Part 88: New Beginning

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*Chris POV*

"So what were you saying about me not treating bae right?! I frowned

"...why would you cheat on that?

"I was going through some things. I needed attention...physical attention and sadly I broke. I know I hurted her, and I hated myself for it...but I'm not perfect. But you were her knight in shining armor huh? The hero? Nigga please"

"I was. I was there for her"

"Not when you got her pregnant and ditched her"

He didn't respond.

"I'm not that much of an asshole to do that. Sure I cheated and broke us up but I would never leave a girl pregnant with my baby, hurting because of her last relationship. If anything you've could have toke her with you and live happily ever after. But Thank god you didn't....because I would've never got my Angel again"

"How did you even get her back?...she hated you"

"I know. But I just told her how I felt and apologized. Then I showed her what love feels like again. Kissing her, telling her she bueatiful every morning, cooking for her, I listen to her, let her win in arguments....she worth all of it to me"

"I see..."

"And don't think I forgot about that time you texted me saying you
"TOKE her"

He laughs.

" hit it first?


"How was she?

"The first time? Well she kept me waiting for about an hour before I could go in more"

"She scream?

"Maybe once or twice...I can't remember"


"Did you two have sex yet?

I smile. "Yeah, at minimum once a week. You know she's a freak"

"Ha, yeah I know right. But uh, your not jealous that she had sex with only men"

"Nah, cuz I got her now. Why be jealous...shit I had sex without her plenty of times and she knows it. But she's the best I ever had, if I do say so myself"


"But look yo, I know your her baby father and I'll respect that. And I know Tyler is gonna want Isaac to stay with us sometimes, so we're going to be seeing alot of eachother. But I'm a be real with you....I still don't like you. Sorry not sorry. But I think we can put that aside for Tyler and Isaac right?

"Yeah um...okay" he stutters

"Well it was nice to get some things off my chest but I miss my girl so dueces"

*Tyler's POV*

Me and Isaac are outside playing on the lawn. I noticed that he's really comfortable with me, even though I haven't been around him since he was a baby baby. It's heart warming though, I couldn't have asked for a better reunion.

"Babyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? I hear Chris yell, coming out of the house.

"Over here" I wave her down

She runs over and sits besides me on the grass, wrapping her arms around me.

"I missed you" she kisses my cheek

"I missed you too" I lean on her

"So how does it feel to see him again?

"It's one of the best days of my life, I finally get to be in his life again and I'm so excited"

"I'm happy your happy"

"Yeah...and I thank you for helping me. Because without you...I wouldn't have none of this and I wouldn't have you either" I lay on top of her on the grass

"So what are you saying? She smiles

"I love you and I think I'm falling for ya ass again"

"Yes! And I Love you more"

* 8:56 pm*

Me and Chris played with Isaac the whole afternoon and now he's fast asleep on my shoulder as I take him to his room.

"He's sleep? Kesean stops me

"Yeah. Man, I wish I could take him with me though"

He pauses. "You can, just call me though"

"Thanks hun, here hold him while I go pack his bag" I hand him over and run upstairs.

Grabbing a few things from his closet, Kesean comes up behind me.



"Do you still um think about me sometimes?

"Sorry but not really"

"Oh. Um...well just know I do. And you really mean--"

"Kesean I know you still like me but thanks for my son and all but...honey your still cutt. I'm only here for him, remember that okay" I cut him off (literally)💪😂


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