Chapter 9

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I attached a YouTube video of Taehyung singing 'Paper Hearts' and I died while listening it. I'm now a ghost writing a book for you. You're welcome. I hope you enjoy the video by the way. Don't sue me for killing you please. If the video/audio doesn't work, pm and I'll give you the link to the video on Youtube.

I woke up, gasping for air. I quickly sat up and rubbed my forehead that was dripping sweat.

'It was all just a dream...' I thought to myself as I grabbed my phone and look at the time.

6:17 AM

I had barely an hour to get ready so I jumped up and quickly ran into the bathroom with my uniform in my arms. I took the fastest shower I've ever taken. I kid you not that it lasted about 10 minutes, maybe less. I quickly texted my aunt and told her that Joseph would be staying with her until Friday and that she can get him whenever she has the chance.

Time check; 6:29 AM.

I have less than twenty minutes. I quickly dried my hair and put on my uniform. I then put on a layer of mascara on my eyelashes then grabbed my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder as I ran into Josephs room. After I kissed his forehead and whispered "I'll see you in a couple days", I left the house.

I fast-walked as fast as my little legs could carry me. When I got to the campus, I was surprised that I didn't collapse or anything...

After I walked inside, I went inside my classroom that was going camping. A lot of people were here, mostly because there was only at least 5 more minutes until we would all leave.

I glared at Taehyung as he glared at me until I sat next to Choa. I felt really bad for Ji-Hyun because she wasn't in this class and she'd be lonely until Friday...

"Anything new between you and Taehyung?" Choa whispered to me as she leaned closer, making sure nobody else heard.

I shook my head, whispering back. "Not really. We're just friends, I don't really expect any more than that. Do you have any idea how bad it would be if we became more than friends? Every single one of his fangirls would bully me and make sure I never even looked at him unless I had to."

She smiled and laughed a bit, nodding her head which meant she agreed with me.

The bell rang and the teacher walked in, taking roll. Half of the class wasn't here because midterm exams were in a couple weeks and they needed to study. Which I needed to also but whatever, I'll do it when I get back home.

We all went outside and loaded the bus, sitting next to friends or sitting alone for the hour long bus ride. I decided to sit alone so I could relax and read a book I brought.

I dozed off after about 15 minutes, the chatter on the bus fading quickly.


I looked in front of my seat as I sat alone, seeing Jo's friend then seeing Jo across from her in another seat, napping away. I had to admit, she was pretty adorable when she slept- NO STOP THINKING THAT! YOU CAN'T FALL FOR A NERD LIKE HER.

I smirked against my thoughts, ignoring my brain yelling at itself, as my gaze went back to Choa. I had a small idea just then.

I scooted up a seat, making Choa look up at me in absolute shock like I was some kind of flying lion.


"Tell me about Jo Ba-ha." I quickly said. I was extremely curious about getting to know her but I didn't just want to blurt out to her 'tell me about your life and what you do'.

She stuttered at first like she was trying to find the right words to say.

"Uh, she, uhmm... Well, she's a girl! And she's pretty amazing!" Like I didn't already know that...

"Continue.." I mumbled.

She nodded her head as she breathed in and out, trying to calm herself I assumed.

"Jo is an amazing girl and she's super nice and caring and absolutely loveable. I couldn't ask for a better best friend than her. She's been talking a little bit about you at lunch lately with Ji-Hyun and I and to be honest... She's a bit worried about you..."

I stared at her in confusion. She's been talking about me? "Worried about what?" I blurted out.

"Well.... Uhm... She said that she was worried that you two would become more than friends. I think she's afraid that if you two decide to go farther or something, all of your fangirls will go after her."

I nodded my head at her response. I completely understand that. How could I not see that? I wish all of these girls would back off of my back and just leave me alone sometimes. It's like I can't even breathe anymore with them fluttering around me, talking about me, spraying perfume on themselves and then walking by me to make me smell it, giving me love letters, confessing, trying to sit by me at any time of the day, and it even gets far enough that they follow me home!

"Is that all?" I asked as I looked down at my knees.

"She also has a small backstory. The only people how know about it are Ji-Hyun and myself..." She replied with a slight shrug.

"Oh. Well, gomabseubnida." I smile at her before turning back to my seat, plopping down as I ran my hand through my hair. I didn't think she'd think about all of that stuff. I haven't thought about any of it.

Although, she's been on my mind for a while but I didn't think it'd get this far. She's different than my fangirls. She isn't obsessed with me, she doesn't wear perfume, ...

I saw the lotion in her bag, I'm not a stalker...

...She doesn't flirt, and she's not all over me like I'm an idol or something. What I really want to know is what her backstory is... Is it bad? Choa made it sound like it was the end of the world.

I just hope that her backstory is over with and she's not dealing with any pain or anything right now. To be honest, I feel bad for her. I don't understand why she's not having guys swarm all over her like bees to honey.

As thoughts swarmed through my head, I gazed at her as she slept, admiring her features.

His One And Only// Kim TaehyungWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt