Chapter 10

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"Tallulah Tipton, get back here!" Louis yells after me as I march out of school.

I stop walking, rolling my eyes. Louis comes up beside me, out of breath.

"When are you going to stop giving me the silent treatment?" Louis asks.

"When are you going to stop being an arsehole?" I fire back.

Louis chuckles.

"I'm not the arsehole, Warren is." Louis smiles.

I scoff, shaking my head and walking away.

"Tilly, wait!" Louis grabs my hand, pulling me back.

I look at him, squinting my eyes, waiting for him to speak.

"You know, I'm sorry." Louis apologizes.

"Why did you do that? You were being ridiculous. You were being a boy!" I raise my voice, frustrated.

"A boy?"

"Yes, you know what a boy is, Louis?" I ask, sarcastically.

"Now, calm down, Tilly. You're overreacting, don't ya think?"

"No, I'm not, Louis. You think everything is just a joke, don't you?" I shake my head at him.

Louis stays silent, frowning a bit.

"But it's not. When are you going to grow up?" I deadpan, marching away from him.

I walk home by myself and go straight to my own house, which feels weird. Usually I go over to Louis' and we do our schoolwork together or help his little sisters with their's.

I sit up in my bedroom, alone, doing my schoolwork.

"Tallulah, it's time for supper!" Nan calls.

"Coming!" I call back.

I move my book from out of my lap, and stand up from my bed. I descend the staircase and sit down at the small table. On the table already sits a glass of milk and a plate dished up for me.

"How was school today?" Nan asks, sitting across from me.

"Uneventful," I shrug.

"I haven't seen Louis today. Is he ill?" She asks.

"No, Nan," I sigh.

"Is there something wrong? Are you guys quarreling?"

"Kind of," I look down at my plate, moving the food around with my fork.

"Tell your Nana what the problem is." Nan says softly, I look up at her and she smiles at me.

"Well, the other night, we were playing football at Louis' with Stan, Emmett and Scarlett. Emmett invited this bloke over." I start to explain.

"Do you like this bloke?"

"Perhaps I do. He's just so dreamy, Nan! He's like one of those perfect boys from a boyband." I gush and she chuckles at me.

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