Chapter Five

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"I don't know Paul, I'm tired. I really need to be getting home," I sighed rubbing my knuckles.

"Come on babe, I already got the pizza or should I say pizzas," his smile never faltered and even after the altercation on the ride.

"Paul I really want to just go home-"

"And where would home be," the bleach blonde asked from the front of the group.

I didn't answer, and with that he turned to face me. His ice blue eyes froze me to the spot. I didn't have an answer.

"Would it be under the desk in the video store you work in? Or how about with those Frog dweebs that run that Comic store? Maybe you live at the church you walk to every night?" he smirked knowingly. "You don't have a home do you? You just don't want to be seen with us right?"

"I don't care to be seen with you. I don't know you. I don't trust you. I've heard things that from this interaction so far, I'd believe to be true..."



"I know,"

"Sorry angel, I couldn't help but tell my friends about how beautiful you are," Marko snickered from the other side of Paul. We'd stopped walking and ended up on one end of the boardwalk, mostly away from everyone else. That wasn't good, many people are safe. Safety in numbers and getting lost in crowds are good. My nerves are definitely just about shot after tonight. Deep breathing babe, deep breathing.

"No need to be so nervous doll," blondie smirked, he had beautifully white teeth. He had white blonde hair, ice blue eyes that froze you to the core, pale skin, light stubble, and a mullet. Party in the front, business in the back or something like that. He had a twisted metal dangly earring, some kind of black shirt that was obscured by a leather jacket and then a trench coat over top of that, a pair of black leather gloves. Yeah because I really am going to trust the guy who is dressed like he's ready to murder me and get away with it. His jeans were dark blue, almost black and he had a pair of black leather boots under those. He just stood there watching me. Watching me analyze him.

"I'm not nervous. I just don't like you. I don't. I don't know how to say it any other way. I would really appreciate if you would get your puppy to stop coming into the shop to get me too. It's nothing personal or anything- I just get this really bad vibe man. This is a dangerous place, Santa Carla, and you guys are trouble. You're the Lost Boys and this is a mess that I really don't feel like getting any more involved than what I already am," I paused looking to Marko, "I really appreciate you saving my ass earlier." I walked to him, putting a hand on his shoulder to give me the small boost I needed to peck him lightly on the cheek. "And you, Dwayne," I smiled as I untied his bandana from my belt loop and handed it to him, "Thank you for being there when I needed you."

"You'll never have to worry about him again," he breathed.

"Thank you, seriously," I kissed him lightly on the cheek too before turning to Paul. "Thank you for picking me up that night. I appreciate what you were trying to do... Just know that you don't ever have to do it again. I'll take better care of myself. And uh, thank you all for not letting Greg and his guys knock the shit out of me while I was laying Shelly out."

"Not a problem doll. We'll see you tomorrow night," David smiled as a brunette girl slid past me and to his motorcycle. She took his hand and settled herself behind him. A little boy flew past my other leg and ran towards Dwayne who picked the little boy up with a smile. "Hold on Laddie," he muttered as he settled the little boy behind him.

"I don't think you understand-" "See ya later babe," Paul laughed as he kissed my cheek and hopped on his own bike.

"I don't want to see you again. I'm not a Lost Boy. I'm not one of you. I don't fit in."

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