Start from the beginning
















"well, I hope you two are hungry," my mom smiled,

"I am very hungry," Jason said,

Hungry.....I'm famished!...all we eat is take out!

When I saw the food my eyes widened,

Pancakes, waffles, sausage, bacon, eggs, french toast, juice, everything I've always wanted....

"Oh my goodness.." I said

I hurriedly sat down and reached for the bacon but Jason snatched it from me,

"Nooo! " I whined,

"Stop being rude I'm a guest" he said biting a piece of bacon,

"she's my mom! Jerk!" I yelled,

He bit another piece and I snatched it from his teeth and ate it,

His mouth opened slightly,

I heard my mom laughing at us,

We continued piling food on our plate,

"You two are so cute," she sighed

I stopped chewing and looked at Jason,

He looked confused,

"What are you talking about..." I said,

"You two think I don't know what's going on and it's so obvious,"she sighed,

"There's nothing going on, " Jason said,

"  weren't you in her room last night" she asked,

He stayed silent,

My eyes widened,

I knew she heard him,

"Mom, I have to say something" I said,

Might as well get this over with,

"What is it," she said,

" Well, for starters, his name is Jason not Drew"

She looked at him,

"Why would you lie about your name," she asked confused,

"I'm Jason MCcan," he announced,

I rolled my eyes,

So dramatic..

"Who," my mom said,

I burst out laughing,

"She played you!" I said,

He squeezed my thigh under the table and I stopped,

" mom, he's famous, for.... bombings, " I said,

Her eyes widened,

"so.....You...You blew up the school," she said incredulously,

"Yes.." He replied,

MINE (Jason MCcann Story) [COMPLETED] {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now