I do

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"Do you Ashley take Kian as your husband?"

She stares into his eyes, and smiles brightly

"I do" she tries to not cry at the words

"Do you Kian, take Ashley as your wife?"

He nods his head a million times "I do" he smiles brightly and sheds a tear as he wipes it with his hand

"You may now kiss the bride" the priest smiles

Kian bends down to the short beautiful bride and kisses her passionately  and she hooks her arms around his neck. they both cry and smirk in the kiss, forever remembering the happiest moment ever.

Everyone was clapping, moms and dads crying, Cousins clapping. Nothing good ruin the moment.

It was a couple hours later and the after party was about to start. Everyone arrived except for the two newly weds. They waited for there entrance holding hands, walking in together and everyone clapping

Everyone was dancing, eating, taking pictures, drinking wine, just having fun in general.

"Now can we have all the couples on the dance floor" the DJ announces

Kian grab Ashley's hand and takes her to the middle of the dance floor and they share a smile

A slow song comes on and all the couples form a circle around the couple. Everyone slow dances as time passes by they get happier by the second. They truly love each other

Double Trouble// Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now