"I won't deny that my smartest moves didn't help me there, but to think that four years, with a merely finished college degree, I started a life, I think it was a miracle." He chuckles.

"How did you start your company? Four years is barely enough to be in where you are?" I try to avoid the darkest part of his past by my question. I don't think he's comfortable explaining further into that, yet I feel I have millions questions to ask.

"Amelia's father helped me out, for a trade off deal. I had my father's money, I worked for two years prior to that, then I bought one of his small companies for a portion payment every month, plus the money I had." ok, wow, I didn't see that coming. "Turned out, I can make more than him,"

It's good to see that he would like to share his past with me, inform me of what he wouldn't tell any of his subs.

"Did you get into drugs and stuff while you were in the group?" I ask.

"No, no, nothing like that. I wasn't the cleanest of them. I didn't have sex, I didn't smoke. The only downfall was that I was a part of the group. "They did some horrible stuff that I have nightmares sometimes. If I can turn back time, I would never ever enter that club."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I offer him a sad frown,

"Me, too. Anyways, I met this lifestyle while I was surrounded by the pressure of the company. I was in this club that had rooms for some reasons, so when one of the waitresses grabbed my hand and dragged me there, she asked me to whip her, I knew then what was happening, I'd heard of it, before, being a part of that doomed and f*cking group,"

"Why would she ask that?" I'm confused as to why would anyone ask to get tortured and whipped.

"Submissive," he arches an eyebrow as in the bluntness of its reason. "When agreeing into BDSM, usually, both sides want things, the Submissives want to get pleasure, wants to enjoy the pain, wants to be controlled, dominants want to show domination, control them,"

"So the punishment back in the mansion in Malibu was a part of enjoying pain and being controlled?" I ask him, challenging him.

"I agree it was brutal for someone like you, I should have known the boundaries," he sighs deeply, shaking his head. "Besides, I was mad and it was never my intention to do that to you. I was supposed to stay and soothe you, a part of a dominant's job,"

"Someone like me?" I raise an eyebrow, offended.

"Yes, someone who hasn't had any taste of this lifestyle, and more than that, you had never been punished, you wouldn't know, I must admit, this stupid contract is a horrible failure, what was I thinking? Asking you to agree on a semi-BDSM contract, of course, it would fail; you don't have a sub bone in your body,"

"Is this your first time agreeing to this contract?" I ask, shocked.

"Of course it is, I have never had any relationship with anyone other than BDSM and some one night stands for almost seven years. You are the only one I would break that record, but I guess I screwed up big time. This stupid contract," he mutters.

"What about Amelia? Does she play a part in your BDSM life?"

"Yeah, her," he chuckles lightly. "I knew you would ask about her. And I'm sorry to disappoint you, baby, but no, if any; I was the one who introduce her into this lifestyle. She caught me with one of my Subs one day; I had to explain to her about it. She somehow heard about it before, but finding me in action, she wanted to try it with me and me being the idiot, I took the invitation.

"Later, I understood what a stupid decision it was, when we went out and it was getting heated up between the two of us, I told her and asked her kindly to break our agreement. Although she was really angry, she agreed and left the US."

Blazes of Temptation- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now