Chapter Four

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The gas station I had been talking about was a bit farther away then I'd admitted to the Frogs. Nonetheless I need a new pack of cigarettes and it was halfway to the church.

I have to say looking back at what just occurred, I am damn fucking lucky Marko was there. Not only a few minuets ago, I could have died.

I was walking down the street, not far from the gas station. A couple of blocks away if that. I knew I should have been paying better attention but I really had no common sense sometimes.

I had stopped and pulled out my little portable cassette player and put in a demo some 'friends' in Los Angeles had given me. I think they called it Appetite for Destruction, which was a great name to me, it summed up their band and Los Angeles so well. Especially Welcome to the Jungle, now that was my jam.

I hooked the cassette player to my side and began down the street again, my last cigarette in hand. That was when everything seemed to slow in my mind. I forgot to look for cars before crossing the street. I slowly brought my cigarette from my mouth, exhaling slowly. I didn't hear the cars horn but the lights made it apparent to me fairly quickly. This car wasn't slowing down. This car was going to hit me. Hard. My body tensed up and I couldn't move out of fear. I dropped my cigarette and closed my eyes quickly.

I did get hit but not by the car. The air was knocked out of me literally and I laid there breathing hard before opening my eyes. Staring back at me was a set of olive green eyes. What the fuck? What the actual fuck? His lips were moving but I couldn't hear him. I hit my cassette player and pulled my headphones off.

"What?" I asked quietly

"Are you alright," he asked, putting a gloved hand on my cheek.

I started to notice the world around me and I sat up quickly. I had been crumpled into his chest, and I was now sitting on his hips.

"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Probably a little scraped up but I'd rather be injured than dead. Are you okay? I mean you took most of the impact when we landed."

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," he smiled in a shy manner as he sat up, " I was more worried about you."

"Oh well, thank you again, so much," my arms wrapped around his neck as I hugged him tight. I guess he was a bit unsuspecting and lightly patted my back.

I pulled back and he just smiled, he hid it though behind his hand as he chewed on his nail.. I - oh god, I'm still sitting on this guy's lap.

"Oh shit," I said looking around," I'm sorry," I laughed getting up.

"It's no problem angel, I'd do it over and over again," he smiled.

"It's Cassandra, most people call me Sandra though."

"I'm Marko, it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too Marko," I smiled lightly at him, I couldn't help it.

He was maybe half a head taller than me and gorgeous in the most angelic way. He had honey blonde hair that curled in beautiful waves down his back, his olive green eyes were unlike any others I'd seen, he had golden tanned skin, and a cute mouth. He was really punky too, I was super into it. He had this amazing custom jacket, it had many different patches it was crazy! He had a white cropped tank top, a pair of jeans with black leather chaps, and a pair of brown leather motorcycle boots.

"Hey Sandra... Need a ride somewhere?"

"Nah man, I think I'll be alright, I'm going to get a pack of cigarettes and head home, I think," I smiled lightly as I turned.

"Alright, well I'll see you soon Angel, try to be more careful," he smiled and turned to walk down the sidewalk.

I turned to start my way down to the gas station and I heard the roar of a motorcycle. Jesus Christ. He's with Paul. He was probably the other guy he was talking to on the board walk. A Lost Boy saved me.

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