Imagine for madawggz: part 2

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It had been a week since your sister had started dating Colby, and you could tell he wasn't happy. Your sister was loved seeing how much it bothered you, you couldn't stand much more of it. After one of their dates she came home and told you "you know, I don't really like him but I've got him wrapped around my finger boo, you're never getting him back as long as I'm alive." Those words hit you hard even though you knew Colby wasn't into her. Was he? Why wouldn't he break up with her? Ugh, you had so many questions, but Colby was always out with your sister.
It was a nice afternoon and you and Colby were sitting up in your room relaxing. Sam had a thing and you were dying for some company so you called Colby.
"So, how are things with you and my sister?" You asked, not looking up from your magazine.
He let out a deep sigh and shook his head, "ok I guess," he said.
"Doesn't sound ok," you mumbled.
"How about we talk about something else," he said in a huff.
"Ok, sorry," you mumbled.
That night your sister went out with Colby, again, you were getting really tired of this charade. You were lonely so you decided to call Sam over for a movie night. You two were sitting on the couch and Sam turns to you and says "so it doesn't bother you that you sister is going out with Colby?"
"," you say quietly.
"Really? Not even a little bit?" Sam says scrunching up his nose and pins hung his fingers.
"Why would it?" You ask naturally.
"No reason," Sam says shrugging, "I just thought you liked him."
You nearly choked on your water, "what?!" You manage to get out, you laugh awkwardly before saying, "why would you say that?"
"Oh come on, Y/N, it's so obvious, I'd just think that's he'd ask you out by now," Sam says.
"Woah woah woah, he'd as me out?" You ask wide eyed.
"Oh my god you guys are ridiculous! He's liked you for years!" Sam says.
"Then why would he date my sister?" You ask, confused.
"He's trying to make you jealous! Isn't it obvious?" You shake your head slowly, "come on! Everyone knows you guys like each other, I just don't know why you're holding back," Sam says.
You shifted back towards the tv and sat there stunned. Colby like you? You couldn't believe it.
That night, after Sam left, you heard the door open. In came a tired and bored look Y/S/N.
"Date go well?" You ask, smirking.
"Go to hell," your sister mumbles as she walks up to her room.
Later that night:
Knock! Knock! Knock!
You get up and open the door, and saw Colby standing there looking very nervous.
"What's up Colby?" You ask nonchalantly.
"Listen, we need to talk," Colby says and he walks into your house and sits down in the couch.
"What's going on?" You ask, "is there something wrong?" You say before sitting next to him on the couch.
"Y/N, I like you," he says bluntly, "you know what, scratch that, I love you," he says.
There's an awkward silence before you say fuck it to yourself and kiss him. He kisses you back passionately. You drape your arms around his neck and he places his hands on your waist. He pulls you into his lab with one of you legs on either side of him. You intertwine you fingers in his hair and he places his hands on you thighs, pulling you closer. When you pull back for air you mutter "finally" and you feel and smirk spread across his face.
The next day Colby broke up with your sister, and it wasn't pretty. She came steaming, but you didn't understand, it wasn't like she even liked him.
"You. Little. Bitch!" She yelled when she first came through the door.
"What's wrong now?" You asked rolling your eyes.
"How'd you do it? Huh, did you pay him or something? Why would he give up this," she motions to herself, "for you?!"
"Oh my gosh, calm down! You didn't even like him," she stays silent and crosses her arms before looking down at the ground, "oh my god did you actually like him?" You ask.
"Well yah you dip-shit! Why else would I date him?" She yells.
"But you tolled me you were doing it just to buy me!" You yell back.
"No, I was telling you that was just a bonus! How could you steal my man?" She asks.
"Your man? Umm, I don't think so. You didn't like him and he doesn't like you, you just want to make me feel bad!" You reply.
"Ugh, your such a slut, you know that?" She says, a feeble attempt to insult you.
"Enough with the slur shaming, god damn. You're the one who goes out every night looking like a fucking stripper!" You defend.
She lets out s frustrated sigh and stomps upstairs in a huff.
You didn't care, though. Colby was yours, you had won. He chose you, but you couldn't help but feel guilty. You really liked Colby, hell, you loved him, and he loved you, nothing beats love.

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