Chapter 14

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We all packed up and loaded up onto the bus, I sat next to Choa because she asked me to. I still hadn't asked her about the text.. I guess I was nervous or scared about her answer.

Taehyung hadn't said anything either. He's just as rude as Choa! What the heck!

We were halfway back to the school when I decided to finally bring up the courage and ask Choa about it.

"I, uh, saw the text you sent to Taehyung the other day.." I muttered out as I fiddled with my fingers.

She turned her gaze over to me with her eyes widened. "You what?"

"The text you sent Taehyung. The one that asked him if he told somebody about something. I saw it and it's been bothering me ever since I saw it." I kept my gaze down, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Oh.. Don't worry about it. You'll find out soon and I can't tell you because I promised that I wouldn't. It's hurting me to keep a secret from you..." She replied, her tone soft and full of sorrow.

I nodded my head and looked out the bus window, watching the scenery pass by.

By the time we got back, school was already almost done. There was about an hour and a half left of classes until we got to go home. So I can pick up Joseph and get my phone! Yay!

I plopped down in my seat in class, the rest of the students in my class started piling in. The instructors said that we'd be spending the rest of the day in this class. We could talk, go on our phones, and do whatever.

Talking to people was so boring but I had no choice but to do so because I had nothing else to do except for read, which I didn't feel like doing. I talked to some of my classmates, Choa, Taehyung, and to my teacher a bit. I wanted to ask Tae about the text but I wasn't sure if I should. He'd most likely get a bit upset with me for looking at his phone when it wasn't my business. It's not my job to look at his private stuff.

Finally, the bell rang for school to get out.

I was already halfway out the door when I realized it was raining. Taehyung ran up behind me and put his hand on my arm.

"Lemme take you home. It's raining outside, you'll get sick if you walk in this.." He gazed down at me. He was right. I don't really wanna get sick.

I nodded my head and he gave me his jacket, I refused it the first time before he rolled his eyes in annoyance and forcefully pulled it onto me. The jacket was huge on me and I felt like a small mouse... He grabbed my arm and pull me to him lightly, wrapping his arm around my waist as he walked to his car.

His car was here the entire time...?

I quickly got inside and waited for him to shake off his wet hair before handing his jacket back.

"Thanks, Tae..." When I said his name, I saw a smile spread across his lips. He must've liked the nickname.

He started driving after throwing his jacket in the backseat. I gave him the directions to my house as he drove around.

He parked in front of my house and glanced over at me. I feel like I should ask about that text.. I'm stressing too much about it..

"So, uh, do you remember that night when you were fixing my bandages...?" I muttered out, keeping my gaze down. He nodded his head. "Well, in the morning... You got a text from Choa that said something about telling somebody something..."

This made his gaze turn over to me, confused.

"You read my messages?" I bit my bottom lip, rubbing the balcony of my neck.

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