Part 19: Mama's Girl in the making

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I unlock the door and head inside my house. I take off my shoes at the door and hang up my coat. Its so warm in here, the heat must've been on for a minute. But walking into my living room, I see my mom in her favorite chair watching Scandal.

"Oh your home" she noticed me walking in.

"Hey, and your watching our show without me I see?"

She laughs. "You were out..."

"Yeah, where's kitty?"

"Over there feeling fat, I gave her that tuna she likes"

I get up from the couch and pick her up in my arms, sitting back down to hold her.

"Who was that boy?" my mom looked at me.

"Oh that's my friend from school"

"What's his name?"

"Michael" I say while petting kitty on her head.

"You guys don't act like friends" she laughs lightly.

" seen that" I say feeling embarrassed.

"Yep, you're definitely my daughter" she smiles.

"What do you mean?"

"I used to play boys at your age too,. Yep I got any and everything I wanted and luckily we didn't have cell phones at the time, so I could do anything"

"I'm not player mom" I argued smiling.

"Mhm, I said the same to my mother. How funny is that but anyways Kesean came past here, looking for you"


"I assume your not speaking to him"

"Nah, I'm getting a little...bored with him"

"Aww don't tell him that, he's such a sweet young man"

"Sweet and busy..."


"All he worries about is his damn football games, sorry excuse me"

"No your just showing me how pissed you are at him"

"Honestly I'm fine, it doesn't matter anymore so yeah"

"Alright we won't talk about him anymore but someone called the house looking for you as well"


"I don't know, it was a girl though and she just said to tell Tyler to call back, ...I thought it was another one of your friends"

"No because all my friends have my phone number, and no one called me"

"The number is on the machine if your going to call back."

"Yeah I'm a go do that" I get up putting kitty down.

"Oh and I made you some food, it's in the microwave"


I go into the kitchen and grab the plate of food, bringing it upstairs to my room. I sit down and go through the phone logs to call back that girl. It rings and I take a bite of my chicken in the process.

"Hello" a voice answers.

"Hi, this is Tyler, who is this?"

"Diamond" ...oh hell nah.

My Love For Her (StudxFem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora