Chapter 8

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When we got to school, I immediately walked away from him. I didn't want anybody to think me and Taehyung were together or anything.

Which I wouldn't mind because everybody would be jealous and they'd all be mad at me for getting the guy that they've wanted ever since he transfered here.

I ran to my locker and stuffed everything inside and grabbed all that I needed before slamming my locker shut and running to class as fast as I could. I had literally never been late to a class before. And that was NOT going to happen today!

I sighed happily as I sat in a seat near the back of the room. I was a mess and I didn't really want anybody to see me. I wasn't even wearing makeup today except for the leftover I was wearing yesterday so it was probably smeared a little bit.

I ran my hand through my hair as the bell rang and the teacher walked in, starting to teach the lesson.


When I got to the class I had with Taehyung, he sat next to me and I looked at him like he was wanting to get me killed by every single person in this room.

The bell rang and he poked my cheek.

"Yah, what do you want?" I whispered as the teacher began to teach the lesson of the day.

"I'm bored already..." He mumbled, keeping his eyes on me.

I scoffed and shook my head, trying to ignore him as I took notes.

Throughout the lesson, he was really touchy. His hands were either poking me or grabbing my shoulder to try to get my attention. But it wasn't working

"Yah! What do you want?!" I whispered to him angrily.

"I want attention! I'm bored and I don't like this class.." He mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.

I sighed and shook my head, ignoring him once again. But apparently, he didn't like being ignored because he scooted closer to me, setting his chin on my shoulder as he stared at me. I knew for a fact that, that brought a couple pair of eyes to our attention.

Many whispers were heard before he pulled away, looking back forwards just as the teacher turned around and looked at the class.

"Okay class, starting tomorrow, we will be on a class camping trip. Only us will be going deep into the woods and camping out. It'll be fun so you better come. You will be going home on Friday afternoon, close to when school ends. You will be excused for Friday if you choose to go home, or if you want to stay at school. Bring whatever you need for tomorrow and don't be late! We will be leaving at eight in the morning so be here by seven. You may be dismissed..." just then, the bell rang.

I was ecstatic that we'd all be going out in the wilderness tomorrow! That means no fighting parents! But what about Joseph? Maybe I can call our aunt and she can most likely take care of him until I'm back.

I saw Taehyung smiling and biting his bottom lip out of the corner of my eye. He looked like he was deep in thought. What was he thinking about?


When I got home after school, I immediately checked on Joseph to find him playing with his collection of toy dinosaurs. He smiled when he saw me and jumped up, quickly giving me a huge hug.

I laughed a but and ruffled his hair. "Joseph, I'm going on a school camping trip for a couple days.. That means I have to drop you off by Aunties house until I get back. We will be leaving tomorrow so hurry up and start putting the stuff you want to take in the middle of the room so I can help you pack up." I said, making him nod his head and start throwing clothes in the middle of the room. I watched for a couple seconds before going to my room and quickly start packing.

"Shorts, tank tops, shirts, bathing suit, sunscreen, bug spray, hair ties, shoes, jackets, sleeping bag, tent, a pillow, blankets, a flashlight, batteries, socks, mascara, portable charger.... What am I forgetting?" I packed like I was going to an abandoned island. I was just being cautious! You never know what could happen!

I zipped up my suitcase with a sigh as I set it next to my bedroom door. I walked back to Josephs room, seeing a pile in the middle of his room, I grabbed his suitcase and packed a couple things that were in the pile. Clothes, a few toys, shoes, socks, undies, and his tooth brush and toothpaste. The rest was already at our aunts house. Which wasn't a good thing...

"You're all packed, buddy!" I said as he smiled up at me. "Now, wanna go help me make dinner?" He nodded his head excitedly and ran out of his room towards the kitchen.

I followed behind him and grabbed a stool, picking him up and setting him on top of it. Since I was a bit in the mood for waffles, I prepared our grandmother's homemade waffles. Joseph loved him so I felt like making then.

After we watched them cook in the waffle maker and come out perfect, he quickly gobbled them up as I cleaned up the kitchen.

Before we knew it, it was bedtime. We brushed our teeth together and then I tucked him in. Once he fell asleep, I left asleep note for my parents on the fridge saying that I would be gone for a couple days on a school trip.

Not like they would care anyway...

Around midnight, I finished my homework and ended up going to bed right as my head hit the pillow.

~In Jo Ba-ha's dreams~

I sat in my tent as I waited for my tent partner to come and greet me. I hope it was Choa or Ji-Hyun...

Instead, I was greeted by Taheyung. A noisy and annoying, Kim Taehyung.

Before I knew it, the darkness blanketed the forest. I decided to go on a late night walk so I slipped on my shoes and let out a sigh as I walked through the dark forest, my path lit up by the bright moon.

I froze once I heard a twig snap behind me. I quickly turned around to see nothing there. I shook my head and looked back forwards as I kept walking.

I heard another twig snap but this time, I saw the annoying Kim Taehyung.

He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. I was shocked but I hugged back.

Why was he hugging me?

He pulled away and gazed down at me. Before I could react or say anything, he leaned down and pressed his soft lips against mine. This made me more shocked than the hug.

I didn't want the kiss to end but it did after what felt like barely a second.

He shook his head and combed his hair with his hand, turning around and quickly running back down the trail towards the camp. He was already gone from my sight. I ran in the direction I thought the camp was but it never came.

Was I lost? Does that tree stump look familiar? I don't remember seeing this part of the trail...

"Taehyung!" I screamed his name, hoping he'd come and help me.

Nothing. Not even a bug or the wind was heard except for my breathing and my heart beat.

I screamed louder. And louder, louder, louder, louder....

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