Chapter I - Autumn Leaves

Start from the beginning


The high pitched squeal of distressed tires on the road jerked me into oblivion, as my restricted body was convulsed against the side of the dark enclosed box which I currently lay in. The cold metal floor serves as an uncomfortable pillow, and the ties on my hands restrict any movement. An ominous black haze surrounds me as no light apart from the slithers that shine through the van's door hinges, lights my confinements. My body's unnatural position, made me vulnerable to being through about, at the high speeds and reckless driving from the driver. Tomorrow my skin will be kissed by bruises, from the sharp inanimate objects, which too jerk from side to side, and intrusively pierce my skin.

I lost track of time, no longer aware if the slither of the sun rays which cast through the joints of the van's doors, come from a morning sunrise, or an evening sunset. The road now became smooth, allowing me to push my upper body up into a sitting position, using one of the vans walls to support my weight. My hands tingled numbly, at the effort of my restraints, which still bound my arms tightly behind my back. Not a moment later my body lurches sideways as my body hurdles forcefully towards the unwelcoming hard metal floor, at the sudden screeching stop. I lay immobile on the floor as my stomach surges with anticipation, as the question which plagues my mind still, will be answered. Were have they taken me?

It is but a minute before, I hear the doors screeches, as they are forcefully pulled open. A blinding waterfall of white light obstructs my vision, and I clamp my eyes shut to subside it's harsh glare. A strong colossal grip on my upper arm, drags me backwards towards the open doors, and the rough material of a blindfold is placed over my already closed eyes. My head is yanked back as the blindfold is harshly knotted, to completely obstruct my vision. A ghostly gasp escapes my lips, at the unexpected tightness. "Sorry Princess, it's protocol." This time a slightly more vivacious and playful tone takes the voice of the man who keeps me captive. "Follow my lead", it firmly states as if half expecting me to scream and fight back. The mysterious man begins to tug and push me along. A distance in front of me, I hear the baritone voice of the emerald eyed man, "Take her to Michael" he orders. At this the man who pushes me along, jerks me harshly forwards, to fasten my pace.

As I continue to take wide strides, the low buzz of civilisation becomes louder and louder. A gust of warm air blows against my exposed skin, I we presumably enter a building. Explosions of noise surround me; my ears more sensitive at the lack of sight. Whispers of problems and battles plague, the dead silence of nature, which lays behind the confinements of this building. The few minutes it takes to walk across the building and be taken to see 'Michael', I spend trying to understand half sentences of others conversations, so that I could determine where I was. At last our trek comes to a stop. A fast paced knock, pelts the door before me, and a gruff reply comes immediately, "Come in." I am once again jerked forwards into the confinements of the room before me and in one fluid motion, large hands descend on my shoulders pushing me forcefully to sit down on the hard surface of a chair.

The blindfold which constricts my vision is wrenched from its place, and my eyes flutter as they adjust to the bright light's harsh glare. Before me, my eyes focus on a smartly dressed man with impeccable cleanliness. His brunette hair gelled to perfection, and a dangerous glint in his jade eyes. A firm nod from the man I presume to be Michael, calls for the bounds around my wrist to be cut free. I rest my wrists on my lap and massage the bruises that scatter my skin. All others take exit, closing the door promptly, leaving me with the man who sits comfortably on his leather chair.

"Do you know where you are?" He questioned as his mischievous gaze locked onto my own.

"No" I fired bluntly.

"Do you know why you are here?" His questioning tone ricochets off of the white bare walls of the office like room. I remain silent, partially glaring my eyes at the obvious question, as I focused my attention on a professional photograph, of a group of men, all suited and styled to impress, which hangs on the wall behind him.

Abruptly the door to the office opens, I swivel my head to look at the intruder. A young man stands breathless at the door as if he had just ran a marathon. Regaining his composure he moves towards Michael and hands him a folder with files. "The file Sir", the young man annunciates. Then promptly pivots on his toes, shots me an encouraging smile and takes his leave out of the door.

Michael opens the file and begins to scan over its contents before, he lifts his eyes and focuses his attention back to my disheveled form. "So, Evelyn Rose. Do you know who I am?" He questions tauntingly.

"No" I reply shortly.

"Good. Call me Michael." He informs me as his eyes shift down to the file again, scanning its
contents. Muttering broken thoughts, as he reads the file which presumably contains my personal information. "Orphan", "A* student." He sets the file down. "You are quite the package." He interjects as his jade eyes fall onto my wild brunette locks and steel grey eyes. "You will remain here at AA. You will be feed and shall attend training until we are positive that you won't go blabbing."

Of course I know that AA stands for 'Assassination Agency' as the man who stands so proudly next to Michael in the photograph hanging on the wall is my father. They just don't know that. With a hesitant nod from my behalf, he calls in a structured young man to escort me to my temporary room. Advising that I nourish myself with the food which will be delivered to my room and rest for tomorrow.


This is the first book that I have written, so please do comment on any mistakes that I have made like spelling, punctuation and grammar as well as any loop holes in my plot which don't add up.

Evelyn xx

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