Chapter 12

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Jacqui's Pov
I am woken by the sound of a girl crying out for help. I quickly get up and wake Leo. He rubs his eyes slowly and falls back asleep.

I groan at his action.
I start walking as it is daylight. I bring a pocket knife with me just in case.

The cries of the girl get louder as I continue my way.
Suddenly I spot the girl crying out. She is sitting on the ground and she looks like she is in tears. I see a lot of cuts on her, so I decide to go and help her. She looks about the same age as me.

I slowly walk up to her being very cautious of her actions. Once she spots me she backs away quickly and starts crying again.

"No no I'm not going to hurt you, I've just escaped from a kidnapper. It's okay. Tell me your name." I say kindly.

She stutters for a bit before she finally speaks.
"My na-ame is Ma-ha-lia, what's y-our na-ame?" She asks me sweetly.

"My name is Jacqui. And I have a friend with me who helped me escape his dad from torturing us. His name is Leo, don't worry he is sweet." I say.

"So tell me, why are you out here? Are you okay?" I ask her.
"Well like you I have escaped from my kidnapper and yeah as you can see he liked to torture me. And I hated every minute of it. But he still has my sister Lily and my cousin Daisy."She explained sadly.

"I can associate with that Mahalia." I say and show a small smile. She returns the smile.

I walk over to her and help her up. "Come back to our small camp, we have plenty of food and water." I say.
She nods her head in agreement and we start walking.

We soon reach our camp and I see Leo turn around quickly. He has a questionable look on his face.

"Leo, this is Mahalia, Mahalia, Leo. Mahalia has escaped a kidnapper as well." I explain for him.

"What was your kidnappers name?" Leo asks kindly.

"Ah I think his name was Andrew Latkins. Yeah Andrew Latkins. He was a horrible man." Mahalia says sadly.

I look at her sadly.
Leo shakes his head at Mahalia's answer. "My dad was friends with him. That was the guy who was going to take you Jacqui. I'm very sorry you had to deal with him Mahalia." Leo says.

"Mahalia would you like something to eat and drink?" I ask her politely.

"Yes please, I have been out in the woods for a few days now." She says.

I reach over to the bag and grab an Apple and a bottle of water.
I hand them to her and she takes them greatfully.

"Thank you." She says quietly.

I nod my head.

"So who are the other people you said that were still there?" Leo asks.

"Ah there was my cousin, Daisy, my sister Lily. They are still there and I really want to go back and help them escape." Mahalia says with a mouthful of apple. She swallows the apple in her mouth then washes it down with some water.

She puts the water bottle down and throws the apple core away.

"Ah, uhm.. where do I um go to the ah toilet?" Mahalia asks nervously.
I chuckle at her nervousness.

"Ah just out there, like anywhere we can't see you haha." I explain.

She nods her head and walks off. As she walks off a picture fall out of her pocket without her realising.

Leo goes and picks it up and shock covers his face.

"What is it Leo?" I ask gently.

"She has a picture of m-y mum,"

Mahalia slowly comes back into view.
Leo turns around and shows Mahalia the picture of his mum.

"Why do you have a picture of my mum?" He asks

"What are you talking about? That's my mum."

They both gasp and run into a massive hug.

"Mahalia, is that truly you?" He asks.

"Yes!! It is, I can't believe I found you!"

"Okay so what is actually going on here?" I but in.

"Well my parents always told me that I have a long lost twin. They told me that it was a she, and her name is Mahalia, ever since that day I have been looking for a girl named Mahalia." Leo explains slowly.

I looked between them both and realised that they were very alike. They both had ocean blue eyes, and they had different coloured hair. While Leo had dark brown hair, Mahalia had blonde hair with light blonde strips in it.

"Ohhh, so that's why you guys hugged." I said

They both nodded.

"Okay let's get going," I say.

The other two just nod their heads and we walk off.


And that's another chapter done!!

Who would've known that Leo nd Mahalia would be long lost twins!!!

Haha can't wait to write the next chapter!!

Remember to vote and comment please!! Thank you

-Renae xoxo

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