The big day!

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-Ashley pov-

Today was the big day. I was finally getting married! I've counted down for so long, we have everything prepared. My special makeup artist was finishing up my makeup

Since my dad was gone I decided to have my best friend walk me down the Aisle, jc. It would make Kian really happy and jc is now technically my brother and I'm more then happy.

"Your going to be just fine SWEETY!" The girls (my bridesmaids) giggle

I bid my head and smile wide, "I got this right?"

"Of course you do! You are slaying right nap with everything!" She smiles

I'm glad. I'm glad I have these amazing friends. I'm glad that I can marry the one I've always wanted ever since I've seen him

My family is coming today and I'm happy. I get to see my cousins and everything. This day couldn't get any better

-kians pov-

I'm so nervous and I have no clue where jc is. I'm so nervous but I'm more excited then when I got my first car

This day is going to be awesome. I know it

-third person view-

The music starts, the doors swing open. Then the most beautiful girl in the world, with the best friend hooking arms, walk down the aisle as row by row everyone stands up and some people tear up while others clap. You could see a slight blush but a big smile on her face. But her soon to be husbands face, was amazing. The way he looked at her. The way he stared to shed a tear. But the whole time he had the biggest smile ever. They where ready. Ready to accomplish the journeys life held

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