Part 65: Court

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*A week later*

I recently got a letter in the mail about four days ago, stating that I have to go to court for assault. Yep...he found me. Damn I knew he was going to sue me, but I'm starting to run low on money surprisingly quick. Mind you, I haven't told my mom, Jamal or Micheal I lost my job. Only because I know the would probably help me out, but I don't want I'm not telling them. But today is my court day, so I'm currently in my car on my way there.

*I called my mom*

"Hey sweetie" she answered

" Don't ask but I have court"


"Mom I said do--...nevermind. I hit someone"

"With your car!?

I laugh. "Nooo, with a heel in the face"

"But why?

"Because we were arguing...and I lost my temper. But mom do you have any advice about going to court?

"Well first, apologize to the person, then be respectful to the judge. Say "Your Honor" when you ask for their attention, don't talk while someone else is talking...come on you know what to do. We watched Judge Judy and Judge Mablean....just be honest too, no lying under oath"

"Thanks mom, I'll try my best not to piss anyone off"

"Okay sweetie, you'll do great. Trust me"

"Well I have to go now, so love you"

"Love you too"

*2:30 pm*

"All raise. Court is now in session in the case of Grey verses Mayy with assault and battery. Judge Evans presiding" the officer stepped aside.

A tall man came in and sat down in front of us. "Thank you, you may be seated"

I looked over to Mason, he has a big bandage around his head covering part of his right eye. I feel a little bad that I hurt him, but I have to remember that this dickhead got me fired because of jealousy. That's all it was...but I'm tired of drama with people, I'd rather be home rasing my son.

"So, your suing her for your medical bills and assault" the judge looked at him.

"That is correct your honor"

"So tell me what happened"

"Well your honor, me and Ms. Mayy were former employees of a company. Some things happen and we both walked out fired, and went outside. She came up to me angrily with her designer heels and bashed my head in with it. I was rushed to the hospital and I had a really bad concussion and need 13 stitches near my eye"

"Wow, is this true Miss Mayy?

"Yes it is your honor"

"Wow I see your very honest. Are you sure"

"That is what happened overall but I think Mr. Um Grey left a few parts out"

"Okay, let's here it"

"Your honor, me and Mr. Grey were called into our bosses office because of his actions. He would go around and talk about me to other employees and the boss found out. So He talked to both of us. Now me and Mr. Grey really don't get along, even before the incident so we got in to an argument alot during that day. He said somethings to my boss trying to throw me under the bus, but then we both got fired. I got really angry and went outside, we exchanged a few words and he called me out my name so I swung at him. He started bleeding immediately and I have to admit...I didn't help him. I was just so angry about his actions that I just left him there. I know it was wrong, and I know I'm wrong. I don't mind taking responsibility for it...I have a son now and I have to be a supporting mother for him. But I lost my job because of yeah I got angry"

"I see. But if you do take responsibility for these assault charges, you can possibly be faced with some jail time"

"Jail? I say barely and panicking in my head. I don't want to do jail time over this MotherFucker. I can't be away from my son for that long either. A tear fell down my face as I burst into tears in the court room.

"Can-- I have a minute outside" I asked the judge crying

"Go ahead"

I walked down the aisle and went outside of the court room, crying and swearing that I'm going to jail. But I have to be strong and take responsibility for my stupid ass decisions. Making myself stop crying, I returned to the room and stood at my table.

"Are you okay now, Ms. Mayy?

"Yes your honor"

"Well the charges are up to Mr. Grey, he has the ultimate say so right now. So what do you want to do Mr. Grey?

He glanced at me, looking at my hands on my face still tearing up. What he didn't know was that I'm faking every tear. Trust me, I know I'm not going to jail...why would he send someone he's obsessed about to jail where he can't see them. He ain't about it.

"Um...your honor she doesn't have to go to jail for me. I just want my medical bills payed"

Like I said....

"Are your sure?


"Well miss Mayy you have to pay Mr. Grey 700$. Case closed" he slammed the gavel

*10 minutes later*

Me and Mason met eachother outside.

"So...I didn't send you to jail" he said


" don't deserve it, and I would miss you" he pulled up my chin

I looked at him smiling. "Look baby boy, thank you for not sending me to jail but you still cutt. So don't call me, don't come by and keep my name out your mouth. Because if you dont, you won't even make it to court next time" I pecked him cheek and walked away to my car.


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