Chapter Nineteen: Harry, Dear...Don't Flirt While Cooking!

Start from the beginning

"You -" I started, but Troy grabbed my fist as I tried to punch him. He went over to Lily and seized her hair. She let out a yelp of pain.

"Punch me and hot stuff feels your pain," Troy smirked.

"Call security," I whispered to Harry. Harry took out his phone and faked a call to his mum. Simon and two other lads came running in. They took a look at the scene, Cher and Nikki backed up against the wall in fear, Harry and Zayn glaring at Troy, and Liam holding Louis back from plunging at the guy at his sister. Lily held by her hair, and me with my fist being held back. They rushed for Troy and grabbed him, telling him to scram off premises before they called the police. Trot skedaddled, and Lily massaged er scalp. I smothered her in a hug and she melted into it.

"Thanks," she whispered.

Lily's POV:

"Awww!" Cher and Nikki chorused once we had begged Simon for Nikki to stay, because she was so much fun. We were now in our room and Katie had been kicked out, so we gave her Katie's bed.

"He so likes you!" Nikki squealed, before Cher shushed her.

"Lily was wrongly accused - by Niall - of being a cheater. They broke up two weeks ago, at the same time as Louis and I." Cher said quietly.

"Oh," Nikki said. "CHOCOLATE SMURF!!!"

We stared at her. "Lightening the moment!" She said.

"Well, I for one am starving!" Cher voted. "Nando's or cook downstairs?"

"Oh, let's cook!" Nikki said eagerly. "I wanna see the house a bit!"

"Okay, I'll tell the boys," I said. Nikki waited for me to leave. I laughed, and threw a book at the wall. "BOYS, HOW'D YOU FEEL ABOUT COOKING A MEAL TOGETHER?"

"SURE THING!" They screamed.

"They're next door?" Nikki asked, mildly.

"What, you're not taken aback by the noise?" Cher wondered, uncovering her ears.

"What noise?"

"Oh God," I smiled, and burst out laughing. "Come on, let's go to the shop and get some things."

"Darling, I'd still catch a grenade for you!

Throw my hand on a blade for you!

I'd jump in front of a train for you!" my phone exploded to life, and at the exact same time, Cher's burst out with,

"Dime divas,

Give it to me,

Hopped up out of bed,

Turned my swag on!"

"Cheryl," We said in unison. "Hello?"

"Hi, Lily!" Cheryl said. "Is Cher recievin' the call?"

"Yuh-huh," I said. "But not just call us one at a time?"

"No fun!" Cheryl exclaimed. "I have a special visitor for you downstairs in the living room, okay? See to her, Lily, Cher?"

"Yes," we chorused. Who was the special visitor? Nikki, Cher and I padded downstairs, curiously.

Little Miss.


"Abi!" Nikki laughed and hugged her, jumping on her back, and twirled her round.

"The glass table - oh well," I grimaced as a huge crash met my ears.

"WHAT'S ALL THE NOISE?!" Harry bellowed. "Little Miss!"

"It's Abi," Abi corrected.

"Right," Harry said. "Sorry, this famous people thing kinda blows me away."

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