"And Amelia, have her come down here?" I ask, nicely.

"Sure thing," he nods.

He leaves my hospital room.

I let out a deep breath, leaning my head back.

I know I am as good as dead, but that didn't bother me as much as leaving someone who actually gives a shit about me behind.

"Tilly!" Amelia's voice, causes me to open my eyes.

I look towards the door. She's standing there, her nurse holding her hand.

"Hello Amelia," I smile at her.

She comes over to my bed, not running like she usually does. I can tell she doesn't feel well and somehow that makes me feel worse. She uses a footstool to climb up in my bed. She sits on her knees, reaching over and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Doc said you wanted to see me?" She said, confusion in her voice.

"I was bored, that's all." I tell her.

"Where's your Louis?" She tilts her head.

"He'll be here soon."

"I really like him. I hope I find me a Louis someday." She smiles.

"Me too," I smile back at her. "I want you to always remember that you deserve the world."

"What do you mean the world?" She asks, curiously.

"I mean, I hope you find everything you're looking for and accomplish your wildest dreams. I hope you always remind yourself of the care and happiness you deserve. Most certainly, I hope you never allow yourself to settle for someone who doesn't deserve you. I have a little tip on finding the right person for yourself. Look for someone who always, always wipes your tears and picks you up every time you fall down. I really hope you find that because you deserve that."

I can't help the tears that started to stream down my face.

Louis has been saving me my entire life. Lately, he hasn't been able to save me, but he never stopped being there for me.

"Why are you crying?" Amelia asks, frowning.

"I just know that you're going to find someone that treats you right, Amelia. Even if I'm not there to meet whoever it is, boy, girl whoever it happens to be, I hope you know I'm going to be so, so happy for you." I tell her, holding her shoulders.

She wraps her arms around my neck again, hugging me tightly.

"I'll never forget you, Tilly." She whispers, burying her head in my shoulder.

"I'll never forget you, either."


"Hi," Louis whispers, standing in my door.

"Hi," I repeat.

He walks in to my room, slowly.

"Shove over, pigtails, I'm knackered." He walks over to my bed.

I move over as best as I can. Louis climbs in next to me. My cold feet press against his instantly, seeking warmth.

Forever Your's //L.T. Completed [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now