Chapter 7: Reunited

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I got another chapter out yayyyy!!!! This chapter will continue from Jesse and Steve in the forest. For those who want to know what happened with Lukas and Aiden, that will be next chapter. Anyways please enjoy!

"What the-? This isn't my house! We're completely lost!" Steve groaned, Darryl doing the same. Jesse looked at the temple, something about it seemed familiar. "Wait I know this place! This is Gabriel's temple!" Jesse exclaimed. "Gabriel the warrior?" Steve assured. "Yeah. I've been here before." Jesse told him. "You've been in Gabriel's temple?" Steve said in disbelief. "It's kind of a long story. Do you think he's in there?" Jesse asked. "We should enter, but quietly." Steve stated.

Jesse, Steve and Darryl tiptoed inside, till they hit a wall of obsidian. "I remember when Gabriel opened that lever, the wall opened!" Jesse said as he reached for the lever, but Steve stopped him. "Hang on! I think I hear someone talking in there." Jesse nodded and put his ear against the wall.

"This time, tell the truth."
"That is the truth, Gabriel!"
"And why should I believe you?"
"I heard an explosion, but when I got inside, Jesse was gone!"
"Why in the world would they do that?"
"I don't know! Nobody even knows where he is!"

Jesse thought this was the time to open the door. When he did, he saw Gabriel sitting down with a book in his hands while Ivor was standing adjacent to him. When they noticed Jesse, both of their eyes widened. "Jesse! Is that you?" Gabriel questioned. "Jesse, you're alright!" Ivor exclaimed happily. "Yeah it's me." Jesse said sadly. "We were worried about you!" Ivor said. "You were?" Jesse asked, surprised. "What? Of course not! That was a joke." Ivor blurted out and turned his back to Jesse.

"Jesse, are you alright?" Gabriel asked, noticing that Jesse was wasn't his happy self. "If the whole world hated you, would you be alright?" Steve said as he and Darryl walked in the room. "Who is this, Jesse?" Ivor asked as he looked at Steve and Darryl suspiciously. "This is Steve, my new friend. He saved my life in the forest." Jesse introduced Steve and he scratched the back of his head. "And this is Darryl, my pet wolf." Steve said and Darryl gave a bark as a hello. "Hmmm" Ivor muttered as he put a hand on his chin. He didn't trust this guy.

"Did you hear what's been going around?" Gabriel said while he was reading his book. "What is it?" Steve asked. "Apparently two people were found dead near a village. Here are some pictures of them." Jesse took the pictures to see who it was. "That's Gill and Maya!" Jesse announced. "People you know?" Gabriel asked.

Jesse didn't hear Gabriel because he was lost in thought. Oh no. I hope Aiden didn't do this. Jesse thought as he remembered the last time he encountered Aiden, the crazy threats he made, the way he was pushing around his friends. "Well, I don't know if anybody realized this, but it's dark outside! I'm going to sleep!" Ivor said matter-of-factly. "Well then, let's get some rest." Gabriel declared. "Jesse and your friend, you're welcome to stay. I understand that you have no place to go." "Thanks Gabriel, but one night is all I need." Jesse replied.

Back in town...
Petra happily walked around the treasure room observing all the treasures that they received. Olivia and Axel both walked in with smiles on their faces. "Hey guys!" Petra exclaimed. "Hey Petra!" Axel said happily. "Don't you guys feel more powerful without Jesse holding us back?" Petra asked. "You're right, I feel much stronger!" Olivia replied. "Me too, it feels like I can smash a zombie with my fists!" Axel said, smashing his fists together. "Axel, you could already do that." Petra rolled her eyes and smiled. "Oh yeah. I forgot." Axel smiled sheepishly. "Anyway, it just feels like there's nobody stronger than we are. Heck, we're probably the most powerful people in the whole world!" Petra stated. They both nodded. "What are we gonna do with that flint and steel?" Axel asked. "We could go back to the temple and see if we can use it somehow." Olivia suggested. "Good idea." Petra said and the three were off.

"So Jesse, you went to that temple?" Gabriel asked. "Yup. We even found a really cool flint and steel there!" Jesse explained. "Really? Can I see it?" Jesse remembered that he didn't have it. "Sorry, Gabriel, but Petra has it." Jesse said angrily. "Wait a minute." Jesse said quickly. "If Petra has it, she might plan on going back there! We gotta go now!" Jesse said, not caring that it was night. "No Jesse, it isn't safe." Gabriel stated. "Hey I defeated a wither storm!" Jesse said defensively. "I know you did, but i can tell that you're not at your best right now. I will leave and try to get there first." Gabriel said. "Take care of yourself out there." "Always do." Gabriel said as he left the temple and closed the door behind him. "He better not come back with amnesia again." Ivor said sarcastically. "He'll be okay." Jesse said, reassuringly. "Sweet dreams." Steve said as he tucked in Darryl who was sound asleep. "Hopefully for me, there'll be no dreams!" Ivor said. "Umm, okay?" Steve responded. The three of them went to their separate beds and fell asleep.

Jesse was having a bad dream. Everything that has happened in the past few days was coming back to him.
"You're pathetic, Jesse." Petra said right in Jesse's face.
"Come on, Jesse, stand up! Unless you're too weak." Olivia taunted.
"Not so strong, Jesse?" Axel yelled.
"Goodbye Reuben." Petra declared and threw Reuben's porkchop into the lava pit. "REUBEN!" Jesse yelled.

Jesse sprung out of bed and fell onto the floor. "It was just a nightmare." Jesse thought and climbed back in bed and tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. A couple of hours later, the sun rose and everyone was awake. Jesse, Ivor, Steve and Darryl exited the temple and began walking through the jungle. "Well let's head out to that temple! Hopefully, Gabriel's already there." Jesse said. "Which way is it?" Steve questioned. "Just follow us!" Jesse replied. "This is so exciting! Ha ha ha! Adventure!" Ivor yelled excitedly and ran ahead. Darryl dashed ahead while barking. "This is going to be one long adventure." Steve sighed. Steve looked at the corner of his eye and saw a person with blonde hair hiding behind a tree, but ignored it.

Nighttime, 8 hours earlier....
"Aiden?" Lukas assured. "" Aiden said, his voice completely dried out and he fell forward and passed out. "Aiden!!" Lukas yelled.

Gabriel's back!!!!! And what's going on with Lukas and Aiden? And what happened to Maya? Find out next chapter!!!

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