up and began to leave. "Wait!" Gabriel told Lukas. "Jesse I managed to snatch the flint and steel from them. Here!" Gabriel tried to throw it at Jesse but in his condition he couldn't throw well and the flint and steel landed at the other side of the room. "C'mon Gabriel, let's get you outta here." Lukas put one arm over his shoulder and walked out. Jesse turned around and was about to pick up the flint and steel when he saw someone else pick it up.

"Thanks for bringing this back to me, Jesse."

Aiden's back! Petra, Olivia and Axel went through the portal! Next chapter starts Sky City! See you all then!

Just thought I'd say this. I originally planned to kill off Gabriel and have this emotional scene with Ivor but I decided to keep him alive.

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