You die

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Warning: this will get ya right in the feels
You were sick, you found out last year.

"Terminal." They said.

You still remember the day you got the call from the doctor. How he started it off with "I'm so sorry" and how you couldn't even bring yourself to cry. You just say on the floor, against the wall, staring off into space, you couldn't believe it.

When Colby found out, his initial thought was, "what?" he was in shock too. He just sat with you for a while, you head resting on his shoulder as silent tears fell from your eyes.

"I'm going to die," you whispered.

Colby didn't know how to comfort you, since it was true. It wasn't until that night when he broke down crying, he was hyperventilating and neither you or Sam could do anything. It has finally set in. He was going to lose you.

But you weren't going to sit around and mope, not a chance. You wanted to live your last year alive, well, living. And while you did just that, there was always a feeling or emptiness, and hopelessness. Everyday you were getting closer to death. You had bad nights when you couldn't help but cry. Your life was being stolen from you, you were being torn away from all your friends, all your family, and most importantly, Colby. The thought of not being around him pained you so much, you felt a physical aching in your chest. He always held you on those nights, he laid next to you, and wrapped his arms around you. You'd turn over and sob into his chest and he'd stay there until you were calmed down.

Sometimes you were angry. Angry that this was happening to you. Angry that you were so helpless, and you had no choice but to succumb to the illness. Angry that everything you had worked so hard for was being taken away. Angry that you'd have to leave earth at such a young age. Angry that it was happening now, when everything was going so well. But, at the end of the day, you were just sad and disheartened.

Towards the end of your life you were becoming weak, you could barely walk by yourself, and you would faint often. Your family hospitalized you, and Colby was always at your bedside, holding your hand, talking with you, despite you barely being able to respond. He loved you more than you could ever know, he didn't know how he was going to function without you. All the fights, petty arguments, all of your disagreements seemed so...trivial....and small. He despised himself for not spending more time with you.

But there was nothing that could be done. Your time was coming, and everyone had to accept it.

You felt it coming, so you turned to Colby, the only one in your hospital room, and his head shot up in response to your movement.

"Colby," you said, your voice weak.

"Yah, princess?" He responded, trying to smile.

"I'm-" you got choked up, but continued, "I'm going to leave you soon," you began.

"Don't say that," he interrupted softly.

"It's true, so I need you to listen to me," you started again, "I'm going to leave you soon, I can feel it, so I when I'm gone, I need you to do some thing for me?"

"Anything," he responded.

"Move on," you said, a sad smile formed on your face.

"I don't understand?" He said.

"Move on, Colby, when I'm gone, I'm not coming back. I want you to move on with your life, get over me. Find someone new, get married, start a family," you answered.

Tears fell from his eyes, "I was supposed to do all that with you," his voice was quiet.

"But you can't, so you'll need to let go of me," some tears started to flow, but you weren't crying.

"I love you so much, Y/N, I never thought I could love someone so much," he paused, "I'm just...I'm going to miss you so much," he closed his eyes as the tears started coming faster, "I'll never be able to forget you, Y/N."

"Don't. Don't forget about me, remember. Remember all the fun we had together, remember our late night adventures, and our days in. Remember everything, but don't let it hold you back. Remember those as happy memories, don't let losing me ruin them," you said, trying to stay strong, "I love you Colby, and I'd hope you'd never forget me, but I need you to be happy. If you don't get over me, that won't happen. You have a life, live it."

He started shaking as he wiped the years from his eyes, "I'll never find anyone else like you, you're not replaceable, Y/N."

"Move on, Colby. For me."

Soon, the machines you were hooked up to started making loud noises, and nurses started rushing in. He knew he was losing you. Now was the time. He sat by you the whole time, he held your hand until he felt it go limp, no longer grasping his. He sobbed harder and harder, his body shaking while his breathing was uneven and choppy. Tears streamed like a river down his cheeks and the nurses said they'd give "you two" a minute before taking your body away. He was an emotional wreck. The crying was so pained, the type where you're crying so hard your not even making a sound, your breathing is hitched, and your vision is blurred with tears. His chest was right and he couldn't come to terms with that fact that he lost you. The bed wasn't the same without you. It was cold and empty. Colby spent nights crying himself to sleep, saying your name over and over again, asking why you were taken away from him. He looked at the photos of you he had on his phone, he looked at your Instagram daily, the one he was meaning to delete, but couldn't bring himself to. Under your recent there were countless comments saying "rest in peace angle" or "you will be missed", and Colby got thousands of comments saying they were sorry for his loss. Life wasn't the same without you. Colby wasn't the same. Ally he energy he used to have, vanished.

But it came back. Slowly. He got his life back. Slowly. And he moved on. Slowly. For you.


oH mY gOd I was reading through my old imagine and holy shit THEY WERE SUCH TRASH some of them didn't even make sense what even. Anyway, hope you enjoyed that xxx until next time stay safe kiddos

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