Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 16

Start from the beginning

“I’m really sorry, Travis. I know I put you through a lot. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

“You were thinking about yourself. You wanted to come out without a scratch on you, never mind anyone else you might hurt in the meantime.” I looked him directly in the eye. “I tried to give you a chance, Landon. I expected you to trust me. I trusted you. I believed that you were innocent, but that hardly meant anything.”

“You knew I didn’t do it?” he raised his eyebrows hopefully.

“As I said, it meant nothing.” I took a deep breath. “If there’s nothing else, I’d appreciate it if you left now.”

“Travis, I really am sorry.” He said softly.

“Maybe one day I’ll acknowledge your apology as something.” I said fighting to keep my voice from cracking.

“I guess I deserve that much.” He nodded. he made to turn around and I shut my eyes before opening them again.

“Landon?” He turned around with a hopeful smile on his face. I walked towards him and punched him square in the jaw. “You deserve that too.”

I turned around and walked back into the house without so much as a glance behind me. My breaths were getting shallower, my feet heavier. It was hard for me to focus in all this. It was times like these when I just wanted to escape. To run away and pretend like none of it happened.

“Travis?” I looked up to see Evelyn coming out of the kitchen. “Are you okay? I could have sworn I heard Landon’s voice.”

“Yea, he was here. I told him to leave.” I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry Evelyn. I never meant to drag you into all of this.”

“I’m over it.” she pushed me back but held her hands on my shoulders. “We can’t change the past, Travis. If I can move past this, I suggest that you do the same. It’ll eat away at you until you’re nothing.”

I was taken aback by her words. As she walked away I huffed in realization. She was right, as odd as it sounded coming from the person who was in fact in the traumatic situation. I smiled and decided that I would take her advice and move on. No matter how many times I fell off the wagon on my way there.

“Guess who?” a voice said as a pair of hands covered my eyes.

“Judging by the cupcakes I smell, I’d go out on a limb and say Brock?” I asked.

“I think I should start wearing a manly body spray or something. I can’t smell like cupcakes wherever I go.” He said sniffing his t-shirt.

“I like it. I like food, it’s one of my favorite things.” I said.

“So if I smell like food does that mean that I’m one of your favorite things too?” he smiled.

I bit my lip. “You could be.”

He leaned forward and my lips parted in surprise. Our lips were millimeters from touching when someone threw a sandwich in my lap. I glared at the item and then at the person who threw it.

“Find a room guys. Seriously, have a little compassion.” Adrian said seating himself down next to me.

“You have Evelyn.” I said still glaring.

“She’s mad at me.” he pouted. “Apparently I was supposed to ask her to the prom and not just assume that she’d go with me.”

“She’s a girl. What else did you expect?” I asked.

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