Chapter 14

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Jacqui's Pov

I open the door to find Lily and Daisy sitting down in a corner, with their legs pulled up to their chest.

As soon as we walk into the room, both of their heads snap up. I look into their eyes and all I can see fear and pain held in them.

Mahalia walks forward and Daisy and Lily change their expression of their face from fear to joy.

"Mahalia you actually came back for us, I didn't think you would..."
Daisy frowns at what Lily says.

"Of course she would come back for us, why wouldn't she?"

Lily just shrugs at Daisy's question.
Mahalia makes her way towards where Daisy and Lily are seated on the cold wooden ground.

Mahalia puts her hand out, and Daisy took it gratefully. Daisy then helps Lily.

We soon hear some noises down the hall. We all look at one another in fright.

"We need to go now,"
We all agree with Mahalia.

We slowly walk out of the room, locking the door behind us to make it look like Daisy and Lily are still in that room.

We carefully make our way down the corridor trying not to make any noises. We stop at a corner, and Daisy peeps her head around to where Andrew was sleeping on the couch.

She turns back around to us.
"He's still asleep, we've got to move quick,"

Mahalia and Leo nod their heads while Lily and I just look at one another.

Daisy is the first to move quickly, then Leo, then Lily, then me and then Mahalia.

We quietly shut the door behind us, and Leo hacks into the security camera system again, this time making sure that the cameras are turned on to make it look like nothing has happened.

He nods his head to signal everything is okay.

We slowly start to walk away, then we break into a run when we are out of site from the house.

We stop after a while of running to take a breath.

Mahalia walks away from the group, while trying to to look where we are through the fog.

The fog soon clears and we can all see buildings.

Mahalia runs back to us.

We all jump in happiness as we start to make our way towards the roads and buildings.

We soon reach the roads and it doesn't take people long to notice us.

Like seriously how couldn't you notice us? We had bruises and scratches, and some of our clothes were torn.

A young man that looked about the age of 25, saw us and came over to help us.

"Do you need any help? Here I'll take you to a hospital,"
I smiled at him thankfully as he returned the smile.

"Hey, you, come and help out with these people. We need to get them to a hospital as soon as possible," he shouted to a women that looked aged in her early 20's.

She quickly ran over to us and took my hand. 
"My name is Rose, are you hurt?"
I smiled at her and spoke.

"I'm Jacqui, we have just escaped two kidnappers, one by the name Mark Wyson. His son is here. Leo Wyson. Leo helped me escape. We then  rescued Mahalia, Daisy and Lily who were all kidnapped by Andrew Latkins. Apparently one of the most feared kidnappers there is,"

Rose seems shocked at what I have said. She takes a moment to process it all. She nods her head.

She smiled at me kindly and makes her way to Lily and Daisy.
She helps them out, but putting both of her arms around their waists, and guiding them.

I look around for Leo. As soon as I spot him I quickly walk over to where he is.

"How's your leg doing?"

"Um, okay I guess,"
He shrugs his shoulders.


I put my arm around his waist as he puts his arm around my neck. I guide him and follow Rose and the other man.

Soon we arrive at a hospital, in emergency.

It's about 10 minutes after we arrive that we finally get treated.

I smile at the nurse, after she cleaned up some of my cuts with some disinfect. I am then allowed to go and visit Leo, Mahalia, Daisy and Lily, which are all happy to see me.

I smile as I walk towards Leo.

He has just come out if surgery. Then had to take out the bullet, which was still in his wound.

"Hey, how are you doing? It looked like the bullet didn't even enter your leg,"

He laughs at what I say.
"Hmm, maybe you weren't looking close enough? Yeah I doing okay. How are you?"

"Ew, I didn't really need to look close to that wound. It was nasty. Oh I'm fine. I only escaped with some cuts and bruises."

He laughs again and shoots me a smile. I quickly return it. I walk over and give him a hug.

"Thank you Leo for saving me. I fit wasn't for you, then I would still 've there, and none of the other girls would be here either," I gently kiss his cheek.

I look down at him again, as his cheeks turn pink. I smile.

I walk away to see Daisy, Lily and Mahalia. I meet up with them.

"Hey girls, how are you guys coping?"

"Yeah we are okay. But we really need to thank you. You saved our lives. If it weren't for you, then we would still be there, and I doubt for much longer,"

I smile and give each one of them a hug. They gratefully return it.

Well, now I just have to find a phone, where we are and the name of the man that helped us get to a hospital.


And there is another chapter guys and girls!!! Sorry if this one is bad, I was sick when I wrote it aha.

972 words!!! I think this may be my longest chapter so far!! But I will be making my chapters longer so song you worry.

That's all from me for now. Until the next chapter.

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Love you all xx

-Renae xoxo

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