"Well, at least you've got us!" Jungkook cheered, trying to lighten the mood.

"Isn't that a bad thing?" Jimin and Taehyung recited at the same time. The three stared at each other for a moment before bursting into a fit of giggles.

"Yeah, it is, but I can live with having to deal with your guys' shit." Jimin smiled as they finally calmed down.


Jimin took a deep breath as he entered the classroom.

It was 6th period, Jimin's favorite class of the day. Art. Also known as the only class he had with Yoongi.

He didn't particularly like art very much, but it was extremely easy, and it was a small class so he's got the table in the back all to himself. Those reasons aren't what makes art his favorite class, though.

It was Min Yoongi, of course.

He also happened to have an entire table to himself, near the back of the classroom. The table was directly in front of Jimin's.

Jimin often found himself staring at Yoongi's back, and if he was lucky, Yoongi would clumsily spill his box of colored pencils onto the floor and then proceed to bending over to clean his mess.

Despite the hype that the blonde has been receiving from the younger, Yoongi was actually a quiet boy. He wasn't necessarily popular, but he wasn't unknown either. He was somewhere in the middle. Basically, he was average.

That may fall into the reasons why Jimin felt guilty for staring at the older's ass, but he couldn't help it. Even if it made him a pervert, Jimin couldn't stop. Yoongi was a lot more than just average in his eyes.

He really is irresistible... Jimin thought as he glanced at the sleepy blonde in front of him for the dozenth time since class started 3 minutes ago.

If Yoongi wasn't always so tired during 6th period, maybe he would've noticed the boy sitting behind him by now. But to Jimin's dismay, the older was always dozing off and sometimes even falling asleep during art, his least favorite class of the day, so he has yet to notice the red head that obsesses over him on a daily basis.

Jimin sighed. Even if Yoongi did see him, it's not like he'd talk to him.

Well, I can still dream. He smiled slightly as he watched the boy in front of him doze off once more, using his arms as a pillow as he falls asleep instead of starting the assignment.

"He's too adorable..." He whispered quietly to himself.

"What was that, Park Jimin?" A voice suddenly called from beside him and Jimin flinched, quickly looking over to see the source. The art teacher stood over his table with a smirk.

"N-nothing, Mr. Tuan!" Jimin quickly defended, and the older man chuckled.

"Just focus on your assignment, Jimin."

"Yes sir..." He looked down and quickly started drawing.

Mr. Tuan walked up to the table in front of Jimin's, whacking it with his marker so the noise would wake Yoongi up. Yoongi sat up groggily, looking up at their teacher with tired eyes. Jimin felt his heart melt at the sight.

"How many times do I have to scold you until you finally listen, Min Yoongi? No sleeping in class." He sighed, walking off before Yoongi could respond. The blonde boy just shrugged, leaning on his elbows as he continued being bored.

The classroom remained quiet for the rest of the period, but not completely silent since the students would talk amongst themselves once they completed their work.

Not wanting to get in trouble, Jimin didn't look at Yoongi for the rest of the period. He was too engrossed in trying to draw a perfect forest that he had temporarily forgotten about his infatuation with the other.

A hand suddenly shot out from in front of him and was carefully placed on top of his head, petting his red hair. Jimin immediately stopped drawing, but didn't look up.

"I like your hair."

To say that Jimin was shocked to hear his voice would be an understatement. He slowly looked up, not believing himself.

No way. Yoongi couldn't of just said that, he didn't...

His mind went blank as he proved himself wrong. Min Yoongi was indeed rubbing Jimin's head, staring at the bright red locks.

"W-w-w-wha-what?" Jimin stuttered frantically. Yoongi finally removed his hand, looking down at the younger's face.

"Soft." He stated simply, turning back around without a response as the bell rung. He grabbed his bag and casually left the classroom.

On the other hand, Jimin might as well be having a panic attack.


dope era Yoonmin :^)

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